A => base85.apln +31 -0
@@ 1,31 @@
+:Namespace base85
+ ∇ result←variant Base85 data
+ ;chunksizeFrom;chunksizeTo;fill;transform;nchunks;extra
+ ;coded;baseFrom;baseTo;preProcess;postProcess;⎕IO
+ ⍝ We use ⎕IO zero since the range of input data starts at zero.
+ ⍝ The idea is that encoding and decoding follows the same pattern
+ ⍝ of padding the data, changing base, and removing extra elements
+ ⍝ from the end. Thus we just set the few things that differ inside
+ ⍝ an :If :Else block.
+ ⎕IO←0
+ preProcess←⊢ ⍝ Pre-processing of a chunk before base change
+ postProcess←⊢ ⍝ Post-processing of a chunk after base change
+ :If ' '=⊃0⍴data
+ (chunksizeFrom chunksizeTo baseFrom baseTo fill)←5 4 85 256(⊃⌽variant)
+ data←(data∊variant)⌿data ⍝ Remove items from data, which are not in variant
+ preProcess←⍳
+ :Else
+ (chunksizeFrom chunksizeTo baseFrom baseTo fill)←4 5 256 85 0
+ postProcess←{⍺[⍵]}
+ :EndIf
+ ⍝ We now define the function which encodes/decodes one chunk of data
+ transform←⊣postProcess(chunksizeTo⍴baseTo)⊤baseFrom⊥preProcess
+ nchunks←⌈chunksizeFrom÷⍨≢data
+ extra←(chunksizeFrom×nchunks)-≢data
+ data←nchunks chunksizeFrom⍴data,extra⍴fill ⍝ The data is padded
+ coded←,variant transform⍤1⊢data ⍝ Each chunk is transformed and the result is combined
+ result←(-extra)↓coded ⍝ Extra elements are removed from the end again
+ ∇
A => reshape.apln +11 -0
@@ 1,11 @@
+:Namespace reshape
+ reshape←{
+ data←(|⍺)⍴⍵
+ rotations←∊⍸,⊖⍺<0
+ ⊃{⊖⍤⍺⊢⍵}⌿rotations,⊂data
+ }
+ reshape2←{
+ (dims data)←⍺ process ⍵
+ dims reshape data
+ }
A => subspace.apln +29 -0
@@ 1,29 @@
+:Namespace subspace
+ ⍝ the runs and fill functions do almost the same thing,
+ ⍝ except that they combine the subspaces differently,
+ ⍝ and that runs isn't expected to handle multi-dimensional left arguments.
+ ⍝ This is modelled by a helper operator 'createsubspaces'
+ ⍝ with ⍺⍺ as the combine function
+ runs←{
+ combine←{∨⌿⍵}
+ ⍺ combine createsubspaces ⍵
+ }
+ fill←{
+ combine←{⌈⌿(⍳≢⍵)(×⍤0 ¯1)⍵}
+ ⍺ combine createsubspaces ⍵
+ }
+ createsubspaces←{
+ ⍝ Create one subspace for each row, then combine them using ⍺⍺
+ createsubspace←{
+ newshape←2,2÷⍨⍴⍵
+ (start size)←↓newshape⍴⍵
+ (⍳⍺)∊¯1+start(+⍤1 0)⍳size
+ }
+ ⍺⍺ ⍺∘createsubspace⍤1⊢⍵
+ }
+ subspaces←{
+ count←⌈⌿,⍵
+ subspace←(⊃,1+⌽-⍥⊃⊢)⍸⍤⍷⍨
+ ↑⍵∘subspace¨⍳count
+ }