* typo.el (typo--test): Fix check for typo-shrink and typo-expand (typo--test "-ener" "-n") would return t even though it has three deletions and should be rejected as per the default value of typo-shrink. See the discussion https://lists.sr.ht/~pkal/public-inbox/%3C87v8gg8z2j.fsf%40gmail.com%3E.
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) M typo.el
M typo.el => typo.el +2 -3
@@ 77,9 77,8 @@ frameworks)." ((natnump typo-level) typo-level) ((error "Invalid `typo-level' %S" typo-level))))) (and (<= (- typo-shrink) (- len-word len-key) typo-expand) (and (<= (- len-word len-key) typo-shrink) (<= (- len-key len-word) typo-expand) (<= (string-distance ,word ,key) typo-level))))))