
096c3b4375d717c27871d06ae137456a94d9a82a — Peter John Hartman (wart) 3 years ago 63bb96b
Prevent overlapping with virtual keyboards.

Center dmenu on 3/4 of the screen
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M dmenu.c
M dmenu.c => dmenu.c +1 -1
@@ 969,7 969,7 @@ setup(void)
		if (centered) {
			mw = MIN(MAX(max_textw() + promptw, min_width), info[i].width - 50);
			x = info[i].x_org + ((info[i].width  - mw) / 2);
			y = info[i].y_org + ((info[i].height - mh) / 2);
			y = info[i].y_org + (((info[i].height * 3 / 4) - mh) / 2);
		} else {
			x = info[i].x_org;
			y = info[i].y_org + (topbar ? 0 : info[i].height - mh);