remove inlay hints (neovim 0.10 is old enough)
Fix issue with inlay_hints when text is a `table` (#67)
Format with stylua, drop deprecated functions entirely, fix `vim.highlight.range()` args, etc. (#64)
Requires Neovim 0.7+
Install this plugin using any plugin/package manager or see :h packages
Set up clangd via lspconfig/vim.lsp.start, as usual.
You don't need to call require("clangd_extensions").setup
if you like the defaults:
ast = {
-- These are unicode, should be available in any font
role_icons = {
type = "🄣",
declaration = "🄓",
expression = "🄔",
statement = ";",
specifier = "🄢",
["template argument"] = "🆃",
kind_icons = {
Compound = "🄲",
Recovery = "🅁",
TranslationUnit = "🅄",
PackExpansion = "🄿",
TemplateTypeParm = "🅃",
TemplateTemplateParm = "🅃",
TemplateParamObject = "🅃",
--[[ These require codicons (
role_icons = {
type = "",
declaration = "",
expression = "",
specifier = "",
statement = "",
["template argument"] = "",
kind_icons = {
Compound = "",
Recovery = "",
TranslationUnit = "",
PackExpansion = "",
TemplateTypeParm = "",
TemplateTemplateParm = "",
TemplateParamObject = "",
}, ]]
highlights = {
detail = "Comment",
memory_usage = {
border = "none",
symbol_info = {
border = "none",
You can fold nodes using
and friends - the AST window has shiftwidth=2
and foldmethod=indent
to view the ast with the current line as the range, :'<,'>ClangdAST
with a visual selection to view the ast with the selected lines as range.
See how ranges are handled at
Usage: For nvim-cmp
local cmp = require "cmp"
cmp.setup {
-- ... rest of your cmp setup ...
sorting = {
comparators = {,,,
with the cursor at the desired symbol.
with the cursor over the desired type or a symbol of that type.
with the cursor over a type in a window to go to its definition.
You can fold items using zc
and friends - the memory usage window has shiftwidth=2
and foldmethod=indent
. Preamble can be large so it is collapsed by default, to expand it use :ClangdMemoryUsage expand_preamble
☑️ Memory usage
☑️ AST
☑️ Symbol info request
☑️ Type hierarchy
☑️ Switch between source/header
☑️ File status (see lsp-status.nvim)
☑️ Compilation commands (can be specified in vim.lsp.start()
/lspconfig init_options
and settings
☑️ Code completion scores
⬜ Force diagnostics generation (not sure)