Migrated the Dunst config
Migrated Alacritty, i3 and btop configs
Configured Markdown highlighting
Adde abbriations for Jupyter typos
Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH to exports.sh Also removed deleted files from the repo
Moved the badenpoweroff abbreviation to a separate script
Added a comment to btop.conf This prevents btop from replacing the header in btop.conf everytime btop is run
Added some Fish abbreviations
Added my insititutional email account to the NeoMutt setup Or at least tryed to: the MSTP configuration is still fucked up
Added the the btop config to the repo
Removed pasytray from the list of i3 startup commands
Added code to autostart the GNOME Keyring
Added keybindings for display layout configuration
Turn off screen saving Added i3 settings to prevent the screen from turning off periodically
Reordered i3 config exec calls Also fixed exec/exec_always issues
Removed the Tor proxy from the neomutt alias Also reformatted aliases.sh
Added controls for the monitor brightness Added a backlight module for Polybar Added fish abbreviations for xbacklight
Created a PulseAudio script Made it so that the script plays a sound after raising/lowering the volume
Added some more extensions to the texclear command
Set the Kora icon theme as the default Also made the Rofi icons larger