
895907520d972832f22bf6036b0f87069f30f20a — Sol 1 year, 2 months ago 17e813f
infer: more merged
1 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A sire/quickcheck.sire
A sire/quickcheck.sire => sire/quickcheck.sire +371 -0
@@ 0,0 1,371 @@
;;; Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
;;; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
;;; found in the LICENSE file.

### quickcheck <- pq

/+  splitmix   [mkSMGen nextWord64 splitSMGen]
/+  prelude

(**debug m v)#=v

; uncomment to get debug output
;(**debug m v)#=(trk m v)

# datatype (Result a)
* OK
    * good : Int     ;  {good} is the number successful tests
    * drop : Int     ;  {drop} is the number discards
    * gen  : StdGen  ;  {gen} is the generator (for replay)
    * size : Int     ;  The {size} (for replay)
    * good : Int     ;  {good} is the number of successful tests
    * drop : Int     ;  {drop} is the number discards
    * fail : a       ;  {fail} is the failing value (shrunk)
    * good : Int     ;  {good} is the number of successful tests
    * drop : Int     ;  {drop} is the number discards

* # typedef (Gen a)    (StdGen > Int > a)
* # typedef (Shrink a) (a > List a)
* # typedef PropResult (Opt Bit)

# record Args
* replay          : Opt (StdGen, Int)
* maxSuccess      : Int
* maxDiscardRatio : Int
* maxSize         : Int
* maxShrinks      : Int

> Args
= stdArgs (ARGS NONE 100 100 100 10000)

# record State
* successCount       : Int
* totalDiscardCount  : Int
* recentDiscardCount : Int

; infix 4 ===
; (===) :: Eq a => a -> a -> PropResult
; x === y = SOME (x == y)

; infix 4 =/=
; (=/=) :: Eq a => a -> a -> PropResult
; x =/= y = SOME (x /= y)

> (a -> Bit) > a > PropResult
(prop1 fun x)=(SOME | fun x)

> (a > b > Bit) > a > b > PropResult
(prop2 fun x y)=(SOME | fun x y)

> PropResult

> a > a > PropResult
= qcEql | prop2 eql

> a > a > PropResult
= qcNeq | prop2 neq

> Bit > PropResult

;; quickCheck

(roundTo n m)=(mul (div n m) m)

> StdGen
> Args
> Gen a
> Shrink a
> (a -> PropResult)
> Result a
= (quickCheck sgSeed args gen shrink prop)
@ stInit | STATE 0 0 0
@ sgInit | maybeCase (getReplay args) sgSeed idx-0
@ (at0 f s n d)
    | if (and (eql 0 n) (eql 0 d))
        | s
    | else
        | f n d
@ (computeSize_ n d)
    @ msz (getMaxSize args)
    @ msc (getMaxSuccess args)
    ;; e.g. with maxSuccess = 250, maxSize = 100, goes like this:
    ;; 0, 1, 2, ..., 99, 0, 1, 2, ..., 99, 0, 2, 4, ..., 98.
    @ tst
        | lte (add (roundTo n msz) msz) msc
        | gte n msc
        | eql 0 (mod msc msz)
    | if tst
        | min msz
        | add
            | mod n msz
            | div d 10
    | else
        | min msz
        | div | mul
                  | mod n msz
                  | msz
              | add
                  | mod (getMaxSuccess args) msz
                  | div d 10
@ computeSize
    # datacase (getReplay args)
    * NONE         | computeSize_
    * (SOME [_ s]) | at0 computeSize_ s
@ (runShrinks count lastGood shrinks)
    # datacase shrinks
    * NIL
        | lastGood
    * (CONS v nextShrinks)
        | if (debug ["shrink: " v] (prop v == SOME FALSE))
            | runShrinks (inc count) v        (shrink v)
        | else
            | runShrinks count       lastGood nextShrinks
@ (go st sg)
    | if (gte (getSuccessCount st) (getMaxSuccess args))
        | OK getSuccessCount-st getTotalDiscardCount-st
    | if | gte (getTotalDiscardCount st)
         | mul (getMaxDiscardRatio args) (getMaxSuccess args)
        | GAVE_UP getSuccessCount-st getTotalDiscardCount-st
    @ sg2,sg1 | splitSMGen sg
    @ size    | computeSize getSuccessCount-st getRecentDiscardCount-st
    @ v       | gen sg2 size
    # datacase (debug ["go: " v] (prop v))
    * (SOME res)
        | if res
            | go (setSuccessCount (inc | getSuccessCount st) st) sg1
        | FAIL sgInit size getSuccessCount-st getTotalDiscardCount-st
        | runShrinks 0 v (shrink v)
    * NONE
        ^ (go _ sg1)
        | setTotalDiscardCount (add 1 getTotalDiscardCount-st)
        | setRecentDiscardCount (add 1 getRecentDiscardCount-st)
        | st
| go stInit sgInit

;; Gen

> Gen a
> (a -> Gen b)
> Gen b
= (bindGen m k r n)
@ [r1 r2] | splitSMGen r
| k (m r1 n) r2 n

> a > Gen a
(pureGen x r n)=x

> (Int -> Gen a) > Gen a
(sized f r n)=(f n r n)

> Gen Int
getSize=(sized pureGen)

;; generators

> Gen W64
(genU64 r n)=(fst | nextWord64 r)

> W64 > W64 > Gen W64
= (chooseW64 lo hi r n)
@ val (fst (nextWord64 r))
| add lo (mod val (sub hi lo))

> Gen a > Gen b > Gen (a, b)
= (gen2 genA genB)
: vA <- bindGen genA
: vB <- bindGen genB
| pureGen (vA, vB)

> Int > Gen a > Gen (List a)
= (genListLen len gen)
| if (lte len 0)
    | pureGen ~[]
: v  <- bindGen gen
: vs <- bindGen (genListLen (sub len 1) gen)
| pureGen (v :: vs)

> Int > Gen a > Gen (List a)
= (genListLenMax maxLen gen)
: len <- bindGen genU64
@ len | mod len maxLen
| genListLen len gen

> Gen a > Gen (List a)
= (genList gen)
: n <- sized
: k <- bindGen (chooseW64 0 n)
| genListLen k gen

= (fmapGen f gen)
& (r n)
| f (gen r n)

;; shrinkers

;; shrink lists should be in *ascending* order. we try the smallest first. if
;; the prop passes, we keep going "up" the list.

> (a -> List a)
> (b -> List b)
> (a, b)
> List (a, b)
= (shrink2 shrA shrB (x, y))
| listWeld
    | listMap (x_ & x_,y) (shrA x)
| listMap (y_ & x,y_) (shrB y)

> Integral a > a > [a]
= (shrinkU64 x)
| listNub
| listTakeWhile (gth x)
^ (0 :: _)
| listMap (sub x)
| listDrop 1 (listIterate v&(div v 2) x)

> Bit > List Bit
(shrinkBool b)=(if b ~[FALSE] ~[])

> (a > List a) > List a > List (List a)
= (shrinkList shr xs)
@ n
    | listLen xs
@ (shrinkOne xs)
    # datacase xs
    * NIL | NIL
    * (CONS x xs)
    | listWeld
        | listMap x&(x::xs)  (shr x)
    | listMap xs&(x::xs) (shrinkOne xs)
@ (removes k n xs)
    @ xs1 | listTake k xs
    @ xs2 | listDrop k xs
    | if (gth k n)         | NIL
    | if (listIsEmpty xs2) | ~[NIL]
    ^ (xs2 :: listMap (listWeld xs1) _)
    | removes k (sub n k) xs2
| listWeld
    | listCat
    | listMap k&(removes k n xs)
    | listTakeWhile (v&(gth v 0))
    | listIterate (v&(div v 2)) n
| shrinkOne xs

;; test helpers / pretty-printers

= (showResult name seed result)
# datacase result
* (OK passed dropped)
    | $(TAPE name 0) SUCCESS
   ## =passed  $(WORD showNat-passed 0)
   ## =dropped $(WORD showNat-dropped 0)
* (FAIL gen size passed dropped failed)
   | $(TAPE name 0) FAILURE
   | =parameters
      ## =seed    $(WORD showNat-seed 0)
      ## =stdgen  $(EMBD gen)
      ## =size    $(WORD showNat-size 0)
      ## =passed  $(WORD showNat-passed 0)
      ## =dropped $(WORD showNat-dropped 0)
   | {counter example:}
   | $(EMBD failed)
* (GAVE_UP passed dropped)
   | $(TAPE name 0) GAVE UP
  ## =passed  $(WORD showNat-passed 0)
  ## =dropped $(WORD showNat-dropped 0)

= (qc_exec1 seed name prop [gen shrink] isExpectedResult)
@ sg        | mkSMGen seed
@ result    | quickCheck sg stdArgs gen shrink prop
@ resultRex | showResult name seed result
| ifNot (isExpectedResult result) resultRex
| trk resultRex 1

= (resultIsOk result)
# datacase result
* (OK _ _) | TRUE
* _        | FALSE

= (resultIsFail result)
# datacase result
* (FAIL _ _ _ _ _) | TRUE
* _                | FALSE

(qc1_pass seed name prop arb)=(qc_exec1 seed name prop arb resultIsOk)
(qc1_fail seed name prop arb)=(qc_exec1 seed name prop arb resultIsFail)

= (qc2_pass seed name fun [genA shrinkA] [genB shrinkB])
@ genAB      | gen2 genA genB
@ shrinkAB   | shrink2 shrinkA shrinkB
@ fun        | uncurry fun
| qc1_pass seed name fun [genAB shrinkAB]

= (qc2_fail seed name fun [genA shrinkA] [genB shrinkB])
@ genAB      | gen2 genA genB
@ shrinkAB   | shrink2 shrinkA shrinkB
@ fun        | uncurry fun
| qc1_fail seed name fun [genAB shrinkAB]

= arbU64     | (genU64, shrinkU64)
= arbU64List | (genList genU64, shrinkList shrinkU64)

= (isList x)
^ (isZero x || _)
| (isRow x && (len x == 2) && isList (snd x))

= (isW64 x)       | lte x wMax64
= (isW32 x)       | lte x wMax32
= (isListOf ck x) | (isList x && listAll ck x)
= (subNeg x y)    | eql (iSub64 x y)    | iNeg64 (iSub64 y x)
= (revRev ls)     | eql ls              | listRev (listRev ls)
= (palindrome ls) | eql ls              | listRev ls

!! qc1_pass 42 'w64 is a w64' (prop1 isW64)          arbU64
!! qc1_pass 42 'w64 is not 0' (prop1 neq-0)          arbU64
!! qc1_fail 42 'w64 is a w32' (prop1 isW32)          arbU64
!! qc1_pass 42 'list is list' (prop1 isList)         arbU64List
!! qc1_pass 42 'list is list' (prop1 isListOf-isW64) arbU64List
!! qc1_fail 42 'palindrome'   (prop1 palindrome)     arbU64List
!! qc2_fail 42 'eq pair'      (prop2 eql)            arbU64 arbU64
!! qc1_pass 42 'sub neg'      (prop2 subNeg)         arbU64
!! qc1_pass 42 'rev rev'      (prop1 revRev)         arbU64List

^-^ ARGS
^-^ prop1 prop2 discardRes qcEql qcNeq qcIs
^-^ quickCheck
^-^ bindGen pureGen sized getSize
^-^ genU64 chooseW64 gen2 genListLen genListLenMax genList fmapGen
^-^ shrink2 shrinkU64 shrinkBool shrinkList
^-^ qc1_pass qc1_fail qc2_pass