Releasing new version 0.5.0
Removing github workflow because the repository has been migrated away from github
Changing LICENCE from dual MIT and Apache 2.0 to only MIT
Changing the homepage of the crate
The resource `WebpAnimator` is now covariant over `T` without
inheriting `Send` nor `Sync` restrictions.
Fixing broken documentation link
Trait `bevy::app::Plugin` implements an empty body for the `finish` method.
No need to implement it anymore.
Updating to newer image-webp version
Fixing a broken link to image crate
Using a specific version for image-webp
Temporary fix for an upstream bug
Bumping version to 0.3.1 and fixing example. It now loads bevy as a dev-dependency with full features.
Incorrect RenderAssetUsages. Changed from MAIN_WORLD to RENDER_WORLD.
Fix broken link to