


Advent of Code, 2024, day1, on a Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040) microcontroller


Telegram bot communicating with code running on an esp32c3


Rust embassy code running on an esp32c3 and controlling an RGB LED based on network messages received from a telegram bot


Demo: using embassy, the async rust framework, to program an esp32


Rust Demo - Vega RISC-V processor


Drive an 8x8 LED matrix using MAX7219 and a Raspberry Pi Pico, with Rust


Embedded Rust HAL Layer for the Pinaka RISCV SoC (Shakti family)


Embedded Rust Peripheral Access Crate for the Pinaka RISCV SoC (Shakti family)


Simple programs to demonstrate Rust running on the Shakti RISC-V processor core (32 bit, E-Class, Pinaka SoC, Artix 7-35T FPGA board)