M c_stage1.c => c_stage1.c +98 -2
@@ 43,6 43,7 @@ int pattern_compress(struct token_list* i, struct pattern* p)
if(NULL == p->next) return TRUE;
struct token_list* hold = i->next;
i->next = i->next->next;
+ free(hold->s);
return TRUE;
@@ 50,6 51,7 @@ int pattern_compress(struct token_list* i, struct pattern* p)
void combine_common()
struct token_list* i = global_token;
+ struct token_list* hold;
struct pattern* decrement = new_pattern("-", new_pattern("-", NULL));
struct pattern* increment = new_pattern("+", new_pattern("+", NULL));
@@ 77,7 79,51 @@ void combine_common()
if(NULL == i->next) break;
- if(pattern_compress(i, leftassign)) i->s = "<<=";
+ if(match(i->s, "#include"))
+ {
+ i = i->next;
+ while(match(" ", i->s))
+ {
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ if(match("<", i->s))
+ {
+ reset_hold_string();
+ strcat(hold_string, "<");
+ require(NULL != i->next, "incomplete #include < block>\n");
+ strcat(hold_string, i->next->s);
+ require(NULL != i->next->next, "incomplete #include <block>\n");
+ require(match(i->next->next->s, "."), "not a proper #include <name>\n");
+ strcat(hold_string, ".");
+ require(NULL != i->next->next->next, "incomplete #include <block>\n");
+ strcat(hold_string, i->next->next->next->s);
+ require(NULL != i->next->next->next->next, "incomplete #include <block>\n");
+ require(match(i->next->next->next->next->s, ">"), "not a properly terminated #include <name>\n");
+ strcat(hold_string, ">");
+ /* Free up old string */
+ free(i->s);
+ i->s = calloc(strlen(hold_string)+1, sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(i->s, hold_string);
+ hold = i->next;
+ i->next = i->next->next->next->next->next;
+ /* Clean up the bits */
+ free(hold->next->next->next->s);
+ free(hold->next->next->next);
+ free(hold->next->next->s);
+ free(hold->next->next);
+ free(hold->next->s);
+ free(hold->next);
+ free(hold->s);
+ free(hold);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pattern_compress(i, leftassign)) i->s = "<<=";
else if(pattern_compress(i, rightassign)) i->s = ">>=";
else if(pattern_compress(i, decrement)) i->s = "--";
else if(pattern_compress(i, increment)) i->s = "++";
@@ 100,7 146,55 @@ void combine_common()
else if(pattern_compress(i, arrow)) i->s = "->";
else i = i->next;
+void sort_out_labels()
+ /* This is just my guess at a heuristic for figuring out the difference between */
+ /* label: and Ternary ? conditional : alt */
+ /* This will fail if labels are not on their own lines alone */
+ struct token_list* i = global_token;
+ struct token_list* hold;
+ int count;
+ struct token_list* maybe = NULL;
+ while(NULL != i)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ require(NULL != i, "hit null while trying to sort out labels\n");
+ while(!match(i->s, "\n"))
+ {
+ if(NULL == i) break;
+ if(NULL == i->next) break;
+ if(match(i->next->s, ":"))
+ {
+ maybe = i;
+ }
+ else if(!match(i->s, " ") && !match(i->s, "\t") && !match(i->s, "\n"))
+ {
+ count = count + 1;
+ }
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ if(1 == count)
+ {
+ if(NULL == maybe) continue;
+ reset_hold_string();
+ strcat(hold_string, maybe->s);
+ strcat(hold_string, ":");
+ free(maybe->s);
+ maybe->s = calloc(strlen(hold_string)+1, sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(maybe->s, hold_string);
+ hold = maybe->next;
+ maybe->next = maybe->next->next;
+ free(hold->s);
+ free(hold);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maybe = NULL;
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ }
void stage1_preprocess()
@@ 114,5 208,7 @@ void stage1_preprocess()
if(4 == DUMP_STAGE) dump_stage_raw();
if(5 == DUMP_STAGE) dump_stage_straight();
+ sort_out_labels();
+ if(6 == DUMP_STAGE) dump_stage_raw();
+ if(7 == DUMP_STAGE) dump_stage_straight();
M cc_globals.c => cc_globals.c +1 -0
@@ 38,6 38,7 @@ size_t MAX_STRING;
/* enable preprocessor-only mode */
/* enable spawn behavior to be effective */
char* M2LIBC_PATH;
M cc_globals.h => cc_globals.h +1 -0
@@ 41,6 41,7 @@ extern size_t MAX_STRING;
/* enable preprocessor-only mode */
+extern int C_PREPROCESS;
/* enable spawn behavior to be effective */
extern char* M2LIBC_PATH;
M cc_reader.c => cc_reader.c +33 -7
@@ 216,14 216,40 @@ struct token_list* reverse_list(struct token_list* head)
void insert_file_header(char* name, int line)
+ if(C_PREPROCESS) line = line-1;
char* hold_line = int2str(line, 10, FALSE);
- reset_hold_string();
- strcat(hold_string, "#FILENAME ");
- strcat(hold_string, name);
- strcat(hold_string, " ");
- strcat(hold_string, hold_line);
- token = new_token(hold_string, strlen(hold_string)+2, name, line, token, token);
- token = new_token("\n", 3, name, line, token, token);
+ {
+ reset_hold_string();
+ strcat(hold_string, "# ");
+ strcat(hold_string, hold_line);
+ if('<' == name[0])
+ {
+ strcat(hold_string, " ");
+ strcat(hold_string, name);
+ strcat(hold_string, " ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(hold_string, " \"");
+ strcat(hold_string, name);
+ strcat(hold_string, "\" ");
+ }
+ strcat(hold_string, " ");
+ token = new_token(hold_string, strlen(hold_string)+2, name, line, token, token);
+ token = new_token("\n", 3, name, line, token, token);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reset_hold_string();
+ strcat(hold_string, "#FILENAME ");
+ strcat(hold_string, name);
+ strcat(hold_string, " ");
+ strcat(hold_string, hold_line);
+ token = new_token(hold_string, strlen(hold_string)+2, name, line, token, token);
+ token = new_token("\n", 3, name, line, token, token);
+ }
struct token_list* read_all_tokens(FILE* a, struct token_list* current, char* filename)
M cpp.c => cpp.c +1 -1
@@ 142,10 142,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
Architecture = NULL;
DESTINATION_NAME = "/dev/stdout";
global_token = NULL;
/* Our fun locals */
FILE* in = stdin;
char* name;
int follow_includes = TRUE;