
b88191d72de613f6594ddc050dd62bf427bd4dec — peter woodman 4 years ago 4b07aa1
make this boi less chatty
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

M cephfs_layout_tool/migrate_pools.py
M cephfs_layout_tool/migrate_pools.py => cephfs_layout_tool/migrate_pools.py +7 -19
@@ 82,6 82,13 @@ def mkdtemp_layout(layout: CephLayout, prefix: str) -> str:
    return tempdir

def relayout_file(filename, tmploc):
    print("copying {} to temp location {}".format(filename, tmploc))
    shutil.copy2(filename, tmploc)
    print("moving back on top of original")
    shutil.move(tmploc, filename)

def main():
    """entrypoint of script"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

@@ 98,10 105,7 @@ def main():

    print("starting scan of {}".format(args.dir), file=sys.stderr)
    for root, _, files in os.walk(args.dir, topdown=False):
        print("looking at {}".format(root), file=sys.stderr)
        print("## total savings so far: {} ##".format(humanize.naturalsize(total_savings)))
        dir_layout = extract_layout(root)
        print("layout for {}: {}".format(root, dir_layout))
        tmp_layout_dir = mkdtemp_layout(dir_layout, prefix=session_tmpdir)
        for name in files:
            filename = os.path.join(root, name)

@@ 114,10 118,6 @@ def main():
            if dir_layout != file_layout:
                print("file layout doesn't match dir layout: {}".format(file_layout))
                tmploc = os.path.join(tmp_layout_dir, name)
                relayout_file(filename, tmploc)
            if dir_layout.pool != file_layout.pool:
                print("%s in wrong pool: %s" % (name, file_layout.pool))
                statinfo = os.stat(filename)
                tmploc = os.path.join(tmp_layout_dir, name)
                relayout_file(filename, tmploc)

@@ 126,18 126,6 @@ def main():
                savings = oldusage - newusage
                total_moved += 1
                total_savings += savings
                print("saved {}".format(humanize.naturalsize(savings)))

    print("saved space in total: {}".format(humanize.naturalsize(total_savings)))

def relayout_file(filename, tmploc):
    print("copying {} to temp location {}".format(filename, tmploc))
    shutil.copy2(filename, tmploc)
    print("moving back on top of original")
    shutil.move(tmploc, filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":