
41c24a4f697cc47bf58da0c54d5c2e1edc859a7c — Caleb Connolly 1 year, 5 months ago a6b7049
flasher: support extra args

Allow running arbitrary additional fastboot commands by passing them to
pmbootstrap flasher. This makes the following possible:

pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel erase dtbo reboot

On a fastboot-enabled device, that will invoke fastboot to flash the
boot image, then invoke it again with "erase dtbo reboot". Fastboot
supports commands being combined into a single invocation, a future
optimisation could "build" a single fastboot command to do all actions,
however the overhead is relatively small.
3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

M pmb/flasher/frontend.py
M pmb/flasher/run.py
M pmb/parse/arguments.py
M pmb/flasher/frontend.py => pmb/flasher/frontend.py +7 -0
@@ 151,3 151,10 @@ def frontend(args):
    if action in ["flash_lk2nd"]:

    extra = args.action_extra
    if extra and "fastboot" in method and action != "boot":
        cmd = ["fastboot"]
        cmd += extra
        pmb.chroot.root(args, ["fastboot"] + extra, output="interactive")

M pmb/flasher/run.py => pmb/flasher/run.py +28 -20
@@ 15,41 15,41 @@ def check_partition_blacklist(args, key, value):
                           "wiki page for more information.")

def run(args, action, flavor=None):
def _run(args, action, flavor=None):

    # Verify action
    method = args.flash_method or args.deviceinfo["flash_method"]
    cfg = pmb.config.flashers[method]
    if action not in cfg["actions"]:
        raise RuntimeError("action " + action + " is not"
                           " configured for method " + method + "!"
                           " You can use the '--method' option to specify a"
                           " different flash method. See also:"
                           " <https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/"
        raise ValueError("action " + action + " is not"
                         " configured for method " + method + "!"
                         " You can use the '--method' option to specify a"
                         " different flash method. See also:"
                         " <https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/"

    # Variable setup
    vars = pmb.flasher.variables(args, flavor, method)

    # vbmeta flasher requires vbmeta partition to be explicitly specified
    if action == "flash_vbmeta" and not vars["$PARTITION_VBMETA"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Your device does not have 'vbmeta' partition"
                           " specified; set"
                           " 'deviceinfo_flash_fastboot_partition_vbmeta'"
                           " or 'deviceinfo_flash_heimdall_partition_vbmeta'"
                           " in deviceinfo file. See also:"
                           " <https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/"
        raise ValueError("Your device does not have 'vbmeta' partition"
                         " specified; set"
                         " 'deviceinfo_flash_fastboot_partition_vbmeta'"
                         " or 'deviceinfo_flash_heimdall_partition_vbmeta'"
                         " in deviceinfo file. See also:"
                         " <https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/"

    # dtbo flasher requires dtbo partition to be explicitly specified
    if action == "flash_dtbo" and not vars["$PARTITION_DTBO"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Your device does not have 'dtbo' partition"
                           " specified; set"
                           " 'deviceinfo_flash_fastboot_partition_dtbo'"
                           " in deviceinfo file. See also:"
                           " <https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/"
        raise ValueError("Your device does not have 'dtbo' partition"
                         " specified; set"
                         " 'deviceinfo_flash_fastboot_partition_dtbo'"
                         " in deviceinfo file. See also:"
                         " <https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/"

    # Run the commands of each action
    for command in cfg["actions"][action]:

@@ 68,3 68,11 @@ def run(args, action, flavor=None):

        # Run the action
        pmb.chroot.root(args, command, output="interactive")

def run(args, action, flavor=None, ignore_errors=False):
        _run(args, action, flavor)
    except ValueError as e:
        if not ignore_errors:
            raise ValueError(e)

M pmb/parse/arguments.py => pmb/parse/arguments.py +9 -0
@@ 277,6 277,15 @@ def arguments_flasher(subparser):
                            help="partition to flash the dtbo to (defaults"
                            " to deviceinfo_flash_*_partition_dtbo)")

    for action in [flash_kernel, flash_lk2nd, flash_rootfs,
                   flash_vbmeta, flash_dtbo]:
        extra = action.add_argument(dest="action_extra",
                                    help="Additional commands to flasher"
                                         " (only fastboot supported)",
        extra.required = False

    # Actions without extra arguments
    sub.add_parser("sideload", help="sideload recovery zip")
    sub.add_parser("list_flavors", help="list installed kernel flavors" +