@@ 1,51 1,75 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
--- TODO: archive extracting fetcher
+-- https://git.sr.ht/~prokop/lua-pebble
local cache = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.cache/luapebble'
--- luajit compat
+-- lua5.1 compat
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated
local unpack, searchers = table.unpack or unpack, package.searchers or package.loaders
-local function system(...) -- executes cmd and returns true if retcode is zero
- local r, s, n = os.execute(string.format(...))
+local conf = _PEBBLE or {}
+local week = (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
+local refetch_time = conf.max_age_seconds or week
+local function say(msg) if not conf.quiet then io.write('pebble: ' .. msg .. '\n') end end
+local function verbose(msg) if conf.verbose then io.write('pebble: ' .. msg .. '\n') end end
+local function run(cmd) -- runs cmd and returns true if retcode is zero plus the command to be used as assert failure message
+ verbose(cmd)
+ local r, s, n = os.execute(cmd)
if s then
- return s == 'exit' and n == 0 -- 5.4
+ return s == 'exit' and n == 0, cmd -- 5.4
- return r == 0 -- 5.1
+ return r == 0, cmd -- 5.1
-local function system2(...) -- executes cmd and returns its stdout
- return io.popen(string.format(...)):read("*a")
+local function run_stdout(cmd) -- executes cmd and returns its stdout
+ verbose("sh: " .. cmd)
+ return io.popen(cmd):read("*a")
-local function dir_exists(d) return system('[ -d %s ]', d) end
-local function file_exists(d) return system('[ -f %s ]', d) end
+local function mkdir(dir) assert(run('mkdir -p -- "' .. dir .. '"')) end
+local function mkfile(file) assert(run('touch -- "' .. file .. '"')) end
+local function rmdir(dir) assert(run('rm -rf -- "' .. dir .. '"')) end
+local function rmfile(file) assert(run('rm -f -- "' .. file .. '"')) end
+local function dir_missing(d) return not run('[ -d "' .. d .. '" ]') end
+local function file_missing(d) return not run('[ -f "' .. d .. '" ]') end
local function file_older_than(d, t)
- local file_time = assert(tonumber(system2('stat -c "%%Y" "%s"', d)))
+ local file_time = assert(tonumber(run_stdout('stat -c "%Y" "' .. d .. '"')))
return os.difftime(os.time(), file_time) > t
+local function git_clone(dir, url) return run('git clone --quiet --recurse -- "' .. url .. '" "' .. dir .. '"') end
+local function git_pull(dir)
+ return run('git pull --quiet -- "' .. dir .. '"') and
+ run('git submodule update --init --recursive -- "' .. dir .. '"')
+local function curl(url, file) return run('curl --silent --location "' .. url .. '" -o "' .. file .. '"') end
+local function lstar(file, dir) return run_stdout('tar -tf "' .. file .. '"') end
+local function untar(file, dir, s)
+ return run('tar -xzf "' ..
+ file .. '" --directory "' .. dir .. '" --strip-components=' .. (s or 0))
local fetchers = {}
-function fetchers.git(url, file, safe_name, max_age)
- local target_dir = cache .. '/' .. safe_name
+function fetchers.git(url, file, name, max_age)
+ local target_dir = cache .. '/' .. name
local target_file = target_dir .. '/' .. file
local stamp_file = target_dir .. '.timestamp'
- if not dir_exists(target_dir) then
- assert(system('mkdir -p -- "%s"', target_dir))
- assert(system('touch -- "%s"', stamp_file))
- io.write(string.format('pebble: fetching %s\n', url))
- if not system('git clone --quiet --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules -- "%s" "%s"', url, target_dir) then
- assert(system('rm -rf -- "%s"', target_dir))
+ if dir_missing(target_dir) then
+ mkdir(target_dir)
+ mkfile(stamp_file)
+ say('fetching ' .. url)
+ if not git_clone(target_dir, url) then
+ rmdir(target_dir)
return 'pebble: git clone failed'
elseif file_older_than(stamp_file, max_age) then
- io.write(string.format('pebble: updating %s\n', url))
- if not system('git pull --quiet -- "%s"', target_dir) then
+ say('updating ' .. url)
+ if not git_pull(target_dir) then
return 'pebble: git pull failed'
- assert(system('touch -- "%s"', stamp_file))
+ mkfile(stamp_file)
local f, err = loadfile(target_file, 't')
if not f then return err end
@@ 58,12 82,64 @@ function fetchers.git(url, file, safe_name, max_age)
-function fetchers.file(url, _, safe_name, max_age)
+function fetchers.targz(url, file, name, max_age)
+ local target_dir = cache .. '/' .. name
+ local target_file = target_dir .. '/' .. file
+ local stamp_file = target_dir .. '.timestamp'
+ local tar_file = cache .. '/' .. name .. '.tar.gz'
+ local fetch = false
+ if dir_missing(target_dir) then
+ mkdir(target_dir)
+ fetch = true
+ elseif file_older_than(stamp_file, max_age) then
+ rmdir(target_dir)
+ fetch = true
+ end
+ if fetch then
+ mkfile(stamp_file)
+ say('fetching ' .. url)
+ if not curl(url, tar_file) then
+ rmdir(target_dir)
+ return 'pebble: curl failed'
+ end
+ -- check if all files are inside single directory
+ -- and if so, strip the first dir.
+ local files = lstar(tar_file)
+ local skip_dirs = 1
+ local prefix = string.match(files, "^[^/]+")
+ for line in string.gmatch(files, "[^\n]+") do
+ if string.match(line, "^[^/]+") ~= prefix then
+ skip_dirs = 0
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not untar(tar_file, target_dir, skip_dirs) then
+ rmdir(target_dir)
+ return 'pebble: tar xzf failed'
+ end
+ --rmfile(tar_file)
+ end
+ local f, err = loadfile(target_file, 't')
+ if not f then return err end
+ return function()
+ local oldpath = package.path
+ package.path = target_dir .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path
+ local r = { f(target_file) }
+ package.path = oldpath
+ return unpack(r)
+ end
+function fetchers.file(url, file, safe_name, max_age)
+ if file then say("ignoring unwanted file specifier for file fetcher: '" .. file .. "'") end
local target_file = cache .. '/' .. safe_name
- if not file_exists(target_file) or file_older_than(target_file, max_age) then
- system('mkdir -p -- %s', cache)
- io.write(string.format('pebble: fetching %s\n', url))
- system('curl --silent "%s" -o "%s"', url, target_file)
+ if file_missing(target_file) or file_older_than(target_file, max_age) then
+ mkdir(cache)
+ say('fetching ' .. url)
+ if not curl(url, target_file) then
+ return "pebble: curl failed"
+ end
local f, err = loadfile(target_file, 't')
if not f then return err end
@@ 72,29 148,38 @@ function fetchers.file(url, _, safe_name, max_age)
-local week = (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
-local aliases = { -- url format string, fetching function, max age before refetch
- git = { '%s', fetchers.git, week },
- srht = { 'https://git.sr.ht/%s', fetchers.git, week },
- gh = { 'https://github.com/%s.git', fetchers.git, week },
- gist = { 'https://gist.github.com/%s.git', fetchers.git, math.huge },
- file = { '%s', fetchers.file, week },
- pastebin = { 'https://pastebin.com/raw/%s', fetchers.file, math.huge },
+local aliases = {
+ -- url format string, fetching function, max age before refetch
+ git = { '%s', fetchers.git, refetch_time },
+ srht = { 'https://git.sr.ht/%s', fetchers.git, refetch_time },
+ gh = { 'https://github.com/%s.git', fetchers.git, refetch_time },
+ gist = { 'https://gist.github.com/%s.git', fetchers.git, math.huge },
+ file = { '%s', fetchers.file, refetch_time },
+ pastebin = { 'https://pastebin.com/raw/%s', fetchers.file, math.huge },
pastesrht = { 'https://paste.sr.ht/blob/%s', fetchers.file, math.huge },
+ targz = { '%s', fetchers.targz, math.huge },
+ ghtag = { 'https://github.com/%s/archive/refs/tags/%s.tar.gz', fetchers.targz, math.huge },
table.insert(searchers, function(modname)
local t = {}
- for w in string.gmatch(modname, "[^%G!]+") do table.insert(t, w) end
+ for w in string.gmatch(modname, "[^%G!]+") do
+ table.insert(t, w)
+ end
- local kind, name, file = unpack(t)
+ local kind, name, file, e = unpack(t)
- if not kind or not name then return "pebble: string didn't match the pattern" end
- if not aliases[kind] then return string.format("pebble: unknown service '%s'", kind) end
+ if e then return "pebble: string has too many '!'" end
+ if not kind or not name then return "pebble: string doesn't have enough '!'" end
+ if not aliases[kind] then return "pebble: unknown service '" .. kind .. "'" end
+ local t_name = {}
+ for w in string.gmatch(name, '[^@]+') do
+ table.insert(t_name, w)
+ end
local urlfmt, fetcher, max_age = unpack(aliases[kind])
- local url = string.format(urlfmt, name)
+ local url = string.format(urlfmt, unpack(t_name))
local safename = kind .. '_' .. string.gsub(url, "%W", "_")
return fetcher(url, file, safename, max_age)