@@ 598,11 598,15 @@ The first FEATURE can be used to deduce the feature context."
:repeatable t)
(setup-define :bind-into
- (lambda (feature-or-map &rest rest)
- (if (string-match-p "-map\\'" (symbol-name feature-or-map))
- `(:with-map ,feature-or-map (:bind ,@rest))
- `(:with-feature ,feature-or-map (:bind ,@rest))))
- :documentation "Bind into keys into the map of FEATURE-OR-MAP.
+ (lambda (feature &rest rest)
+ (if (string-match-p "-map\\'" (symbol-name feature))
+ (progn
+ ;; https://lists.sr.ht/~pkal/public-inbox/%3C87pluzt28q.fsf@ushin.org%3E
+ ;; https://lists.sr.ht/~pkal/public-inbox/%3C87edbdma8j.fsf@ushin.org%3E
+ (warn "The `:bind-into' with a map %S is considered unreliable, and will be deprecated." feature)
+ `(:with-map ,feature (:bind ,@rest)))
+ `(:with-feature ,feature (:bind ,@rest))))
+ :documentation "Bind into keys into the map of FEATURE.
The arguments REST are handled as by `:bind'."
:debug '(sexp &rest form sexp)
:ensure '(nil &rest kbd func)