
Raku source code lexer
Fix a few RakuDoc code block bugs
WIP RAkuDoc code blocks
Implement tokenizing sub-languages


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Raku source code lexer


use Rainbow;

my %mapping =
    TEXT     => '#ffffff',
    KEYWORD  => "#e04c86",
    OPERATOR => "#e04c86",
    TYPE     => "#00ffff",
    ROUTINE  => "#978deb",
    STRING   => "#68f3ca",
    # ...

my $code = 'my $greet = "hello"; say "Oh $greet there!";';

my @tokens = Rainbow::tokenize($code);

my @fragments = @tokens.map: -> $t {
    my $color = %mapping{$t.type.key} // %mapping<TEXT>;
    say "$color: {$t.text}";


This module can turn a piece of Raku code into a list of tokens. Assign each token a color and you have made yourself a Raku syntax highlighter.

See lib/Rainbow/Token.rakumod for the complete list of tokens.

#Tokenizing sub-languages

In addition to the tokenize sub the following subs are provided that can be used to tokenize the respective sub-language. For strings you can provide modifiers that change which interpolations are possible.

sub tokenize-regex(Str $source)
sub tokenize-string(Str $source, :$q, :$s, :$a, :$h, :$f, :$c, :$b)
sub tokenize-rakudoc(Str $source)


Patrick Böker patrick.boeker@posteo.de


Thanks to Siavash Askari Nasr (CIAvash) for the Chroma Raku lexer which this module took as inspiration.


This module is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

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