Fix a linux-specific bug in the kql layer and add http header support
Fix some silly mistakes
Implemented all the cool stuffs, with a config and shit.
LOLttp is a http "server" which can serve a single file at blazing fast speeds (TODO: avx, neon, multithreading)
Because I felt like it, and also i thought it would be kinda cool.
Are you on x86_64 or aarch64, linux or macos? . Then you can use the CI builds available here: . The linux binaries are fully static, and don't need any new fancy features.
If not, just build it with cc lolhttpd.c -o lolhttpd
. It's that easy!
$ echo "Hello!" >file.txt # Create the file
$ cat >lolhttpd.conf <<<EOF
[http] httpd :8008 {
if_url "/" reply {
status 200
text "Hello, HTTP!"
reply {
status 404
text "404 Not found!"
[gopher] gopherd :7007 {
if_url "/" text "Hello, gopher!"
text "File not found!"
$ lolhttpd lolhttpd.conf # Run lolhttpd with the above config
[http] listening on port 8008
[gopher] listening on port 7007
# In another terminal
$ curl http://localhost:8008
Hello, HTTP!
$ curl http://localhost:8008/1/404
404 Not found!
$ curl gopher://localhost:7007
Hello, gopher!