Release 0.15
- Link artist and releases to ListenBrainz pages
- Fixes for compatibility with latest Discourse
Release 0.14
- Remove ListenBrainz onebox implementation
- Translations have been moved to
Release 0.13.2
- Truncate the displayed pin blurb after 280 characters
- Various layout tweaks for pinned recording card
- In mobile view add some spacing between the ListenBrainz card and the
user details collapse button
Release 0.13.1
- Tweak display of cover art for pinned recording with blurb text shown
Release 0.13
- Add option to show pinned recording instead of most recent listen, if available
- Fix profile page not loading cover art collage
Release 0.12
- Load artist credits and CAA release ID info for playing-now
- Do not load covers if data saving is enabled in browser
- Fix listening cover to be only showed if coverUrl is set
Release 0.11
- Link top recording title and artist in user profile card
- Fixed fallback background cover repeating if card height grew
- Fixed ellipsis not showing for truncated artist credits
Release v0.10
- Display listen time
- Improve visibility of profile background bars with dark themes