#Factorio Fotograf
Minimalistic Factorio map generator for Linux.
- Larger vanilla map
- 2 minutes to do everything (including opening factorio & loading the save) (12 thread AMD Ryzen 5)
- (I manually removed 2 most-zoomed-in layers to save space)
- Modded save example
- 1 minute to do everything (including opening factorio & loading the save) (12 thread AMD Ryzen 5)
- (I manually removed 2 most-zoomed-in layers to save space)
./ff -j$(nproc)
Detailed usage guide
- Web
- Compatible with other mods
- Zooming in parallel
- Position in the url
- PNG & JPG export
- Map time lapse capturing
- Multiple surfaces
- Remove libucw dependency and go cross platform?