
38ae6120bba10022966a4effbbca6ca1e5879d65 — Pablo Correa Gómez 10 months ago 4fb6159
install: do not fail on alpine-appstream-downloader error

Having AppStream data is great for installation that make use of GNOME
Software or KDE Discover, however it's not a must. The generation of
AppStream data in alpine (which we maintain) is still certainly
improvable, and we have bumped into problems, unreliabilities and such
from time to time. Installations without AppStream data are
totally functional, even if the first experience on those apps is not
the best. Still, users are one refresh away on Software or Discover
from getting such data downloaded. So failing to generate installations
for this reason is unnecessarily breaking.

Signed-off-by: Pablo Correa Gómez <ablocorrea@hotmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Oliver Smith <ollieparanoid@postmarketos.org>
Link: https://lists.sr.ht/~postmarketos/pmbootstrap-devel/%3C20231205160205.13916-1-pabloyoyoista@postmarketos.org%3E
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

M pmb/install/_install.py
M pmb/install/_install.py => pmb/install/_install.py +6 -6
@@ 414,12 414,12 @@ def setup_appstream(args):
    if "alpine-appstream-downloader" not in installed_pkgs or args.offline:

    pmb.chroot.root(args, ["alpine-appstream-downloader",
                           "/mnt/appstream-data"], suffix)
    pmb.chroot.root(args, ["mkdir", "-p", "/var/lib/swcatalog"], suffix)
    pmb.chroot.root(args, ["cp", "-r", "/mnt/appstream-data/icons",
                           "-t", "/var/lib/swcatalog"], suffix)
    if not pmb.chroot.root(args, ["alpine-appstream-downloader",
                                  "/mnt/appstream-data"], suffix, check=False):
        pmb.chroot.root(args, ["mkdir", "-p", "/var/lib/swcatalog"], suffix)
        pmb.chroot.root(args, ["cp", "-r", "/mnt/appstream-data/icons",
                               "-t", "/var/lib/swcatalog"], suffix)

def disable_sshd(args):