
529ce6bb743460118909984414ac9267696af850 — Piotr F. Mieszkowski 4 years ago 5dc6be2 master
Take command-line argument as ivnentory file name
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M inventory.retro
M inventory.retro => inventory.retro +3 -4
@@ 149,12 149,11 @@ are supported) or a list item.  Anything else will be ignored.
      err:unrecognised-input ;

The main inventory file defaults to /home/pfm/inw.md.
Now load the inventory file provided as command line argument and
process its contents.

'/usr/home/pfm/projects/inw/inw.md 'INVENTORY_FILE s:const

#0 sys:argv
  [ line:load ]