M POSIX/riscv32/hex0_riscv32.hex0 => POSIX/riscv32/hex0_riscv32.hex0 +71 -71
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
## Copyright (C) 2021 Ekaitz Zarraga
## Copyright (C) 2021 Andrius Štikonas
-## Copyright (C) 2021 Gabriel Wicki
+## Copyright (C) 2021,2022 Gabriel Wicki
## This file is part of stage0.
## stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ 72,142 72,142 @@ F3 00 # e_machine Indicating RISC-V
01 00 00 00 # ph_align
# :_start ; (0x0600054)
- 13 0A 00 00 # RD_S4 MV ; Initialize register
- 83 25 81 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !8 LW ; Input file name
+ 13 0A 00 00 # rd_s4 mv ; Initialize register
+ 83 25 81 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !8 lw ; Input file name
; Open input file and store FD in s2
- 93 08 80 03 # RD_A7 !56 ADDI ; sys_openat
- 13 05 C0 F9 # RD_A0 !-100 ADDI ; AT_FDCWD
- 13 06 00 00 # RD_A2 MV ; read only
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
- 13 09 05 00 # RD_S2 RS1_A0 MV ; Save fd in for later
+ 93 08 80 03 # rd_a7 !56 addi ; sys_openat
+ 13 05 C0 F9 # rd_a0 !-100 addi ; AT_FDCWD
+ 13 06 00 00 # rd_a2 mv ; read only
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
+ 13 09 05 00 # rd_s2 rs1_a0 mv ; Save fd in s2 for later
; Open output file and store the FD in s3
- 13 05 C0 F9 # RD_A0 !-100 ADDI ; AT_FDCWD
- 83 25 C1 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !12 LW ; Output file (argument 3)
- 13 06 10 24 # RD_A2 !577 ADDI ; octal 00001101
+ 13 05 C0 F9 # rd_a0 !-100 addi ; AT_FDCWD
+ 83 25 C1 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !12 lw ; Output file (argument 3)
+ 13 06 10 24 # rd_a2 !577 addi ; octal 00001101
; O_TRUNC 00001000
; O_CREAT 00000100
; O_WRONLY 00000001
- 93 06 00 1C # RD_A3 !448 ADDI ; Set read, write, execute permission on user
+ 93 06 00 1C # rd_a3 !448 addi ; Set read, write, execute permission on user
; S_IRWXU 00700
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
- 93 09 05 00 # RD_S3 RS1_A0 MV ; Save fd in for later
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
+ 93 09 05 00 # rd_s3 rs1_a0 mv ; Save fd in s3 for later
# :next_byte ; (0x0600088)
- 93 08 F0 03 # RD_A7 !63 ADDI ; sys_read
- 13 05 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S2 MV ; File descriptor
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; Buffer
- 13 06 10 00 # RD_A2 !1 ADDI ; Size of what we want to read (set for all subsequent syscalls)
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
+ 93 08 F0 03 # rd_a7 !63 addi ; sys_read
+ 13 05 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s2 mv ; File descriptor
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; Buffer
+ 13 06 10 00 # rd_a2 !1 addi ; Size of what we want to read (set for all subsequent syscalls)
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
; If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
- 63 00 05 0C # RS1_A0 @terminate BEQZ
+ 63 00 05 0C # rs1_a0 @terminate beqz
# +192B
; Check if it's a comment
- 03 05 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LB
- 93 02 30 02 # RD_T0 !0x23 ADDI
- 63 08 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @loop BEQ ; a0 eq to '#'
+ 03 05 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lb
+ 93 02 30 02 # rd_t0 !0x23 addi
+ 63 08 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @loop beq ; a0 eq to '#'
# +16B
- 93 02 B0 03 # RD_T0 !0x3B ADDI
- 63 04 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @loop BEQ ; a0 eq to ';'
+ 93 02 B0 03 # rd_t0 !0x3B addi
+ 63 04 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @loop beq ; a0 eq to ';'
# +8B
- 6F 00 80 02 # $not_comment JAL
+ 6F 00 80 02 # $not_comment jal
# +40B
# :loop ; (0x06000B8)
- 13 05 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S2 MV ; File descriptor
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; sys_read
+ 13 05 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s2 mv ; File descriptor
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; sys_read
; If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
- 63 0E 05 08 # RS1_A0 @terminate BEQZ
+ 63 0E 05 08 # rs1_a0 @terminate beqz
# +156B
- ; Check if read byte is the end of the comment,
- ; in the case it is continue processing
- 03 05 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LB
- 93 02 A0 00 # RD_T0 !0xA ADDI
- E3 0E 55 FA # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @next_byte BEQ ; a0 eq to \n
+ ; Check if read byte is the end of the comment (i.e. a newline character),
+ ; in that case we continue processing
+ 03 05 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lb
+ 93 02 A0 00 # rd_t0 !0xA addi
+ E3 0E 55 FA # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @next_byte beq ; a0 eq to \n
# -68B
- 93 02 D0 00 # RD_T0 !0xD ADDI
- E3 0A 55 FA # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @next_byte BEQ ; a0 eq to \r
+ 93 02 D0 00 # rd_t0 !0xD addi
+ E3 0A 55 FA # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @next_byte beq ; a0 eq to \r
# -76B
- 6F F0 1F FE # $loop JAL
+ 6F F0 1F FE # $loop jal
# :not_comment ; (0x06000DC)
; Check if it's a hex character:
; in the case it's not, ignores and reads next byte
- 03 05 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LB
+ 03 05 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lb
; Is it between '0' and '9'?
- 93 02 00 03 # RD_T0 !48 ADDI ; '0' character
- 63 4A 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @uppercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 00 03 # rd_t0 !48 addi ; '0' character
+ 63 4A 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @uppercase_alpha blt
# +20B
- 93 02 90 03 # RD_T0 !57 ADDI ; '9' character
- 63 C6 A2 00 # RS1_T0 RS2_A0 @uppercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 90 03 # rd_t0 !57 addi ; '9' character
+ 63 C6 A2 00 # rs1_t0 rs2_a0 @uppercase_alpha blt
# +12B
- 13 05 05 FD # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !-48 ADDI
- 6F 00 00 03 # $hex_read JAL
+ 13 05 05 FD # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !-48 addi
+ 6F 00 00 03 # $hex_read jal
# +48B
# :uppercase_alpha ; (0x06000F8)
; Is it between 'A' and 'F'?
- 93 02 10 04 # RD_T0 !65 ADDI ; 'A' character
- 63 4A 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @lowercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 10 04 # rd_t0 !65 addi ; 'A' character
+ 63 4A 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @lowercase_alpha blt
# +20B
- 93 02 60 04 # RD_T0 !70 ADDI ; 'F' character
- 63 C6 A2 00 # RS1_T0 RS2_A0 @lowercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 60 04 # rd_t0 !70 addi ; 'F' character
+ 63 C6 A2 00 # rs1_t0 rs2_a0 @lowercase_alpha blt
# +12B
- 13 05 95 FC # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !-55 ADDI
- 6F 00 80 01 # $hex_read JAL
+ 13 05 95 FC # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !-55 addi
+ 6F 00 80 01 # $hex_read jal
# +24B
# :lowercase_alpha ; (0x0600110)
; Is it between 'a' and 'f'?
- 93 02 10 06 # RD_T0 !97 ADDI ; 'a' character
- E3 4A 55 F6 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @next_byte BLT ; Not hex, continue reading
+ 93 02 10 06 # rd_t0 !97 addi ; 'a' character
+ E3 4A 55 F6 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @next_byte blt ; Not hex, continue reading
# -140B
- 93 02 60 06 # RD_T0 !102 ADDI ; 'f' character
- E3 C6 A2 F6 # RS1_T0 RS2_A0 @next_byte BLT ; Not hex, continue reading
+ 93 02 60 06 # rd_t0 !102 addi ; 'f' character
+ E3 C6 A2 F6 # rs1_t0 rs2_a0 @next_byte blt ; Not hex, continue reading
# -148B
- 13 05 95 FA # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !-87 ADDI
+ 13 05 95 FA # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !-87 addi
# :hex_read ; (0x0600124)
; END check hex -- leaves the half byte in a0
- 63 18 0A 00 # RS1_S4 @combine BNEZ ; if toggle != 0 -> combine
+ 63 18 0A 00 # rs1_s4 @combine bnez ; if toggle != 0 -> combine
# +16B
; Toggle == 0, we need to prepare for later
- 93 0A 05 00 # RD_S5 RS1_A0 MV ; Load hold
+ 93 0A 05 00 # rd_s5 rs1_a0 mv ; Load hold
- 13 0A 10 00 # RD_S4 !1 ADDI ; Set toggle
- 6F F0 9F F5 # $next_byte JAL ; Read next byte
+ 13 0A 10 00 # rd_s4 !1 addi ; Set toggle
+ 6F F0 9F F5 # $next_byte jal ; Read next byte
# -168B
# :combine ; (0x0600134)
; Combine half bytes
- 93 95 4A 00 # RD_A1 RS1_S5 RS2_X4 SLLI ; Shift logical left 4 times
- 33 05 B5 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 RS2_A1 ADD ; Combine two half bytes
+ 93 95 4A 00 # rd_a1 rs1_s5 rs2_x4 slli ; Shift logical left 4 times
+ 33 05 B5 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 rs2_a1 add ; Combine two half bytes
; Leaves the full byte in a0
; Values are combined, now we write in the file
- 23 00 A1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A0 SB ; Store prepared byte in buffer
- 93 08 00 04 # RD_A7 !64 ADDI ; sys_write
- 13 85 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S3 MV ; file descriptor (stdout)
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; string address
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
+ 23 00 A1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a0 sb ; Store prepared byte in buffer
+ 93 08 00 04 # rd_a7 !64 addi ; sys_write
+ 13 85 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s3 mv ; file descriptor (stdout)
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; string address
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
; Update globals
- 13 0A 00 00 # RD_S4 MV ; Clear toggle
- 93 0A 00 00 # RD_S5 MV ; Clear hold
+ 13 0A 00 00 # rd_s4 mv ; Clear toggle
+ 93 0A 00 00 # rd_s5 mv ; Clear hold
; Read next byte
- 6F F0 1F F3 # $next_byte JAL
+ 6F F0 1F F3 # $next_byte jal
# -208B
# :terminate ; (0x60015C)
; Terminate program with 0 return code
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
+ 93 08 D0 05 # rd_a7 !93 addi ; sys_exit
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
# :ELF_end ; (0x600164)
M POSIX/riscv32/kaem-minimal.hex0 => POSIX/riscv32/kaem-minimal.hex0 +191 -191
@@ 68,113 68,113 @@ F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
# s4: command_done
# s6: malloc pointer
- 03 26 81 00 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !8 LW ; Input file name
- 13 07 00 00 # RD_A4 MV ; Initialize register (set *rusage = NULL in waitid)
+ 03 26 81 00 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !8 lw ; Input file name
+ 13 07 00 00 # rd_a4 mv ; Initialize register (set *rusage = NULL in waitid)
- 63 16 06 00 # RS1_A2 @_start_out BNEZ ; Use input file if specified
+ 63 16 06 00 # rs1_a2 @_start_out bnez ; Use input file if specified
# +12B
# Else use kaem.riscv32
- 17 06 00 00 # RD_A2 ~default_file AUIPC ; load address of default_file
- 13 06 86 2E # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !default_file ADDI ; into register a2
+ 17 06 00 00 # rd_a2 ~default_file auipc ; load address of default_file
+ 13 06 86 2E # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !default_file addi ; into register a2
# +744B
# :_start_out ; (0x0600064)
# Open input file and store FD in s2
- 93 08 80 03 # RD_A7 !56 ADDI ; sys_openat
- 13 05 C0 F9 # RD_A0 !-100 ADDI ; AT_FDCWD
- 93 05 06 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A2 MV ; file name
- 13 06 00 00 # RD_A2 ADDI ; read only
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 63 40 05 2C # RS1_A0 @Fail BLTZ ; Error opening file
+ 93 08 80 03 # rd_a7 !56 addi ; sys_openat
+ 13 05 C0 F9 # rd_a0 !-100 addi ; AT_FDCWD
+ 93 05 06 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a2 mv ; file name
+ 13 06 00 00 # rd_a2 addi ; read only
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 63 40 05 2C # rs1_a0 @Fail bltz ; Error opening file
# +704B
- 13 09 05 00 # RD_S2 RS1_A0 MV ; Save fd in for later
+ 13 09 05 00 # rd_s2 rs1_a0 mv ; Save fd in for later
# Prepare heap memory
- 93 08 60 0D # RD_A7 !214 ADDI ; sys_brk
- 13 05 00 00 # RD_A0 MV ; Get current brk
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 13 0B 05 00 # RD_S6 RS1_A0 MV ; Set our malloc pointer
+ 93 08 60 0D # rd_a7 !214 addi ; sys_brk
+ 13 05 00 00 # rd_a0 mv ; Get current brk
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 13 0B 05 00 # rd_s6 rs1_a0 mv ; Set our malloc pointer
# Using a1 for tokens and a2 for tokens[i]
# :main_loop ; (0x0600090)
- 13 05 10 00 # RD_A0 !1 ADDI ; 256 * sizeof(char*)
- 13 15 B5 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 RS2_X11 SLLI ; 2048 = 1 << 11
- EF 00 00 1F # RD_RA $malloc JAL ; allocate space
+ 13 05 10 00 # rd_a0 !1 addi ; 256 * sizeof(char*)
+ 13 15 B5 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 rs2_x11 slli ; 2048 = 1 << 11
+ EF 00 00 1F # rd_ra $malloc jal ; allocate space
# +496B
- 93 05 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A0 MV ; set tokens pointer
- 13 06 05 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A0 MV ; set tokens[i] pointer (i=0)
+ 93 05 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a0 mv ; set tokens pointer
+ 13 06 05 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a0 mv ; set tokens[i] pointer (i=0)
- 13 0A 00 00 # RD_S4 MV ; command_done = 0
+ 13 0A 00 00 # rd_s4 mv ; command_done = 0
# :collect_command ; (0x06000A8)
- EF 00 C0 0D # RD_RA $collect_token JAL ; Get another token
+ EF 00 C0 0D # rd_ra $collect_token jal ; Get another token
# +220B
- 63 06 05 00 # RS1_A0 @collect_command_comment BEQZ ; if NULL == result then it is a comment, don't store
+ 63 06 05 00 # rs1_a0 @collect_command_comment beqz ; if NULL == result then it is a comment, don't store
# +12B
- 23 20 A6 00 # RS1_A2 RS2_A0 SW ; tokens[i] = result
- 13 06 46 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !4 ADDI ; i = i + 1 (sizeof(char*) = 4)
+ 23 20 A6 00 # rs1_a2 rs2_a0 sw ; tokens[i] = result
+ 13 06 46 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !4 addi ; i = i + 1 (sizeof(char*) = 4)
# :collect_command_comment ; (0x06000B8)
- E3 08 0A FE # RS1_S4 @collect_command BEQZ ; keep looping if 0 == command_done
+ E3 08 0A FE # rs1_s4 @collect_command beqz ; keep looping if 0 == command_done
# -16B
# Deal with line comments
- E3 8A C5 FC # RS1_A1 RS2_A2 @main_loop BEQ ; keep looping if comment
+ E3 8A C5 FC # rs1_a1 rs2_a2 @main_loop beq ; keep looping if comment
# -44B
- EF 00 40 07 # RD_RA $print_command JAL ; print the command
+ EF 00 40 07 # rd_ra $print_command jal ; print the command
# +116B
- 03 A5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LW ; program = tokens[0]
- 63 08 05 26 # RS1_A0 @Fail BEQZ ; Error, no program
+ 03 A5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lw ; program = tokens[0]
+ 63 08 05 26 # rs1_a0 @Fail beqz ; Error, no program
# +624B
- 13 01 C1 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-4 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 SW ; protect tokens
+ 13 01 C1 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-4 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 sw ; protect tokens
- 93 08 C0 0D # RD_A7 !220 ADDI ; sys_clone
- 13 05 10 01 # RD_A0 !17 ADDI ; SIGCHLD flag
- 93 05 00 00 # RD_A1 MV ; Child uses duplicate of parent's stack
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 C0 0D # rd_a7 !220 addi ; sys_clone
+ 13 05 10 01 # rd_a0 !17 addi ; SIGCHLD flag
+ 93 05 00 00 # rd_a1 mv ; Child uses duplicate of parent's stack
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
- 83 25 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP LW ; restore tokens
- 13 01 41 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !4 ADDI ; deallocate stack
+ 83 25 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp lw ; restore tokens
+ 13 01 41 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !4 addi ; deallocate stack
- 63 46 05 24 # RS1_A0 @Fail BLTZ ; if f == -1 no child was created
+ 63 46 05 24 # rs1_a0 @Fail bltz ; if f == -1 no child was created
# +588B
- 63 1A 05 00 # RS1_A0 @collect_command_parent BNEZ ; if f == 0 it is child
+ 63 1A 05 00 # rs1_a0 @collect_command_parent bnez ; if f == 0 it is child
# +20B
# Deal with child case
- 93 08 D0 0D # RD_A7 !221 ADDI ; sys_execve
- 03 A5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LW ; program = tokens[0]
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; execve(program, tokens)
- EF 00 80 23 # RD_RA $Fail JAL ; Exit with an error
+ 93 08 D0 0D # rd_a7 !221 addi ; sys_execve
+ 03 A5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lw ; program = tokens[0]
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; execve(program, tokens)
+ EF 00 80 23 # rd_ra $Fail jal ; Exit with an error
# +568B
# :collect_command_parent ; (0x0600104)
- 93 08 F0 05 # RD_A7 !95 ADDI ; sys_waitid
- 13 05 00 00 # RD_A0 MV ; set idtype = P_ALL
- 17 06 00 00 # RD_A2 ~info AUIPC ; a2 = siginfo_t &info
- 13 06 A6 26 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !info ADDI
+ 93 08 F0 05 # rd_a7 !95 addi ; sys_waitid
+ 13 05 00 00 # rd_a0 mv ; set idtype = P_ALL
+ 17 06 00 00 # rd_a2 ~info auipc ; a2 = siginfo_t &info
+ 13 06 A6 26 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !info addi
# +618B
- 93 06 40 00 # RD_A3 !4 MV ; set *options = WEXITED
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 06 40 00 # rd_a3 !4 mv ; set *options = WEXITED
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
# Check if child exited
- 03 26 46 01 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !20 LW ; status = info->si_status
- E3 08 06 F6 # RS1_A2 @main_loop BEQZ ; Loop if 0 == status
+ 03 26 46 01 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !20 lw ; status = info->si_status
+ E3 08 06 F6 # rs1_a2 @main_loop beqz ; Loop if 0 == status
# -144B
# :abort ; (0x0600124)
- 17 05 00 00 # RD_A0 ~hard AUIPC ; Get error string
- 13 05 25 23 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !hard ADDI ; Get error string
+ 17 05 00 00 # rd_a0 ~hard auipc ; Get error string
+ 13 05 25 23 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !hard addi ; Get error string
# +562B
- EF 00 80 18 # RD_RA $File_Print JAL ; Print it
+ EF 00 80 18 # rd_ra $File_Print jal ; Print it
# +392B
- 6F 00 80 20 # $Fail JAL ; Exit with failure
+ 6F 00 80 20 # $Fail jal ; Exit with failure
# +520B
@@ 182,37 182,37 @@ F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
# Receives tokens[j] in a1 and tokens[i] in a2
# Modifies a0
# :print_command ; (0x0600134)
- 13 01 41 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-12 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SW ; protect ra
- 23 22 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @4 SW ; protect a1
- 23 24 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @8 SW ; protect a2
+ 13 01 41 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-12 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sw ; protect ra
+ 23 22 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @4 sw ; protect a1
+ 23 24 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @8 sw ; protect a2
- 17 05 00 00 # RD_A0 ~prefix AUIPC ; Get prefix " +> "
- 13 05 D5 20 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !prefix ADDI ; Get prefix " +> "
+ 17 05 00 00 # rd_a0 ~prefix auipc ; Get prefix " +> "
+ 13 05 D5 20 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !prefix addi ; Get prefix " +> "
# +525B
- EF 00 80 16 # RD_RA $File_Print JAL ; print it
+ EF 00 80 16 # rd_ra $File_Print jal ; print it
# +360B
# :print_command_loop ; (0x0600150)
- 03 A5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LW ; get tokens[j]
- EF 00 00 16 # RD_RA $File_Print JAL ; print it
+ 03 A5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lw ; get tokens[j]
+ EF 00 00 16 # rd_ra $File_Print jal ; print it
# +352B
- 93 85 45 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A1 !4 ADDI ; j = j + 1
- 13 05 00 02 # RD_A0 !32 ADDI ; a0 = ' '
- EF 00 40 19 # RD_RA $fputc JAL ; print it
+ 93 85 45 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a1 !4 addi ; j = j + 1
+ 13 05 00 02 # rd_a0 !32 addi ; a0 = ' '
+ EF 00 40 19 # rd_ra $fputc jal ; print it
# +404B
- E3 96 C5 FE # RS1_A1 RS2_A2 @print_command_loop BNE ; continue if j < i, otherwise keep looping
+ E3 96 C5 FE # rs1_a1 rs2_a2 @print_command_loop bne ; continue if j < i, otherwise keep looping
# -20B
- 13 05 A0 00 # RD_A0 !10 ADDI ; a0 = '\n'
- EF 00 80 18 # RD_RA $fputc JAL ; print it
+ 13 05 A0 00 # rd_a0 !10 addi ; a0 = '\n'
+ EF 00 80 18 # rd_ra $fputc jal ; print it
# +392B
- 83 20 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LW ; restore ra
- 83 25 41 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !4 LW ; restore a1
- 03 26 81 00 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !8 LW ; restore a2
- 13 01 C1 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !12 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 20 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp lw ; restore ra
+ 83 25 41 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !4 lw ; restore a1
+ 03 26 81 00 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !8 lw ; restore a2
+ 13 01 C1 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !12 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# collect_token function
@@ 220,83 220,83 @@ F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
# Overwrites a0
# Uses a0 as c, a1 as token and a2 as token[i]
# :collect_token ; (0x0600184)
- 13 01 41 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-12 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SW ; protect ra
- 23 22 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @4 SW ; protect a1
- 23 24 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @8 SW ; protect a2
+ 13 01 41 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-12 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sw ; protect ra
+ 23 22 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @4 sw ; protect a1
+ 23 24 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @8 sw ; protect a2
- 37 15 00 00 # RD_A0 ~4096 LUI ; 4096 * sizeof(char)
- EF 00 00 0F # RD_RA $malloc JAL ; allocate space
+ 37 15 00 00 # rd_a0 ~4096 lui ; 4096 * sizeof(char)
+ EF 00 00 0F # rd_ra $malloc jal ; allocate space
# +240B
- 93 05 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A0 MV ; token = malloc(max_string)
- 13 06 05 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A0 MV ; i = 0; set token[i]
+ 93 05 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a0 mv ; token = malloc(max_string)
+ 13 06 05 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a0 mv ; i = 0; set token[i]
# :collect_token_loop ; (0x06001A4)
- EF 00 40 0A # RD_RA $fgetc JAL ; read character
+ EF 00 40 0A # rd_ra $fgetc jal ; read character
# +164B
- 93 02 C0 FF # RD_T0 !-4 ADDI ; if character == EOF
- 63 00 55 18 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @Done BEQ ; We are done
+ 93 02 C0 FF # rd_t0 !-4 addi ; if character == EOF
+ 63 00 55 18 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @Done beq ; We are done
# +384B
- 93 02 00 02 # RD_T0 !32 ADDI ; if c == ' '
- 63 06 55 04 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_done BEQ ; Space terminates token
+ 93 02 00 02 # rd_t0 !32 addi ; if c == ' '
+ 63 06 55 04 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_done beq ; Space terminates token
# +76B
- 93 02 90 00 # RD_T0 !9 ADDI ; if c == '\t'
- 63 02 55 04 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_done BEQ ; Tab terminates token
+ 93 02 90 00 # rd_t0 !9 addi ; if c == '\t'
+ 63 02 55 04 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_done beq ; Tab terminates token
# +68B
- 93 02 A0 00 # RD_T0 !10 ADDI ; continue if c == '\n'
- 63 16 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_comment BNE ; otherwise check next
+ 93 02 A0 00 # rd_t0 !10 addi ; continue if c == '\n'
+ 63 16 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_comment bne ; otherwise check next
# +12B
# newline
- 13 0A 10 00 # RD_S4 !1 ADDI ; command_done = true
- 6F 00 40 03 # $collect_token_done JAL ; Done with current command
+ 13 0A 10 00 # rd_s4 !1 addi ; command_done = true
+ 6F 00 40 03 # $collect_token_done jal ; Done with current command
# +52B
# :collect_token_comment ; (0x06001D0)
- 93 02 30 02 # RD_T0 !35 ADDI ; if c == '#'
- 63 18 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_escape BNE ; otherwise check next
+ 93 02 30 02 # rd_t0 !35 addi ; if c == '#'
+ 63 18 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_escape bne ; otherwise check next
# +16B
# It is a line comment
- EF 00 80 04 # RD_RA $collect_comment JAL ; Read whole comment
+ EF 00 80 04 # rd_ra $collect_comment jal ; Read whole comment
# +72B
- 13 0A 10 00 # RD_S4 !1 ADDI ; command_done = true
- EF 00 00 02 # RD_RA $collect_token_done JAL ; Done
+ 13 0A 10 00 # rd_s4 !1 addi ; command_done = true
+ EF 00 00 02 # rd_ra $collect_token_done jal ; Done
# +32B
# :collect_token_escape ; (0x06001E4)
- 93 02 C0 05 # RD_T0 !92 ADDI ; if c == '\'
- 63 16 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_other BNE ; otherwise just store it
+ 93 02 C0 05 # rd_t0 !92 addi ; if c == '\'
+ 63 16 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_other bne ; otherwise just store it
# +12B
# Escape character
- EF 00 C0 05 # RD_RA $fgetc JAL ; Read the char to drop
+ EF 00 C0 05 # rd_ra $fgetc jal ; Read the char to drop
# +92B
- EF 00 00 01 # RD_RA $collect_token_done JAL ; We are done
+ EF 00 00 01 # rd_ra $collect_token_done jal ; We are done
# +16B
# :collect_token_other ; (0x06001F4)
- 23 00 A6 00 # RS1_A2 RS2_A0 SB ; token[i] = c
- 13 06 16 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !1 ADDI ; i = i + 1
- 6F F0 9F FA # $collect_token_loop JAL ; Read another character
+ 23 00 A6 00 # rs1_a2 rs2_a0 sb ; token[i] = c
+ 13 06 16 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !1 addi ; i = i + 1
+ 6F F0 9F FA # $collect_token_loop jal ; Read another character
# -88B
# :collect_token_done ; (0x0600200)
- 63 94 C5 00 # RS1_A1 RS2_A2 @collect_token_good BNE ; return the token unless
+ 63 94 C5 00 # rs1_a1 rs2_a2 @collect_token_good bne ; return the token unless
# +8B
- 93 05 00 00 # RD_A1 MV ; i == 0, then token = NULL
+ 93 05 00 00 # rd_a1 mv ; i == 0, then token = NULL
# :collect_token_good ; (0x0600208)
- 13 85 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 MV ; Return token
- 83 20 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LW ; restore ra
- 83 25 41 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !4 LW ; restore a1
- 03 26 81 00 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !8 LW ; restore a2
- 13 01 C1 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !12 ADDI ; Deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 13 85 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 mv ; Return token
+ 83 20 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp lw ; restore ra
+ 83 25 41 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !4 lw ; restore a1
+ 03 26 81 00 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !8 lw ; restore a2
+ 13 01 C1 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !12 addi ; Deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# collect_comment function
@@ 305,51 305,51 @@ F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
# uses a0 as c
# Just throws away everything it reads
# :collect_comment ; (0x0600220)
- 13 01 C1 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-4 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SW ; protect ra
+ 13 01 C1 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-4 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sw ; protect ra
- EF 00 00 02 # RD_RA $fgetc JAL ; c = fgetc(input)
+ EF 00 00 02 # rd_ra $fgetc jal ; c = fgetc(input)
# +32B
- 93 02 C0 FF # RD_T0 !-4 ADDI ; if c == EOF
- 63 04 55 10 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @Fail BEQ ; Abort
+ 93 02 C0 FF # rd_t0 !-4 addi ; if c == EOF
+ 63 04 55 10 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @Fail beq ; Abort
# +264B
- 93 02 A0 00 # RD_T0 !10 ADDI ; if c == '\n'
- E3 14 55 FE # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_comment BNE ; loop
+ 93 02 A0 00 # rd_t0 !10 addi ; if c == '\n'
+ E3 14 55 FE # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_comment bne ; loop
# -24B
- 83 20 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LW ; restore ra
- 13 01 41 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !4 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 20 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp lw ; restore ra
+ 13 01 41 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !4 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# fgetc function ; (0x0600248)
# Loads FILE* from s2
# Returns -4 (EOF) or char in a0
# :fgetc
- 13 01 41 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-12 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 22 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @4 SW ; protect a1
- 23 24 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @8 SW ; protect a2
+ 13 01 41 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-12 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 22 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @4 sw ; protect a1
+ 23 24 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @8 sw ; protect a2
- 93 08 F0 03 # RD_A7 !63 ADDI ; sys_read
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; Get stack address
- 13 05 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S2 MV ; read from input file
- 13 06 10 00 # RD_A2 !1 ADDI ; read 1 character
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 F0 03 # rd_a7 !63 addi ; sys_read
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; Get stack address
+ 13 05 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s2 mv ; read from input file
+ 13 06 10 00 # rd_a2 !1 addi ; read 1 character
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
- 63 16 05 00 # RS1_A0 @fgetc_done BNEZ ; Check if nothing was read
+ 63 16 05 00 # rs1_a0 @fgetc_done bnez ; Check if nothing was read
# +12B
# :fgetc_fail ; (0x060026C)
- 93 02 C0 FF # RD_T0 !-4 ADDI ; Use -4 as EOF
- 23 80 55 00 # RS1_A1 RS2_T0 SB ; Store EOF in *a1
+ 93 02 C0 FF # rd_t0 !-4 addi ; Use -4 as EOF
+ 23 80 55 00 # rs1_a1 rs2_t0 sb ; Store EOF in *a1
# :fgetc_done ; (0x0600274)
- 03 85 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LB ; return char in a0
- 83 25 41 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !4 LW ; restore a1
- 03 26 81 00 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !8 LW ; restore a2
- 13 01 C1 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !12 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 03 85 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lb ; return char in a0
+ 83 25 41 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !4 lw ; restore a1
+ 03 26 81 00 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !8 lw ; restore a2
+ 13 01 C1 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !12 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# Malloc isn't actually required if the program being built fits in the initial memory
@@ 357,83 357,83 @@ F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
# Requires MALLOC pointer to be initialized and a0 to have the number of desired bytes
# :malloc ; (0x0600288)
- 13 01 C1 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-4 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 SW ; protect a1
+ 13 01 C1 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-4 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 sw ; protect a1
- 93 05 0B 00 # RD_A1 RS1_S6 MV ; Store the current pointer
- 33 05 65 01 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 RS2_S6 ADD ; Request the number of desired bytes
- 93 08 60 0D # RD_A7 !214 ADDI ; sys_brk
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 13 0B 05 00 # RD_S6 RS1_A0 MV ; Set our malloc pointer
- 13 85 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 MV ; Return the pointer
+ 93 05 0B 00 # rd_a1 rs1_s6 mv ; Store the current pointer
+ 33 05 65 01 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 rs2_s6 add ; Request the number of desired bytes
+ 93 08 60 0D # rd_a7 !214 addi ; sys_brk
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 13 0B 05 00 # rd_s6 rs1_a0 mv ; Set our malloc pointer
+ 13 85 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 mv ; Return the pointer
- 83 25 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP LW ; restore a1
- 13 01 41 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !4 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 25 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp lw ; restore a1
+ 13 01 41 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !4 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# File_Print function
# Receives CHAR* in a0
# calls fputc for every non-null char
# :File_Print ; (0x06002B4)
- 13 01 41 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-12 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SW ; protect ra
- 23 22 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @4 SW ; protect a1
- 23 24 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @8 SW ; protect a2
- 93 05 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A0 MV ; protect a0
+ 13 01 41 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-12 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sw ; protect ra
+ 23 22 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @4 sw ; protect a1
+ 23 24 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @8 sw ; protect a2
+ 93 05 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a0 mv ; protect a0
- 63 0C 05 00 # RS1_A0 @File_Print_Done BEQZ ; Protect against nulls
+ 63 0C 05 00 # rs1_a0 @File_Print_Done beqz ; Protect against nulls
# +24B
# :File_Print_Loop ; (0x06002CC)
- 03 C5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LBU ; Read byte
- 63 08 05 00 # RS1_A0 @File_Print_Done BEQZ ; Stop at NULL
+ 03 C5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lbu ; Read byte
+ 63 08 05 00 # rs1_a0 @File_Print_Done beqz ; Stop at NULL
# +16B
- EF 00 00 02 # RD_RA $fputc JAL ; print it
+ EF 00 00 02 # rd_ra $fputc jal ; print it
# +32B
- 93 85 15 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A1 !1 ADDI ; S = S + 1
- 6F F0 1F FF # $File_Print_Loop JAL ; Keep printing
+ 93 85 15 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a1 !1 addi ; S = S + 1
+ 6F F0 1F FF # $File_Print_Loop jal ; Keep printing
# -16B
# :File_Print_Done ; (0x06002E0)
- 83 20 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LW ; restore ra
- 83 25 41 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !4 LW ; restore a1
- 03 26 81 00 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !8 LW ; restore a2
- 13 01 C1 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !12 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 20 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp lw ; restore ra
+ 83 25 41 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !4 lw ; restore a1
+ 03 26 81 00 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !8 lw ; restore a2
+ 13 01 C1 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !12 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# fputc function
# receives CHAR in a0 and load FILE* from stdout
# writes char and returns
# :fputc ; (0x06002F4)
- 13 01 41 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-12 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 20 A1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A0 SW ; protect a0
- 23 22 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @4 SW ; protect a1
- 23 24 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @8 SW ; protect a2
- 93 08 00 04 # RD_A7 !64 ADDI ; sys_write
- 13 05 10 00 # RD_A0 !1 ADDI ; write to stdout
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; Get stack address
- 13 06 10 00 # RD_A2 !1 ADDI ; write 1 character
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 03 25 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LW ; restore a0
- 83 25 41 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !4 LW ; restore a1
- 03 26 81 00 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !8 LW ; restore a2
- 13 01 C1 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !12 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 13 01 41 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-12 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 20 A1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a0 sw ; protect a0
+ 23 22 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @4 sw ; protect a1
+ 23 24 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @8 sw ; protect a2
+ 93 08 00 04 # rd_a7 !64 addi ; sys_write
+ 13 05 10 00 # rd_a0 !1 addi ; write to stdout
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; Get stack address
+ 13 06 10 00 # rd_a2 !1 addi ; write 1 character
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 03 25 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lw ; restore a0
+ 83 25 41 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !4 lw ; restore a1
+ 03 26 81 00 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !8 lw ; restore a2
+ 13 01 C1 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !12 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# :Done ; (0x060032C)
# Terminate program with 0 return code
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 13 05 00 00 # RD_A0 MV ; Return code 0
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 D0 05 # rd_a7 !93 addi ; sys_exit
+ 13 05 00 00 # rd_a0 mv ; Return code 0
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
# :Fail ; (0x0600338)
# Terminate program with 1 return code
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 13 05 10 00 # RD_A0 !1 ADDI ; Return code 1
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 D0 05 # rd_a7 !93 addi ; sys_exit
+ 13 05 10 00 # rd_a0 !1 addi ; Return code 1
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
# :default_file ; (0x0600344)
M POSIX/riscv64/hex0_riscv64.hex0 => POSIX/riscv64/hex0_riscv64.hex0 +71 -71
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
## Copyright (C) 2021 Ekaitz Zarraga
## Copyright (C) 2021 Andrius Štikonas
-## Copyright (C) 2021 Gabriel Wicki
+## Copyright (C) 2021,2022 Gabriel Wicki
## This file is part of stage0.
## stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ 70,142 70,142 @@ F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## Required alignment
# :_start ; (0x0600078)
- 13 0A 00 00 # RD_S4 MV ; Initialize register
- 83 35 01 01 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !16 LD ; Input file name
+ 13 0A 00 00 # rd_s4 mv ; Initialize register
+ 83 35 01 01 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !16 ld ; Input file name
; Open input file and store FD in s2
- 93 08 80 03 # RD_A7 !56 ADDI ; sys_openat
- 13 05 C0 F9 # RD_A0 !-100 ADDI ; AT_FDCWD
- 13 06 00 00 # RD_A2 MV ; read only
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
- 13 09 05 00 # RD_S2 RS1_A0 MV ; Save fd in for later
+ 93 08 80 03 # rd_a7 !56 addi ; sys_openat
+ 13 05 C0 F9 # rd_a0 !-100 addi ; AT_FDCWD
+ 13 06 00 00 # rd_a2 mv ; read only
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
+ 13 09 05 00 # rd_s2 rs1_a0 mv ; Save fd in s2 for later
; Open output file and store the FD in s3
- 13 05 C0 F9 # RD_A0 !-100 ADDI ; AT_FDCWD
- 83 35 81 01 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !24 LD ; Output file (argument 3)
- 13 06 10 24 # RD_A2 !577 ADDI ; octal 00001101
+ 13 05 C0 F9 # rd_a0 !-100 addi ; AT_FDCWD
+ 83 35 81 01 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !24 ld ; Output file (argument 3)
+ 13 06 10 24 # rd_a2 !577 addi ; octal 00001101
; O_TRUNC 00001000
; O_CREAT 00000100
; O_WRONLY 00000001
- 93 06 00 1C # RD_A3 !448 ADDI ; Set read, write, execute permission on user
+ 93 06 00 1C # rd_a3 !448 addi ; Set read, write, execute permission on user
; S_IRWXU 00700
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
- 93 09 05 00 # RD_S3 RS1_A0 MV ; Save fd in for later
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
+ 93 09 05 00 # rd_s3 rs1_a0 mv ; Save fd in s3 for later
# :next_byte ; (0x06000AC)
- 93 08 F0 03 # RD_A7 !63 ADDI ; sys_read
- 13 05 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S2 MV ; File descriptor
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; Buffer
- 13 06 10 00 # RD_A2 !1 ADDI ; Size of what we want to read (set for all subsequent syscalls)
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
+ 93 08 F0 03 # rd_a7 !63 addi ; sys_read
+ 13 05 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s2 mv ; File descriptor
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; Buffer
+ 13 06 10 00 # rd_a2 !1 addi ; Size of what we want to read (set for all subsequent syscalls)
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
; If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
- 63 00 05 0C # RS1_A0 @terminate BEQZ
+ 63 00 05 0C # rs1_a0 @terminate beqz
# +192B
; Check if it's a comment
- 03 05 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LB
- 93 02 30 02 # RD_T0 !0x23 ADDI
- 63 08 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @loop BEQ ; a0 eq to '#'
+ 03 05 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lb
+ 93 02 30 02 # rd_t0 !0x23 addi
+ 63 08 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @loop beq ; a0 eq to '#'
# +16B
- 93 02 B0 03 # RD_T0 !0x3B ADDI
- 63 04 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @loop BEQ ; a0 eq to ';'
+ 93 02 B0 03 # rd_t0 !0x3B addi
+ 63 04 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @loop beq ; a0 eq to ';'
# +8B
- 6F 00 80 02 # $not_comment JAL
+ 6F 00 80 02 # $not_comment jal
# +40B
# :loop ; (0x06000DC)
- 13 05 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S2 MV ; File descriptor
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; sys_read
+ 13 05 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s2 mv ; File descriptor
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; sys_read
; If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
- 63 0E 05 08 # RS1_A0 @terminate BEQZ
+ 63 0E 05 08 # rs1_a0 @terminate beqz
# +156B
- ; Check if read byte is the end of the comment,
- ; in the case it is continue processing
- 03 05 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LB
- 93 02 A0 00 # RD_T0 !0xA ADDI
- E3 0E 55 FA # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @next_byte BEQ ; a0 eq to \n
+ ; Check if read byte is the end of the comment (i.e. a newline character),
+ ; in that case we continue processing
+ 03 05 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lb
+ 93 02 A0 00 # rd_t0 !0xA addi
+ E3 0E 55 FA # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @next_byte beq ; a0 eq to \n
# -68B
- 93 02 D0 00 # RD_T0 !0xD ADDI
- E3 0A 55 FA # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @next_byte BEQ ; a0 eq to \r
+ 93 02 D0 00 # rd_t0 !0xD addi
+ E3 0A 55 FA # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @next_byte beq ; a0 eq to \r
# -76B
- 6F F0 1F FE # $loop JAL
+ 6F F0 1F FE # $loop jal
# :not_comment ; (0x0600100)
; Check if it's a hex character:
; in the case it's not, ignores and reads next byte
- 03 05 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LB
+ 03 05 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp lb
; Is it between '0' and '9'?
- 93 02 00 03 # RD_T0 !48 ADDI ; '0' character
- 63 4A 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @uppercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 00 03 # rd_t0 !48 addi ; '0' character
+ 63 4A 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @uppercase_alpha blt
# +20B
- 93 02 90 03 # RD_T0 !57 ADDI ; '9' character
- 63 C6 A2 00 # RS1_T0 RS2_A0 @uppercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 90 03 # rd_t0 !57 addi ; '9' character
+ 63 C6 A2 00 # rs1_t0 rs2_a0 @uppercase_alpha blt
# +12B
- 13 05 05 FD # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !-48 ADDI
- 6F 00 00 03 # $hex_read JAL
+ 13 05 05 FD # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !-48 addi
+ 6F 00 00 03 # $hex_read jal
# +48B
# :uppercase_alpha ; (0x060011C)
; Is it between 'A' and 'F'?
- 93 02 10 04 # RD_T0 !65 ADDI ; 'A' character
- 63 4A 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @lowercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 10 04 # rd_t0 !65 addi ; 'A' character
+ 63 4A 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @lowercase_alpha blt
# +20B
- 93 02 60 04 # RD_T0 !70 ADDI ; 'F' character
- 63 C6 A2 00 # RS1_T0 RS2_A0 @lowercase_alpha BLT
+ 93 02 60 04 # rd_t0 !70 addi ; 'F' character
+ 63 C6 A2 00 # rs1_t0 rs2_a0 @lowercase_alpha blt
# +12B
- 13 05 95 FC # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !-55 ADDI
- 6F 00 80 01 # $hex_read JAL
+ 13 05 95 FC # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !-55 addi
+ 6F 00 80 01 # $hex_read jal
# +24B
# :lowercase_alpha ; (0x0600134)
; Is it between 'a' and 'f'?
- 93 02 10 06 # RD_T0 !97 ADDI ; 'a' character
- E3 4A 55 F6 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @next_byte BLT ; Not hex, continue reading
+ 93 02 10 06 # rd_t0 !97 addi ; 'a' character
+ E3 4A 55 F6 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @next_byte blt ; Not hex, continue reading
# -140B
- 93 02 60 06 # RD_T0 !102 ADDI ; 'f' character
- E3 C6 A2 F6 # RS1_T0 RS2_A0 @next_byte BLT ; Not hex, continue reading
+ 93 02 60 06 # rd_t0 !102 addi ; 'f' character
+ E3 C6 A2 F6 # rs1_t0 rs2_a0 @next_byte blt ; Not hex, continue reading
# -148B
- 13 05 95 FA # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !-87 ADDI
+ 13 05 95 FA # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !-87 addi
# :hex_read ; (0x0600148)
; END check hex -- leaves the half byte in a0
- 63 18 0A 00 # RS1_S4 @combine BNEZ ; if toggle != 0 -> combine
+ 63 18 0A 00 # rs1_s4 @combine bnez ; if toggle != 0 -> combine
# +16B
; Toggle == 0, we need to prepare for later
- 93 0A 05 00 # RD_S5 RS1_A0 MV ; Load hold
+ 93 0A 05 00 # rd_s5 rs1_a0 mv ; Load hold
- 13 0A 10 00 # RD_S4 !1 ADDI ; Set toggle
- 6F F0 9F F5 # $next_byte JAL ; Read next byte
+ 13 0A 10 00 # rd_s4 !1 addi ; Set toggle
+ 6F F0 9F F5 # $next_byte jal ; Read next byte
# -168B
# :combine ; (0x0600158)
; Combine half bytes
- 93 95 4A 00 # RD_A1 RS1_S5 RS2_X4 SLLI ; Shift logical left 4 times
- 33 05 B5 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 RS2_A1 ADD ; Combine two half bytes
+ 93 95 4A 00 # rd_a1 rs1_s5 rs2_x4 slli ; Shift logical left 4 times
+ 33 05 B5 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 rs2_a1 add ; Combine two half bytes
; Leaves the full byte in a0
; Values are combined, now we write in the file
- 23 00 A1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A0 SB ; Store prepared byte in buffer
- 93 08 00 04 # RD_A7 !64 ADDI ; sys_write
- 13 85 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S3 MV ; file descriptor (stdout)
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; string address
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
+ 23 00 A1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a0 sb ; Store prepared byte in buffer
+ 93 08 00 04 # rd_a7 !64 addi ; sys_write
+ 13 85 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s3 mv ; file descriptor (stdout)
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; string address
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
; Update globals
- 13 0A 00 00 # RD_S4 MV ; Clear toggle
- 93 0A 00 00 # RD_S5 MV ; Clear hold
+ 13 0A 00 00 # rd_s4 mv ; Clear toggle
+ 93 0A 00 00 # rd_s5 mv ; Clear hold
; Read next byte
- 6F F0 1F F3 # $next_byte JAL
+ 6F F0 1F F3 # $next_byte jal
# -208B
# :terminate ; (0x600180)
; Terminate program with 0 return code
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL
+ 93 08 D0 05 # rd_a7 !93 addi ; sys_exit
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall
# :ELF_end ; (0x600188)
D POSIX/riscv64/kaem-micro.hex0 => POSIX/riscv64/kaem-micro.hex0 +0 -156
@@ 1,156 0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2021 Andrius Štikonas
-## This file is part of stage0.
-## stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with stage0. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# This is not a real kaem but instead a small hardcoded script to build
-# and launch kaem-minimal.
-# It first uses hex0-seed to build hex0.
-# Then uses hex0 to build kaem-minimal and starts it.
-# It expects hex0_riscv64.hex0 and kaem-minimal.hex0 files to be in the current directory.
-# Path to hex0-seed is assumed to be ../bootstrap-seeds/POSIX/riscv64/hex0-seed
-# However it is the last thing in the binary, so updating it is trivial and
-# does not affect anything else in the file.
-# Register use:
-# s1: address to pointer array of program and arguments to be executed
-# s2: have_hex0
-## ELF Header
-7F 45 4C 46 ## e_ident[EI_MAG0-3] ELF's magic number
-02 ## e_ident[EI_CLASS] Indicating 64 bit
-01 ## e_ident[EI_DATA] Indicating little endianness
-01 ## e_ident[EI_VERSION] Indicating original elf
-03 ## e_ident[EI_OSABI] Set at 3 for Linux
-00 ## e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] Ignored for Statically linked executables
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## e_ident[EI_PAD]
-02 00 ## e_type Indicating Executable
-F3 00 ## e_machine Indicating RISC-V
-01 00 00 00 ## e_version Indicating original elf
-78 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 ## e_entry Address of the entry point (Number of bytes this header is + Base Address)
-40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## e_phoff Address of program header table
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## e_shoff Address of section header table
-00 00 00 00 ## e_flags
-40 00 ## e_ehsize Indicating our 64 Byte header
-38 00 ## e_phentsize size of a program header table
-01 00 ## e_phnum number of entries in program table
-00 00 ## e_shentsize size of a section header table
-00 00 ## e_shnum number of entries in section table
-00 00 ## e_shstrndx index of the section names
-## Program Header
-01 00 00 00 ## p_type
-07 00 00 00 ## Flags
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_offset
-00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_vaddr
-00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_physaddr
-69 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_filesz
-69 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_memsz
-01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## Required alignment
-# :_start ; (0x0600078)
- 97 04 00 00 # RD_S1 ~argv_hex0 AUIPC ; hex0-seed hex0_riscv64.hex0 hex0
- 93 84 84 05 # RD_S1 RS1_S1 !argv_hex0 ADDI # +88B
- 6F 00 00 01 # $clone JAL ; jump to clone
- # +16B
-# :kaem_minimal ; (0x0600084)
- 97 04 00 00 # RD_S1 ~argv_kaem AUIPC ; hex0 kaem-minimal.hex0 kaem
- 93 84 C4 06 # RD_S1 RS1_S1 !argv_kaem ADDI
- # +108B
- 13 49 F9 FF # RD_S2 RS1_S2 NOT ; s2 = !s2
-# :clone ; (0x0600090)
- 93 08 C0 0D # RD_A7 !220 ADDI ; sys_clone
- 13 05 10 01 # RD_A0 !17 ADDI ; SIGCHLD flag
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 63 1E 05 00 # RS1_A0 @parent BNEZ ; if f == 0 it is child
- # +28B
- # Deal with child case
-# :execve ; (0x06000a0)
- 03 B5 04 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S1 LD ; program
- 93 08 D0 0D # RD_A7 !221 ADDI ; sys_execve
- 93 85 04 00 # RD_A1 RS1_S1 MV ; argv
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; execve(program, argv)
- # Terminate child program (only happens on error)
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
-# :parent ; (0x06000b8)
- 93 08 40 10 # RD_A7 !260 ADDI ; sys_wait4
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- E3 02 09 FC # RS1_S2 @kaem_minimal BEQZ ; Now build kaem
- # -60B
-# :start_kaem ; (0x06000c4)
- 97 04 00 00 # RD_S1 ~argv_kaem_minimal AUIPC ; kaem
- 93 84 C4 03 # RD_S1 RS1_S1 !argv_kaem_minimal ADDI
- # +60B
- 6F F0 5F FD # $execve JAL ; execve into kaem-minimal
- # -44B
-# :argv_hex0 ; (0x06000d0)
- 3E 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 # &hex0_seed
- 10 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 # &hex0_source ; (0x06000d8)
- 22 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 # &hex0_out ; (0x06000e0)
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-# :argv_kaem ; (0x06000f0)
- 22 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 # &hex0_out
- 27 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 # &kaem_source ; (0x06000f8)
-# :argv_kaem_minimal ; (0x0600100)
- 39 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 # &kaem_out
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-# :hex0_source ; (0x0600110)
- 68 65 78 30 5F 72 69 73 63 76 36 34 2E 68 65 78 30 00 ; hex0_riscv64.hex0
-# :hex0_out ; (0x0600122)
- 68 65 78 30 00 ; hex0
-# :kaem_source ; (0x0600127)
- 6B 61 65 6D 2D 6D 69 6E 69 6D 61 6C 2E 68 65 78 30 00 ; kaem-minimal.hex0
-# :kaem_out ; (0x0600139)
- 6B 61 65 6D 00 ; kaem
-# Put this one last to make updating hardcoded path trivial
-# :hex0_seed ; (0x060013e)
- 2E 2E 2F 62 6F 6F 74 73 74 72 61 70 2D 73 65 65 64 73
- 2F 50 4F 53 49 58 2F 72 69 73 63 76 36 34 2F 68 65 78
- 30 2D 73 65 65 64 00 ; ../bootstrap-seeds/POSIX/riscv64/hex0-seed
M POSIX/riscv64/kaem-minimal.hex0 => POSIX/riscv64/kaem-minimal.hex0 +196 -196
@@ 68,122 68,122 @@ B2 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_memsz
# s4: command_done
# s6: malloc pointer
- 03 36 01 01 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !16 LD ; Input file name
+ 03 36 01 01 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !16 ld ; Input file name
- 63 16 06 00 # RS1_A2 @_start_out BNEZ ; Use input file if specified
+ 63 16 06 00 # rs1_a2 @_start_out bnez ; Use input file if specified
# +12B
# Else use kaem.riscv64
- 17 06 00 00 # RD_A2 ~default_file AUIPC ; load address of default_file
- 13 06 06 30 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !default_file ADDI ; into register a2
+ 17 06 00 00 # rd_a2 ~default_file auipc ; load address of default_file
+ 13 06 06 30 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !default_file addi ; into register a2
# +768B
# :_start_out ; (0x0600088)
# Open input file and store FD in s2
- 93 08 80 03 # RD_A7 !56 ADDI ; sys_openat
- 13 05 C0 F9 # RD_A0 !-100 ADDI ; AT_FDCWD
- 93 05 06 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A2 MV ; file name
- 13 06 00 00 # RD_A2 ADDI ; read only
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 63 4C 05 2C # RS1_A0 @Fail BLTZ ; Error opening file
+ 93 08 80 03 # rd_a7 !56 addi ; sys_openat
+ 13 05 C0 F9 # rd_a0 !-100 addi ; AT_FDCWD
+ 93 05 06 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a2 mv ; file name
+ 13 06 00 00 # rd_a2 addi ; read only
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 63 4C 05 2C # rs1_a0 @Fail bltz ; Error opening file
# +728B
- 13 09 05 00 # RD_S2 RS1_A0 MV ; Save fd in for later
+ 13 09 05 00 # rd_s2 rs1_a0 mv ; Save fd in for later
# Prepare heap memory
- 93 08 60 0D # RD_A7 !214 ADDI ; sys_brk
- 13 05 00 00 # RD_A0 MV ; Get current brk
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 13 0B 05 00 # RD_S6 RS1_A0 MV ; Set our malloc pointer
+ 93 08 60 0D # rd_a7 !214 addi ; sys_brk
+ 13 05 00 00 # rd_a0 mv ; Get current brk
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 13 0B 05 00 # rd_s6 rs1_a0 mv ; Set our malloc pointer
# Using a1 for tokens and a2 for tokens[i]
# :main_loop ; (0x06000B4)
- 13 05 10 00 # RD_A0 !1 ADDI ; 256 * sizeof(char*)
- 13 15 B5 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 RS2_X11 SLLI ; 2048 = 1 << 11
- EF 00 80 20 # RD_RA $malloc JAL ; allocate space
+ 13 05 10 00 # rd_a0 !1 addi ; 256 * sizeof(char*)
+ 13 15 B5 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 rs2_x11 slli ; 2048 = 1 << 11
+ EF 00 80 20 # rd_ra $malloc jal ; allocate space
# +520B
- 93 05 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A0 MV ; set tokens pointer
- 13 06 05 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A0 MV ; set tokens[i] pointer (i=0)
+ 93 05 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a0 mv ; set tokens pointer
+ 13 06 05 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a0 mv ; set tokens[i] pointer (i=0)
- 93 09 00 00 # RD_S3 MV ; status = 0
- 13 0A 00 00 # RD_S4 MV ; command_done = 0
+ 93 09 00 00 # rd_s3 mv ; status = 0
+ 13 0A 00 00 # rd_s4 mv ; command_done = 0
# :collect_command ; (0x06000D0)
- EF 00 00 0F # RD_RA $collect_token JAL ; Get another token
+ EF 00 00 0F # rd_ra $collect_token jal ; Get another token
# +240B
- 63 06 05 00 # RS1_A0 @collect_command_comment BEQZ ; if NULL == result then it is a comment, don't store
+ 63 06 05 00 # rs1_a0 @collect_command_comment beqz ; if NULL == result then it is a comment, don't store
# +12B
- 23 30 A6 00 # RS1_A2 RS2_A0 SD ; tokens[i] = result
- 13 06 86 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !8 ADDI ; i = i + 1 (sizeof(char*) = 8)
+ 23 30 A6 00 # rs1_a2 rs2_a0 sd ; tokens[i] = result
+ 13 06 86 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !8 addi ; i = i + 1 (sizeof(char*) = 8)
# :collect_command_comment ; (0x06000E0)
- E3 08 0A FE # RS1_S4 @collect_command BEQZ ; keep looping if 0 == command_done
+ E3 08 0A FE # rs1_s4 @collect_command beqz ; keep looping if 0 == command_done
# -16B
# Deal with line comments
- E3 88 C5 FC # RS1_A1 RS2_A2 @main_loop BEQ ; keep looping if comment
+ E3 88 C5 FC # rs1_a1 rs2_a2 @main_loop beq ; keep looping if comment
# -48B
- EF 00 80 08 # RD_RA $print_command JAL ; print the command
+ EF 00 80 08 # rd_ra $print_command jal ; print the command
# +136B
- 03 B5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LD ; program = tokens[0]
- 63 02 05 28 # RS1_A0 @Fail BEQZ ; Error, no program
+ 03 B5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 ld ; program = tokens[0]
+ 63 02 05 28 # rs1_a0 @Fail beqz ; Error, no program
# +644B
- 13 01 81 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-8 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 SD ; protect tokens
+ 13 01 81 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-8 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 sd ; protect tokens
- 93 08 C0 0D # RD_A7 !220 ADDI ; sys_clone
- 13 05 10 01 # RD_A0 !17 ADDI ; SIGCHLD flag
- 93 05 00 00 # RD_A1 MV ; Child uses duplicate of parent's stack
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 C0 0D # rd_a7 !220 addi ; sys_clone
+ 13 05 10 01 # rd_a0 !17 addi ; SIGCHLD flag
+ 93 05 00 00 # rd_a1 mv ; Child uses duplicate of parent's stack
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
- 83 35 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP LD ; restore tokens
- 13 01 81 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !8 ADDI ; deallocate stack
+ 83 35 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp ld ; restore tokens
+ 13 01 81 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !8 addi ; deallocate stack
- 63 40 05 26 # RS1_A0 @Fail BLTZ ; if f == -1 no child was created
+ 63 40 05 26 # rs1_a0 @Fail bltz ; if f == -1 no child was created
# +608B
- 63 1A 05 00 # RS1_A0 @collect_command_parent BNEZ ; if f == 0 it is child
+ 63 1A 05 00 # rs1_a0 @collect_command_parent bnez ; if f == 0 it is child
# +20B
# Deal with child case
- 93 08 D0 0D # RD_A7 !221 ADDI ; sys_execve
- 03 B5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LD ; program = tokens[0]
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; execve(program, tokens)
- EF 00 C0 24 # RD_RA $Fail JAL ; Exit with an error
+ 93 08 D0 0D # rd_a7 !221 addi ; sys_execve
+ 03 B5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 ld ; program = tokens[0]
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; execve(program, tokens)
+ EF 00 C0 24 # rd_ra $Fail jal ; Exit with an error
# +588B
# :collect_command_parent ; (0x060012C)
- 93 08 40 10 # RD_A7 !260 ADDI ; sys_wait4
- 13 06 00 00 # RD_A2 MV ; set options = 0
- 93 06 00 00 # RD_A3 MV ; set *ruseage = NULL
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 40 10 # rd_a7 !260 addi ; sys_wait4
+ 13 06 00 00 # rd_a2 mv ; set options = 0
+ 93 06 00 00 # rd_a3 mv ; set *ruseage = NULL
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
# wait4 returns wstatus pointer, from which we can extract child's exit status
# Check if child exited
- 83 B5 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A1 LD ; Dereference wstatus pointer
- 93 02 F0 07 # RD_T0 !0x7f ADDI ; t0 = 0x7f
- B3 F2 55 00 # RD_T0 RS1_A1 RS2_T0 AND ; WTERMSIG(s) ((s) & 0x7f)
- 63 9C 02 00 # RS1_T0 @abort BNEZ ; Something went wrong, child did not exit
+ 83 B5 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a1 ld ; Dereference wstatus pointer
+ 93 02 F0 07 # rd_t0 !0x7f addi ; t0 = 0x7f
+ B3 F2 55 00 # rd_t0 rs1_a1 rs2_t0 and ; WTERMSIG(s) ((s) & 0x7f)
+ 63 9C 02 00 # rs1_t0 @abort bnez ; Something went wrong, child did not exit
# +24B
# Check exit status: WEXITSTATUS(s) (((s) & 0xff00) >> 8)
- B7 02 01 00 # RD_T0 ~0xff00 LUI ; 0xff00 = 0xffff - 0xff = 2^16 - 2^8
- 9B 82 02 F0 # RD_T0 RS1_T0 !-256 ADDIW ; t0 = 0xff00
- B3 F2 55 00 # RD_T0 RS1_A1 RS2_T0 AND ; (s) & 0xff00
- 93 D9 82 00 # RD_S3 RS1_T0 RS2_X8 SRLI ; Shift right by 8 to get status
+ B7 02 01 00 # rd_t0 ~0xff00 lui ; 0xff00 = 0xffff - 0xff = 2^16 - 2^8
+ 9B 82 02 F0 # rd_t0 rs1_t0 !-256 addiw ; t0 = 0xff00
+ B3 F2 55 00 # rd_t0 rs1_a1 rs2_t0 and ; (s) & 0xff00
+ 93 D9 82 00 # rd_s3 rs1_t0 rs2_x8 srli ; Shift right by 8 to get status
- E3 8C 09 F4 # RS1_S3 @main_loop BEQZ ; Loop if 0 == status
+ E3 8C 09 F4 # rs1_s3 @main_loop beqz ; Loop if 0 == status
# -168B
# :abort ; (0x0600160)
- 17 05 00 00 # RD_A0 ~hard AUIPC ; Get error string
- 13 05 25 23 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !hard ADDI ; Get error string
+ 17 05 00 00 # rd_a0 ~hard auipc ; Get error string
+ 13 05 25 23 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !hard addi ; Get error string
# +562B
- EF 00 80 18 # RD_RA $File_Print JAL ; Print it
+ EF 00 80 18 # rd_ra $File_Print jal ; Print it
# +392B
- 6F 00 80 20 # $Fail JAL ; Exit with failure
+ 6F 00 80 20 # $Fail jal ; Exit with failure
# +520B
@@ 191,37 191,37 @@ B2 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_memsz
# Receives tokens[j] in a1 and tokens[i] in a2
# Modifies a0
# :print_command ; (0x0600170)
- 13 01 81 FE # RD_SP RS1_SP !-24 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SD ; protect ra
- 23 34 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @8 SD ; protect a1
- 23 38 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @16 SD ; protect a2
+ 13 01 81 FE # rd_sp rs1_sp !-24 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sd ; protect ra
+ 23 34 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @8 sd ; protect a1
+ 23 38 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @16 sd ; protect a2
- 17 05 00 00 # RD_A0 ~prefix AUIPC ; Get prefix " +> "
- 13 05 D5 20 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 !prefix ADDI ; Get prefix " +> "
+ 17 05 00 00 # rd_a0 ~prefix auipc ; Get prefix " +> "
+ 13 05 D5 20 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 !prefix addi ; Get prefix " +> "
# +525B
- EF 00 80 16 # RD_RA $File_Print JAL ; print it
+ EF 00 80 16 # rd_ra $File_Print jal ; print it
# +360B
# :print_command_loop ; (0x060018C)
- 03 B5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LD ; get tokens[j]
- EF 00 00 16 # RD_RA $File_Print JAL ; print it
+ 03 B5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 ld ; get tokens[j]
+ EF 00 00 16 # rd_ra $File_Print jal ; print it
# +352B
- 93 85 85 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A1 !8 ADDI ; j = j + 1
- 13 05 00 02 # RD_A0 !32 ADDI ; a0 = ' '
- EF 00 40 19 # RD_RA $fputc JAL ; print it
+ 93 85 85 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a1 !8 addi ; j = j + 1
+ 13 05 00 02 # rd_a0 !32 addi ; a0 = ' '
+ EF 00 40 19 # rd_ra $fputc jal ; print it
# +404B
- E3 96 C5 FE # RS1_A1 RS2_A2 @print_command_loop BNE ; continue if j < i, otherwise keep looping
+ E3 96 C5 FE # rs1_a1 rs2_a2 @print_command_loop bne ; continue if j < i, otherwise keep looping
# -20B
- 13 05 A0 00 # RD_A0 !10 ADDI ; a0 = '\n'
- EF 00 80 18 # RD_RA $fputc JAL ; print it
+ 13 05 A0 00 # rd_a0 !10 addi ; a0 = '\n'
+ EF 00 80 18 # rd_ra $fputc jal ; print it
# +392B
- 83 30 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LD ; restore ra
- 83 35 81 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !8 LD ; restore a1
- 03 36 01 01 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !16 LD ; restore a2
- 13 01 81 01 # RD_SP RS1_SP !24 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 30 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp ld ; restore ra
+ 83 35 81 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !8 ld ; restore a1
+ 03 36 01 01 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !16 ld ; restore a2
+ 13 01 81 01 # rd_sp rs1_sp !24 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# collect_token function
@@ 229,83 229,83 @@ B2 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_memsz
# Overwrites a0
# Uses a0 as c, a1 as token and a2 as token[i]
# :collect_token ; (0x06001C0)
- 13 01 81 FE # RD_SP RS1_SP !-24 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SD ; protect ra
- 23 34 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @8 SD ; protect a1
- 23 38 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @16 SD ; protect a2
+ 13 01 81 FE # rd_sp rs1_sp !-24 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sd ; protect ra
+ 23 34 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @8 sd ; protect a1
+ 23 38 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @16 sd ; protect a2
- 37 15 00 00 # RD_A0 ~4096 LUI ; 4096 * sizeof(char)
- EF 00 00 0F # RD_RA $malloc JAL ; allocate space
+ 37 15 00 00 # rd_a0 ~4096 lui ; 4096 * sizeof(char)
+ EF 00 00 0F # rd_ra $malloc jal ; allocate space
# +240B
- 93 05 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A0 MV ; token = malloc(max_string)
- 13 06 05 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A0 MV ; i = 0; set token[i]
+ 93 05 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a0 mv ; token = malloc(max_string)
+ 13 06 05 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a0 mv ; i = 0; set token[i]
# :collect_token_loop ; (0x06001E0)
- EF 00 40 0A # RD_RA $fgetc JAL ; read character
+ EF 00 40 0A # rd_ra $fgetc jal ; read character
# +164B
- 93 02 C0 FF # RD_T0 !-4 ADDI ; if character == EOF
- 63 00 55 18 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @Done BEQ ; We are done
+ 93 02 C0 FF # rd_t0 !-4 addi ; if character == EOF
+ 63 00 55 18 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @Done beq ; We are done
# +384B
- 93 02 00 02 # RD_T0 !32 ADDI ; if c == ' '
- 63 06 55 04 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_done BEQ ; Space terminates token
+ 93 02 00 02 # rd_t0 !32 addi ; if c == ' '
+ 63 06 55 04 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_done beq ; Space terminates token
# +76B
- 93 02 90 00 # RD_T0 !9 ADDI ; if c == '\t'
- 63 02 55 04 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_done BEQ ; Tab terminates token
+ 93 02 90 00 # rd_t0 !9 addi ; if c == '\t'
+ 63 02 55 04 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_done beq ; Tab terminates token
# +68B
- 93 02 A0 00 # RD_T0 !10 ADDI ; continue if c == '\n'
- 63 16 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_comment BNE ; otherwise check next
+ 93 02 A0 00 # rd_t0 !10 addi ; continue if c == '\n'
+ 63 16 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_comment bne ; otherwise check next
# +12B
# newline
- 13 0A 10 00 # RD_S4 !1 ADDI ; command_done = true
- 6F 00 40 03 # $collect_token_done JAL ; Done with current command
+ 13 0A 10 00 # rd_s4 !1 addi ; command_done = true
+ 6F 00 40 03 # $collect_token_done jal ; Done with current command
# +52B
# :collect_token_comment ; (0x060020C)
- 93 02 30 02 # RD_T0 !35 ADDI ; if c == '#'
- 63 18 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_escape BNE ; otherwise check next
+ 93 02 30 02 # rd_t0 !35 addi ; if c == '#'
+ 63 18 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_escape bne ; otherwise check next
# +16B
# It is a line comment
- EF 00 80 04 # RD_RA $collect_comment JAL ; Read whole comment
+ EF 00 80 04 # rd_ra $collect_comment jal ; Read whole comment
# +72B
- 13 0A 10 00 # RD_S4 !1 ADDI ; command_done = true
- EF 00 00 02 # RD_RA $collect_token_done JAL ; Done
+ 13 0A 10 00 # rd_s4 !1 addi ; command_done = true
+ EF 00 00 02 # rd_ra $collect_token_done jal ; Done
# +32B
# :collect_token_escape ; (0x0600220)
- 93 02 C0 05 # RD_T0 !92 ADDI ; if c == '\'
- 63 16 55 00 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_token_other BNE ; otherwise just store it
+ 93 02 C0 05 # rd_t0 !92 addi ; if c == '\'
+ 63 16 55 00 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_token_other bne ; otherwise just store it
# +12B
# Escape character
- EF 00 C0 05 # RD_RA $fgetc JAL ; Read the char to drop
+ EF 00 C0 05 # rd_ra $fgetc jal ; Read the char to drop
# +92B
- EF 00 00 01 # RD_RA $collect_token_done JAL ; We are done
+ EF 00 00 01 # rd_ra $collect_token_done jal ; We are done
# +16B
# :collect_token_other ; (0x0600230)
- 23 00 A6 00 # RS1_A2 RS2_A0 SB ; token[i] = c
- 13 06 16 00 # RD_A2 RS1_A2 !1 ADDI ; i = i + 1
- 6F F0 9F FA # $collect_token_loop JAL ; Read another character
+ 23 00 A6 00 # rs1_a2 rs2_a0 sb ; token[i] = c
+ 13 06 16 00 # rd_a2 rs1_a2 !1 addi ; i = i + 1
+ 6F F0 9F FA # $collect_token_loop jal ; Read another character
# -88B
# :collect_token_done ; (0x060023C)
- 63 94 C5 00 # RS1_A1 RS2_A2 @collect_token_good BNE ; return the token unless
+ 63 94 C5 00 # rs1_a1 rs2_a2 @collect_token_good bne ; return the token unless
# +8B
- 93 05 00 00 # RD_A1 MV ; i == 0, then token = NULL
+ 93 05 00 00 # rd_a1 mv ; i == 0, then token = NULL
# :collect_token_good ; (0x0600244)
- 13 85 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 MV ; Return token
- 83 30 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LD ; Restore ra
- 83 35 81 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !8 LD ; Restore a1
- 03 36 01 01 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !16 LD ; Restore a2
- 13 01 81 01 # RD_SP RS1_SP !24 ADDI ; Deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 13 85 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 mv ; Return token
+ 83 30 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp ld ; Restore ra
+ 83 35 81 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !8 ld ; Restore a1
+ 03 36 01 01 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !16 ld ; Restore a2
+ 13 01 81 01 # rd_sp rs1_sp !24 addi ; Deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# collect_comment function
@@ 314,51 314,51 @@ B2 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_memsz
# uses a0 as c
# Just throws away everything it reads
# :collect_comment ; (0x060025C)
- 13 01 81 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-8 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SD ; protect ra
+ 13 01 81 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-8 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sd ; protect ra
- EF 00 00 02 # RD_RA $fgetc JAL ; c = fgetc(input)
+ EF 00 00 02 # rd_ra $fgetc jal ; c = fgetc(input)
# +32B
- 93 02 C0 FF # RD_T0 !-4 ADDI ; if c == EOF
- 63 04 55 10 # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @Fail BEQ ; Abort
+ 93 02 C0 FF # rd_t0 !-4 addi ; if c == EOF
+ 63 04 55 10 # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @Fail beq ; Abort
# +264B
- 93 02 A0 00 # RD_T0 !10 ADDI ; if c == '\n'
- E3 14 55 FE # RS1_A0 RS2_T0 @collect_comment BNE ; loop
+ 93 02 A0 00 # rd_t0 !10 addi ; if c == '\n'
+ E3 14 55 FE # rs1_a0 rs2_t0 @collect_comment bne ; loop
# -24B
- 83 30 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LD ; restore ra
- 13 01 81 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !8 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 30 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp ld ; restore ra
+ 13 01 81 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !8 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# fgetc function
# Loads FILE* from s2
# Returns -4 (EOF) or char in a0
# :fgetc ; (0x0600284)
- 13 01 81 FE # RD_SP RS1_SP !-24 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 34 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @8 SD ; protect a1
- 23 38 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @16 SD ; protect a2
+ 13 01 81 FE # rd_sp rs1_sp !-24 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 34 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @8 sd ; protect a1
+ 23 38 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @16 sd ; protect a2
- 93 08 F0 03 # RD_A7 !63 ADDI ; sys_read
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; Get stack address
- 13 05 09 00 # RD_A0 RS1_S2 MV ; read from input file
- 13 06 10 00 # RD_A2 !1 ADDI ; read 1 character
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 F0 03 # rd_a7 !63 addi ; sys_read
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; Get stack address
+ 13 05 09 00 # rd_a0 rs1_s2 mv ; read from input file
+ 13 06 10 00 # rd_a2 !1 addi ; read 1 character
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
- 63 16 05 00 # RS1_A0 @fgetc_done BNEZ ; Check if nothing was read
+ 63 16 05 00 # rs1_a0 @fgetc_done bnez ; Check if nothing was read
# +12B
# :fgetc_fail ; (0x06002A8)
- 93 02 C0 FF # RD_T0 !-4 ADDI ; Use -4 as EOF
- 23 80 55 00 # RS1_A1 RS2_T0 SB ; Store EOF in *a1
+ 93 02 C0 FF # rd_t0 !-4 addi ; Use -4 as EOF
+ 23 80 55 00 # rs1_a1 rs2_t0 sb ; Store EOF in *a1
# :fgetc_done ; (0x06002B0)
- 03 85 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LB ; return char in a0
- 83 35 81 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !8 LD ; restore a1
- 03 36 01 01 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !16 LD ; restore a2
- 13 01 81 01 # RD_SP RS1_SP !24 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 03 85 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lb ; return char in a0
+ 83 35 81 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !8 ld ; restore a1
+ 03 36 01 01 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !16 ld ; restore a2
+ 13 01 81 01 # rd_sp rs1_sp !24 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# Malloc isn't actually required if the program being built fits in the initial memory
@@ 366,83 366,83 @@ B2 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ## p_memsz
# Requires MALLOC pointer to be initialized and a0 to have the number of desired bytes
# :malloc ; (0x06002C4)
- 13 01 81 FF # RD_SP RS1_SP !-8 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 SD ; protect a1
+ 13 01 81 FF # rd_sp rs1_sp !-8 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 sd ; protect a1
- 93 05 0B 00 # RD_A1 RS1_S6 MV ; Store the current pointer
- 33 05 65 01 # RD_A0 RS1_A0 RS2_S6 ADD ; Request the number of desired bytes
- 93 08 60 0D # RD_A7 !214 ADDI ; sys_brk
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 13 0B 05 00 # RD_S6 RS1_A0 MV ; Set our malloc pointer
- 13 85 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 MV ; Return the pointer
+ 93 05 0B 00 # rd_a1 rs1_s6 mv ; Store the current pointer
+ 33 05 65 01 # rd_a0 rs1_a0 rs2_s6 add ; Request the number of desired bytes
+ 93 08 60 0D # rd_a7 !214 addi ; sys_brk
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 13 0B 05 00 # rd_s6 rs1_a0 mv ; Set our malloc pointer
+ 13 85 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 mv ; Return the pointer
- 83 35 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP LD ; restore a1
- 13 01 81 00 # RD_SP RS1_SP !8 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 35 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp ld ; restore a1
+ 13 01 81 00 # rd_sp rs1_sp !8 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# File_Print function
# Receives CHAR* in a0
# calls fputc for every non-null char
# :File_Print ; (0x06002F0)
- 13 01 81 FE # RD_SP RS1_SP !-24 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 11 00 # RS1_SP RS2_RA SD ; protect ra
- 23 34 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @8 SD ; protect a1
- 23 38 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @16 SD ; protect a2
- 93 05 05 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A0 MV ; protect a0
+ 13 01 81 FE # rd_sp rs1_sp !-24 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 11 00 # rs1_sp rs2_ra sd ; protect ra
+ 23 34 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @8 sd ; protect a1
+ 23 38 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @16 sd ; protect a2
+ 93 05 05 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a0 mv ; protect a0
- 63 0C 05 00 # RS1_A0 @File_Print_Done BEQZ ; Protect against nulls
+ 63 0C 05 00 # rs1_a0 @File_Print_Done beqz ; Protect against nulls
# +24B
# :File_Print_Loop ; (0x0600308)
- 03 C5 05 00 # RD_A0 RS1_A1 LBU ; Read byte
- 63 08 05 00 # RS1_A0 @File_Print_Done BEQZ ; Stop at NULL
+ 03 C5 05 00 # rd_a0 rs1_a1 lbu ; Read byte
+ 63 08 05 00 # rs1_a0 @File_Print_Done beqz ; Stop at NULL
# +16B
- EF 00 00 02 # RD_RA $fputc JAL ; print it
+ EF 00 00 02 # rd_ra $fputc jal ; print it
# +32B
- 93 85 15 00 # RD_A1 RS1_A1 !1 ADDI ; S = S + 1
- 6F F0 1F FF # $File_Print_Loop JAL ; Keep printing
+ 93 85 15 00 # rd_a1 rs1_a1 !1 addi ; S = S + 1
+ 6F F0 1F FF # $File_Print_Loop jal ; Keep printing
# -16B
# :File_Print_Done ; (0x060031C)
- 83 30 01 00 # RD_RA RS1_SP LD ; restore ra
- 83 35 81 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !8 LD ; restore a1
- 03 36 01 01 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !16 LD ; restore a2
- 13 01 81 01 # RD_SP RS1_SP !24 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 83 30 01 00 # rd_ra rs1_sp ld ; restore ra
+ 83 35 81 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !8 ld ; restore a1
+ 03 36 01 01 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !16 ld ; restore a2
+ 13 01 81 01 # rd_sp rs1_sp !24 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# fputc function
# receives CHAR in a0 and load FILE* from stdout
# writes char and returns
# :fputc ; (0x0600330)
- 13 01 81 FE # RD_SP RS1_SP !-24 ADDI ; allocate stack
- 23 30 A1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A0 SD ; protect a0
- 23 34 B1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A1 @8 SD ; protect a1
- 23 38 C1 00 # RS1_SP RS2_A2 @16 SD ; protect a2
- 93 08 00 04 # RD_A7 !64 ADDI ; sys_write
- 13 05 10 00 # RD_A0 !1 ADDI ; write to stdout
- 93 05 01 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP MV ; Get stack address
- 13 06 10 00 # RD_A2 !1 ADDI ; write 1 character
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
- 03 35 01 00 # RD_A0 RS1_SP LD ; restore a0
- 83 35 81 00 # RD_A1 RS1_SP !8 LD ; restore a1
- 03 36 01 01 # RD_A2 RS1_SP !16 LD ; restore a2
- 13 01 81 01 # RD_SP RS1_SP !24 ADDI ; deallocate stack
- 67 80 00 00 # RS1_RA JALR ; return
+ 13 01 81 FE # rd_sp rs1_sp !-24 addi ; allocate stack
+ 23 30 A1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a0 sd ; protect a0
+ 23 34 B1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a1 @8 sd ; protect a1
+ 23 38 C1 00 # rs1_sp rs2_a2 @16 sd ; protect a2
+ 93 08 00 04 # rd_a7 !64 addi ; sys_write
+ 13 05 10 00 # rd_a0 !1 addi ; write to stdout
+ 93 05 01 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp mv ; Get stack address
+ 13 06 10 00 # rd_a2 !1 addi ; write 1 character
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
+ 03 35 01 00 # rd_a0 rs1_sp ld ; restore a0
+ 83 35 81 00 # rd_a1 rs1_sp !8 ld ; restore a1
+ 03 36 01 01 # rd_a2 rs1_sp !16 ld ; restore a2
+ 13 01 81 01 # rd_sp rs1_sp !24 addi ; deallocate stack
+ 67 80 00 00 # rs1_ra jalr ; return
# :Done ; (0x0600368)
# Terminate program with 0 return code
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 13 05 00 00 # RD_A0 MV ; Return code 0
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 D0 05 # rd_a7 !93 addi ; sys_exit
+ 13 05 00 00 # rd_a0 mv ; Return code 0
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
# :Fail ; (0x0600374)
# Terminate program with 1 return code
- 93 08 D0 05 # RD_A7 !93 ADDI ; sys_exit
- 13 05 10 00 # RD_A0 !1 ADDI ; Return code 1
- 73 00 00 00 # ECALL ; syscall
+ 93 08 D0 05 # rd_a7 !93 addi ; sys_exit
+ 13 05 10 00 # rd_a0 !1 addi ; Return code 1
+ 73 00 00 00 # ecall ; syscall
# :default_file ; (0x0600380)