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#dbcontext builds.sr.ht status Go Reference

Nestable transaction-like contexts for Go database/sql database connections. Primarily made for writing integration tests - run each test inside a TxContext, and have the application code start/rollback/commit subcontexts when it would usually use transactions.

#Known issues

  • Currently only tested with MySQL
    • Uses savepoints, which are available in Postgres. Shouldn't be too hard to also test Postgres.
  • API is currently unstable
  • Contexts aren't concurrency-safe - you should only have one active SavepointContext in a TxContext at any given time. The contexts should make up a stack, and there should only be one context at any given level in the stack.
    • Database transactions aren't really concurrency-safe either, so this shouldn't be a surprise


First, install the library

go get git.sr.ht/~pmc/dbcontext

Then, use it. Check out the tests for some more examples. Here's a psuedocode example:

// In your tests:
func TestMyApp(t *testing.T) {
  db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "")
  require.NoError(t, err)
  dbcontext.WithTxContext(db, func(context *dbcontext.TxContext) (*any, error) {
    httpRequest(db, "POST", "/user/{user_id}", myUserData)
    // Do whatever testing you need here
    // WithTxContext will automatically rollback the transaction if it hasn't already been rolled back or committed
    return nil, nil

// In your application
func PostUserHandler(db dbcontext.SqlContext, req HttpRequest) (*HttpResponse, error) {
  return dbcontext.WithSubcontext(db, func(tx dbcontext.SqlContext) (*HttpResponse, error) {
    var user User
    row := tx.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", req.UserID)
    if row.Err() != nil {
      return nil, row.Err()
    err := row.Scan(&user)
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err
    return &HttpResponse{
      User: user,
    }, nil

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Version 1.0.0


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