
Don't Count The Sheep is a pixel art game written in Bevy.
Fixing a bug in building1_basement1.
Meditation game refactor
Move Github issues to version control (#239)


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#Don't Count The Sheep

Master CI

A top down pixelart game created with Bevy.

Run $ ./dev/wiki to open the game's wiki locally in your browser.

Our primary color is #0d0e1f.


#Repo organization

There are crates in the common directory that help with animation, input handling, loading screen, and more. These crates typically either export plugins or systems that one has to register themselves.

Then there's the main game lib. This crate exports logic that did not fit into the common crates. For example, the GlobalGameState enum that directs the game flow lives here, or map layout, npc and player control. It also sets up default plugins and alike.

Then we have the scenes. Scenes are main menu, top down view, minigames within the game etc. The game state transitions between scenes. The scenes will typically use the common crates or the main game lib for most work, only implementing specific logic for the scene.

We use some external dependencies. It's paramount that we keep the bevy related dependencies to a minimum with the current Bevy release schedule. With every extra dependency that also depends on Bevy it potentially takes longer to start upgrading.

#Dev environment

Some crates export devtools feature that enable additional debug and/or dev tooling functionality: $ cargo run --features devtools

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