
Telegram bot communicating with code running on an esp32c3
884eabd7 — Pramode C.E a month ago
Small edit to README.md
18e72200 — Pramode C.E a month ago
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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

A telegram bot used for passing messages to code running on an esp32c3 devkit. The telegram bot will run on a raspberry pi (we will use x86 for testing); the esp32c3 board is attached to the same network over wifi.

The bot accepts two commands: "blink" and "stop". These commands are received by the esp32c3 board and used to control the blinking of the RGB LED present on the board.

Link to esp32c3 code

How to run this code: clone this repo, edit this line in src/main.rs (if needed):

const LOCAL_ADDRESS: &str = "";

and run:

TELOXIDE_TOKEN=telegram-bot-token cargo run --release

telegram-bot-token is the token associated with the telegram bot that you get when the bot is created by telegram.