
acfe6d0a81a47e897222b505857b63d935b0e35d — ocsmit 1 year, 10 months ago 77251ee
Update documentation for RegionQuad objects
1 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

M pyquad/region_quadtree.py
M pyquad/region_quadtree.py => pyquad/region_quadtree.py +87 -12
@@ 17,8 17,52 @@ TArray2D = np.ndarray[Any, Any]

class RegionNode:
    Base building block for region quadtree
    """Node class for region quadtree

    Provides methods for decomposition, recursion, and visualizing individual nodes.

    array : TArray2D
        Numpy array of 2 dimensions
    bounding_box : BoundingBox | None
        Bounding box, optional. If not specified then the bounding box is generated from `array` bounds.
    depth : int
        Depth of the node within the tree, optional. Default is 0.
    split_func : Callable[[TArray2D], Any]
        Function which computes the splitting criteria. Could be anything as long as it takes an numpy array as an argument, and returns a real number.

    bounding_box: BoundingBox
        Bounding box of node
    depth: int
        Depth of node
    sw: RegionNode | None
        Child nodes, if None then no children

    val: int | float
        Assigned value for node

    Class Attributes
    leaf: bool
        If node is leaf or not

        Recursively subdivide node into 4 quadrants of type RegionNode
        Plots nodes bounding box on a matplotlib axis.
        If the node has children nodes then it recurses until all children nodes are drawn


    def __init__(

@@ 35,7 79,10 @@ class RegionNode:

        self.depth = depth
        self.children = 0
        self.val = self.split_criteria = split_func(array.flatten())
            self.val = self.split_criteria = split_func(array.flatten())
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            self.val = self.split_criteria = None
        self.split_func = split_func

        self.data: Union[None, TArray2D] = array

@@ 50,7 97,7 @@ class RegionNode:

    def split(self, array: TArray2D) -> None:
        Recursively subdivide node into 4 quadrants of type RegionQuadTree
        Recursively subdivide node into 4 quadrants of type RegionNode


@@ 76,7 123,7 @@ class RegionNode:
    def draw(
        ax: MplAxes,
        **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any],
        **kwargs: Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]],
    ) -> None:
        Helper method to plot tree nodes on a matplotlib axis

@@ 135,8 182,36 @@ class RegionNode:

class RegionQuadTree:
    Interface for constructing region quadtrees
    """Interface for region quadtree

    Provides interface to generate full tree of RegionNodes

    array : TArray2D
        Numpy array of 2 dimensions
    max_depth: int
        Maximum depth that the tree can recurse to
    split_func : Callable[[TArray2D], Any]
        Function which computes the splitting criteria. Could be anything as long as it takes an numpy array as an argument, and returns a real number.
    split_thresh: int | float
        The threhold with which to determine to continue splitting or not.
        I.e. if split_func(A) <= split_thresh then stop recursion and make node the leaf.

    Class Attributes
    root: RegionNode
        Root node of tree, all other nodes will start here

        Plots full tree on a matplotlib axis
        Not Implemented


    def __init__(

@@ 150,9 225,9 @@ class RegionQuadTree:
        self.max_depth = max_depth
        self.split_func = split_func
        self.split_thresh = split_thresh

    def start(self, array: TArray2D) -> None:
    def __start(self, array: TArray2D) -> None:
        Constructor method for RegionQuadTree

@@ 170,9 245,9 @@ class RegionQuadTree:
        self.root = RegionNode(array, split_func=self.split_func)

        # build quadtree
        self.build(self.root, array)
        self.__build(self.root, array)

    def build(self, node: RegionNode, array: TArray2D) -> None:
    def __build(self, node: RegionNode, array: TArray2D) -> None:
        Recursive function to build out tree

@@ 213,7 288,7 @@ class RegionQuadTree:

        for children in CHILDREN_NAMES:
            self.build(node.__dict__[children], array)
            self.__build(node.__dict__[children], array)

    def draw(