
8a29a2ec75dc50aa28737b58848b0a23c99990d9 — peter woodman 4 years ago d4e3283
2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

A cephfs-layout-tool/__init__.py
R migrate_pools.py => cephfs-layout-tool/migrate_pools.py
A cephfs-layout-tool/__init__.py => cephfs-layout-tool/__init__.py +0 -0
R migrate_pools.py => cephfs-layout-tool/migrate_pools.py +44 -18
@@ 3,32 3,48 @@ import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Callable
import functools

# from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, NamedTuple

import xattr  # type: ignore
import humanize  # type: ignore

CephLayout = namedtuple("CephLayout", ["stripe_count", "object_size", "pool"])

TMPDIR = "/c/tmp"

OK_POOLS = {"cephfs_crs52data", "cephfs_crs52data2"}

def memoize(fn: Callable):
    """ Memoization decorator for a function taking a single argument """
class CephLayout(
    NamedTuple("CephLayout", [("stripe_count", int), ("object_size", int), ("pool", str)])
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            self.stripe_count == other.stripe_count
            and self.object_size == other.object_size
            and self.pool == other.pool

def memoize(obj):
    """Decorator to memoize a function."""
    cache = obj.cache = {}

    class MemoDict(dict):
        def __missing__(self, key):
            ret = self[key] = fn(key)
            return ret
    def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
        key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
        if key not in cache:
            cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
        return cache[key]

    return MemoDict().__getitem__
    return memoizer

def extract_layout(filename: str) -> Optional[CephLayout]:
    """Figure out what the file layout for a given directory should be, looking at parent
       directories if necessary."""
    filetype = "file"
    if os.path.isdir(filename):
        filetype = "dir"

@@ 46,8 62,8 @@ def extract_layout(filename: str) -> Optional[CephLayout]:
            return extract_layout(os.path.dirname(filename))
        return None
    for attr in xattrs:
        n = attr.split("=")
        cephlayout[n[0]] = n[1]
        attr_tuple = attr.split("=")
        cephlayout[attr_tuple[0]] = attr_tuple[1]
    del cephlayout["stripe_unit"]
    return CephLayout(**cephlayout)

@@ 55,6 71,7 @@ def extract_layout(filename: str) -> Optional[CephLayout]:
# make a temp dir with the same layout as the given dir
def mkdtemp_layout(layout: CephLayout, prefix: str = TMPDIR) -> str:
    """Create temporary directory with the given layout"""
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=prefix)
    xattrs = xattr.xattr(tempdir)
    for attr in layout._fields:

@@ 63,6 80,7 @@ def mkdtemp_layout(layout: CephLayout, prefix: str = TMPDIR) -> str:

def main():
    """entrypoint of script"""
    startdir = sys.argv[1]

    total_savings = 0

@@ 86,14 104,15 @@ def main():
            file_layout = extract_layout(filename)
            if not file_layout:
            if dir_layout != file_layout:
                print("file layout doesn't match dir layout: {}".format(file_layout))
                tmploc = os.path.join(tmp_layout_dir, name)
                relayout_file(filename, tmploc)
            if dir_layout.pool != file_layout.pool:
                print("%s in wrong pool: %s" % (name, file_layout.pool))
                statinfo = os.stat(filename)
                tmploc = os.path.join(tmp_layout_dir, name)
                print("copying {} to temp location {}".format(filename, tmploc))
                shutil.copy2(filename, tmploc)
                print("moving back on top of original")
                shutil.move(tmploc, filename)
                relayout_file(filename, tmploc)
                oldusage = (statinfo.st_size / 4) * 6
                newusage = (statinfo.st_size / 5) * 7
                savings = oldusage - newusage

@@ 102,7 121,14 @@ def main():
                print("saved {}".format(humanize.naturalsize(savings)))

    print("saved space in total: {}".format(humanize.naturalsize(total_savings)))

def relayout_file(filename, tmploc):
    print("copying {} to temp location {}".format(filename, tmploc))
    shutil.copy2(filename, tmploc)
    print("moving back on top of original")
    shutil.move(tmploc, filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":