M pmb/helpers/frontend.py => pmb/helpers/frontend.py +1 -1
@@ 386,7 386,7 @@ def kconfig(args):
# Handle passing a file directly
if args.file:
- if pmb.parse.kconfig.check_file(args.package, components_list,
+ if pmb.parse.kconfig.check_file(args.file, components_list,
logging.info("kconfig check succeeded!")
M pmb/parse/arguments.py => pmb/parse/arguments.py +2 -2
@@ 468,8 468,8 @@ def arguments_kconfig(subparser):
" kernels, even the ones that would be ignored by"
" default")
check.add_argument("--arch", choices=arch_choices, dest="arch")
- check.add_argument("--file", action="store_true", help="check a file"
- " directly instead of a config in a package")
+ check.add_argument("--file", help="check a file directly instead of a"
+ " config in a package")
check.add_argument("--no-details", action="store_false",
help="print one generic error per component instead of"