@@ 1239,3 1239,20 @@ can set ~emacs-notepad-use-transient-prefix~ to ~nil~ in the
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-.") 'emacs-notepad-transient-prefix)))
+** Load the user's Org file with extra configurations
+This arrangement allows the user to load an extra file with
+configurations after everything else has been loaded. This is useful
+when, for example, the current Git repository is updated and the user
+needs to pull the changes without affecting the custom extensions they
+have written. The file is called =emacs-notepad-user.org= and is
+placed in the same directory as =emacs-notepad.org=.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defvar emacs-notepad-user-init (locate-user-emacs-file "emacs-notepad-user.org")
+ "File name of the user's literate config.")
+(when (file-exists-p emacs-notepad-user-init)
+ (org-babel-load-file emacs-notepad-user-init))