
0d0de8e2b0c5107695129e737335ac1eaa874d4a — Philip Kaludercic 3 years ago bb2dd87
Update face-shift-shifts
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M face-shift.el
M face-shift.el => face-shift.el +6 -5
@@ 63,11 63,12 @@
  :type '(list face))

(defcustom face-shift-shifts
  '((text-mode . "khaki")
    (prog-mode . "pale green")
    (dired-mode . "pale turquoise")
    (comint-mode . "wheat")
    (eshell-mode . "wheat"))
  '((text-mode . "linen")
    (help-mode . "lavender blush")
    (prog-mode . "honeydew")
    (dired-mode . "azure")
    (comint-mode . "light yellow")
    (eshell-mode . "light yellow"))
  "In what direction to shift what major mode and derivatives.

The first element of each element is a symbol representing the