M pmb/chroot/apk.py => pmb/chroot/apk.py +12 -1
@@ 217,6 217,7 @@ def install(args, packages, suffix="native", build=True):
or needs to be updated, and it is inside pmaports. For the
special case that all packages are expected to be in Alpine's
repositories, set this to False for performance optimization.
+ :param always: if False, only install packages that are not already
arch = pmb.parse.arch.from_chroot_suffix(args, suffix)
@@ 229,12 230,22 @@ def install(args, packages, suffix="native", build=True):
check_min_version(args, suffix)
pmb.chroot.init(args, suffix)
+ installed_pkgs = installed(args, suffix)
+ already_installed = all([pkg in installed_pkgs for pkg in packages])
+ if not build and already_installed:
+ return
packages_with_depends = pmb.parse.depends.recurse(args, packages, suffix)
to_add, to_del = packages_split_to_add_del(packages_with_depends)
+ did_build = False
if build:
for package in to_add:
- install_build(args, package, arch)
+ did_build |= bool(install_build(args, package, arch))
+ if not did_build and already_installed:
+ logging.debug(f"({suffix}) all packages already installed, skipping")
+ return
to_add_local = packages_get_locally_built_apks(args, to_add, arch)
to_add_no_deps, _ = packages_split_to_add_del(packages)
M pmb/chroot/other.py => pmb/chroot/other.py +16 -0
@@ 73,3 73,19 @@ def copy_xauthority(args):
pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", copy])
pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["cp", original, copy])
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["chown", "pmos:pmos", "/home/pmos/.Xauthority"])
+def sudo_nopasswd(args, suffix="native"):
+ """
+ Disable the password prompt for the wheel group in the chroot.
+ """
+ if "sudo" not in pmb.chroot.apk.installed(args, suffix):
+ return
+ if "rootfs" in suffix:
+ logging.warning(f"!!!! SECURITY HOLE: Disabling sudo password for {suffix}")
+ else:
+ logging.info(f"({suffix}) disable sudo password prompt for wheel group")
+ pmb.chroot.root(args, ["sed", "-i", "s/^# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/", "/etc/sudoers"], suffix)
M pmb/helpers/frontend.py => pmb/helpers/frontend.py +48 -3
@@ 10,6 10,7 @@ import pmb.aportgen
import pmb.build
import pmb.build.autodetect
import pmb.chroot
+import pmb.chroot.apk
import pmb.chroot.initfs
import pmb.chroot.other
import pmb.ci
@@ 20,6 21,7 @@ import pmb.helpers.aportupgrade
import pmb.helpers.devices
import pmb.helpers.git
import pmb.helpers.lint
+import pmb.helpers.mount
import pmb.helpers.logging
import pmb.helpers.pkgrel_bump
import pmb.helpers.pmaports
@@ 31,6 33,7 @@ import pmb.install
import pmb.install.blockdevice
import pmb.netboot
import pmb.parse
+import pmb.parse.arch
import pmb.qemu
import pmb.sideload
@@ 150,6 153,8 @@ def netboot(args):
def chroot(args):
# Suffix
suffix = _parse_suffix(args)
+ working_dir = "/"
+ bindmount_targets = []
if (args.user and suffix != "native" and
not suffix.startswith("buildroot_")):
raise RuntimeError("--user is only supported for native or"
@@ 157,6 162,15 @@ def chroot(args):
if args.xauth and suffix != "native":
raise RuntimeError("--xauth is only supported for native chroot.")
+ if args.bind_mount:
+ if suffix != "native" and not suffix.startswith("buildroot_"):
+ raise RuntimeError("--bind-mount is only supported for native"
+ " or buildroot_* chroots.")
+ if not all(os.path.isdir(src) for src in args.bind_mount):
+ raise RuntimeError("bind-mount source must be a directory")
+ args.user = True
# apk: check minimum version, install packages
pmb.chroot.apk.check_min_version(args, suffix)
if args.add:
@@ 169,6 183,33 @@ def chroot(args):
env["DISPLAY"] = os.environ.get("DISPLAY")
env["XAUTHORITY"] = "/home/pmos/.Xauthority"
+ if args.bind_mount:
+ depends = []
+ for src in args.bind_mount:
+ src = os.path.realpath(src)
+ name = os.path.basename(src)
+ bindmount_targets.append(f"{args.work}/chroot_{suffix}/home/pmos/{name}")
+ pmb.helpers.mount.bind(args, src, bindmount_targets[-1], bindfs=True)
+ if os.path.isfile(f"{src}/PMBBUILD"):
+ apk = pmb.parse.apkbuild(f"{src}/PMBBUILD", check_pkgname=False,
+ check_pkgver=False)
+ logging.info("Adding makedepends to chroot: " + ",".join(apk["makedepends"]))
+ depends += apk["makedepends"]
+ arch = pmb.parse.arch.from_chroot_suffix(args, suffix)
+ pmb.build.init(args, suffix)
+ pmb.build.other.configure_ccache(args, suffix)
+ if suffix != "native":
+ pmb.build.init_compiler(args, depends, "crossdirect", arch)
+ pmb.chroot.mount_native_into_foreign(args, suffix)
+ pmb.chroot.apk.install(args, depends, suffix)
+ env["PATH"] = ":".join(["/native/usr/lib/crossdirect/" + arch,
+ pmb.config.chroot_path])
+ working_dir = f"/home/pmos/{name}"
# Install blockdevice
if args.install_blockdev:
size_boot = 128 # 128 MiB
@@ 181,12 222,16 @@ def chroot(args):
if args.user:
logging.info("(" + suffix + ") % su pmos -c '" +
" ".join(args.command) + "'")
- pmb.chroot.user(args, args.command, suffix, output=args.output,
- env=env)
+ try:
+ pmb.chroot.user(args, args.command, suffix, output=args.output,
+ env=env, working_dir=working_dir)
+ finally:
+ for target in bindmount_targets:
+ pmb.helpers.mount.umount_all(args, target)
logging.info("(" + suffix + ") % " + " ".join(args.command))
pmb.chroot.root(args, args.command, suffix, output=args.output,
- env=env)
+ env=env, working_dir=working_dir)
def config(args):
M pmb/helpers/mount.py => pmb/helpers/mount.py +5 -2
@@ 20,7 20,7 @@ def ismount(folder):
return False
-def bind(args, source, destination, create_folders=True, umount=False):
+def bind(args, source, destination, create_folders=True, umount=False, bindfs=False):
Mount --bind a folder and create necessary directory structure.
:param umount: when destination is already a mount point, umount it first.
@@ 43,7 43,10 @@ def bind(args, source, destination, create_folders=True, umount=False):
# Actually mount the folder
- pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mount", "--bind", source, destination])
+ if not bindfs:
+ pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mount", "--bind", source, destination])
+ else:
+ pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["bindfs", "--force-user=12345", "--force-group=12345", source, destination])
# Verify that it has worked
if not ismount(destination):
M pmb/parse/arguments.py => pmb/parse/arguments.py +10 -0
@@ 795,6 795,16 @@ def arguments():
help="Create a sparse image file and mount it as"
" /dev/install, just like during the"
" installation process.")
+ chroot.add_argument("-m", "--bind-mount", nargs="*",
+ help="bind mount one or more"
+ " directories into the chroot.\n"
+ "If the directory contains a PMBBUILD file, it will"
+ " be parsed to automatically add the required"
+ " dependencies to the chroot.\n"
+ "All paths are mounted under /home/pmos/. The last"
+ " path specified is used as the working directory."
+ "Example: -m ~/pmos/unl0kr"
+ "Implies --user")
for action in [build_init, chroot]:
suffix = action.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
if action == chroot: