#paemuri's dotfiles
This are my configuration files for my personal notebook running Arch
- If possible (and not too cumbersome), try to write down as much
definitions/configurations as possible. Updates can change the
default values and that is a pain in the ass.
- Follow XDG directories whenever it's possible. It's way more
organized than leaving multiple hidden files at
- All scripts should POSIX compliant and its shebang shouldn't call
Bash, Zsh, or anything besides plain old
. Expection:
Bash's configuration scripts or anything that demands another
: programs configurations
: personal executables
: personal .desktop files
: lists of used Arch packages
#Things that I use
- Bash: shell
- helix: terminal editor
- Firefox: browser
- foot: lightweight Wayland terminal
- River: Wayland compositor / window manager
- Yambar: Wayland panel with River integration
- Mako: Wayland notification daemon
- waylock: simple Wayland locker
- Bemenu: Wayland application menu and program runner
- imv: Wayland image viewer
- lf-sixel: terminal file manager, lf fork to work with images
- xpdf: PDF reader
- mpv: video player
- wbg: Wayland background
Simply run ./bootstrap -i
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Exceptions may contain specific licenses inside the files.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be in the public
domain, without any additional terms or conditions.