
6e32028c7614554be6771a1d503be7174f45ba36 — Maarten van Gompel a month ago 588d2b2
sxmo: updated network hooks to kill MQTT client on network change
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M sxmo/hooks/sxmo_hook_network_down.sh
M sxmo/hooks/sxmo_hook_network_up.sh
M sxmo/hooks/sxmo_hook_network_down.sh => sxmo/hooks/sxmo_hook_network_down.sh +1 -1
@@ 10,7 10,7 @@
# Some examples:

# Notify the user when a network goes down.
killall mosquitto_sub
killall -9 mosquitto_sub
sxmo_notify_user.sh "$2 ($1) down."
~/dotfiles/scripts/homecommand.sh status &
HOUR=$(date +%H) 

M sxmo/hooks/sxmo_hook_network_up.sh => sxmo/hooks/sxmo_hook_network_up.sh +1 -1
@@ 9,7 9,7 @@

# Notify the user if a network goes up.
sxmo_notify_user.sh "$2 ($1) up."
killall mosquitto_sub
killall -9 mosquitto_sub
~/dotfiles/scripts/homecommand.sh status &
HOUR=$(date +%H) 
if [ "$HOUR" -ge 09 ] && [ "$HOUR" -le 22 ]; then