
5e6e74c9c548a854a5988b54c9a1b03ad3697178 — Caleb Connolly 1 year, 2 months ago ecbf526
pmb.build.other: improve wording of package version warning

When a package won't be built because the APKBUILD version is older than
the binary repo, be explicit that it could be the local or remote binary
repo that has a newer version.

Signed-off-by: Caleb Connolly <kc@postmarketos.org>
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

M pmb/build/other.py
M pmb/build/other.py => pmb/build/other.py +4 -6
@@ 74,12 74,10 @@ def is_necessary(args, arch, apkbuild, indexes=None):
    # a) Binary repo has a newer version
    version_old = index_data["version"]
    if pmb.parse.version.compare(version_old, version_new) == 1:
        logging.warning("WARNING: package {}: aport version {} is lower than"
                        " {} from the binary repository. {} will be used when"
                        " installing {}. See also:"
                        " <https://postmarketos.org/warning-repo2>"
                        "".format(package, version_new, version_old,
                                  version_old, package))
        logging.warning(f"WARNING: package {package}: aport version {version_new} is lower than"
                        f" {version_old} from the (local or remote) binary repository."
                        f" {version_old} will be used when installing {package}."
                        f" See also: <https://postmarketos.org/warning-repo2>")
        return False

    # b) Aports folder has a newer version