A => Makefile +56 -0
@@ 1,56 @@
+CC = gcc
+CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O0 -std=c11 -Wextra -Wwrite-strings \
+-Wno-parentheses -Wpedantic -Warray-bounds -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wnewline-eof
+# Test for leaks with llvm
+# Apple clang does not support sanitize
+ifeq ($(CHECKLEAK),1)
+ CC=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang
+ CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak
+SOURCES=$(wildcard src/**/*.c src/*.c)
+OBJECTS=$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(SOURCES)) # list *.c -> *.o
+TARGET = day01
+INCSOURCES=$(wildcard includes/*.c)
+INCOBJECTS=$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(SOURCES))
+all: $(OBJECTS)
+includes: $()
+# The first target defined in the makefile is the one
+# used when make is invoked with no argument. Given the definitions
+# above, this Makefile file will build the one named TARGET and
+# assume that it depends on all the named OBJECTS files.
+# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
+# # Phony means not a "real" target, it doesn't build anything
+# # The phony target "clean" is used to remove all compiled object files.
+# test: clean $(TARGET)
+# @echo
+# @echo ------------------ TEST ------------------
+# @./day01
+.PHONY: clean
+# clean
+ rm -rf build $(OBJECTS) $(TESTS)
+ rm -f tests/tests.log
+ find . -name "*.gc*" -exec rm {} \;
+ rm -rf `find . -name "*.dSYM" -print` # Remove XCode junk
+ @echo Files with pontentially dangerous functions.
+ @egrep '[^_.>a-zA-Z0-9] (str(n?cpy|n?cat|xfrm|n?dup|str|pbrk|tok|_)\
+ |stpn?cpy|a?sn?printf|byte_)' $(SOURCES) || true
A => includes/array.c +44 -0
@@ 1,44 @@
+#include "array.h"
+#include "memory.h"
+#include <stdbool.h>
+void array_init(array_t* a) {
+ a->count = 0;
+ a->capacity = 0;
+ a->p = NULL;
+bool array_grow_capacity(array_t* a, usize elemsize, usize count) {
+ usize z = (elemsize * a->capacity) + (elemsize * count * 2);
+ // Check for overflow
+ size_t max_items = SIZE_MAX / elemsize;
+ if (max_items < z) return false;
+ // Check alloc
+ void* ptr = realloc(a->p, z);
+ if (!ptr) return false;
+ a->capacity += count * GROWTH_SCALE;
+ a->p = ptr;
+ return true;
+bool array_write(array_t *a, const void *src, usize elemsize, usize count) {
+ // Check capacity and realloc mem as needed
+ if (!array_check_capacity(a, elemsize, count)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* get the address to write in new data by
+ / 1. dereferencing ptr and casting to char ptr
+ / 2. indexing into array of casted ptr at count * elemsize
+ / 3. return address of memory at indexed array location
+ */
+ void *dst = &((char *)a->p)[a->count * elemsize];
+ memcpy(dst, src, elemsize * count);
+ a->count += count;
+ return true;
A => includes/array.h +90 -0
@@ 1,90 @@
+#ifndef ARRAY_H
+#define ARRAY_H
+#include "common.h"
+#include "memory.h"
+#define GROWTH_SCALE 2 // Scale to increase array capacity by
+// Interface for dynamic array
+typedef struct _array {
+ usize capacity; // Total amount of space allocated
+ usize count; // Amount of space in use
+ void *p; // pointer to raw bytes storing our data type
+} array_t;
+// Free array_t interface
+// @param array_t * pointer to array_t interface
+void array_free(array_t *);
+// Write data to end of array_t
+// @param array_t * pointer to array_t interface
+// @param *src pointer to data to write
+// @param elemsize size of datatype stored by array_t
+// @param count number of elements in *src to write
+// @return bool returns true if successful, false otherwise
+bool array_write(array_t *, const void *src, usize elemsize, usize count);
+// vec_truncate sets the length to zero
+// inline static void vec_truncate(array_t *a) { a->count = 0; }
+// Initializes empty array_t interface
+// @param array_t * pointer to array_t interface
+void array_init(array_t *);
+// Grows size of array_t storage
+// @param array_t * pointer to array_t interface
+// @param elemsize size of datatype stored by array_t
+// @param count number of elements in *src to write
+// @return bool returns true if successful, false otherwise
+bool array_grow_capacity(array_t *, usize elemsize, usize count);
+// Checks if there is elemsize * count bytes available and grows if needed
+// @param a array_t interface pointer
+// @param elemsize size of datatype stored by a->p
+// @param count number of elements being written
+inline static bool array_check_capacity(array_t *a, usize elemsize,
+ usize count) {
+ if (a->capacity - a->count < count)
+ return array_grow_capacity(a, elemsize, count);
+ return true;
+// Defines a new Array type with a type-specific interface to
+// array_* functions and allows direct indexing on to its p members.
+// e.g. DEF_ARRAY_TYPE(int_vec, int)
+ typedef struct _##NAME { \
+ usize capacity, count; \
+ ELEMT *p; \
+ } NAME##_t; \
+// static void NAME##_dispose(STRUCTTYPE*);
+// static bool NAME##_append(STRUCTTYPE*, const ELEMT* src, usize count);
+// static void NAME##_truncate(STRUCTTYPE*);
+// static ELEMT* NAME##_at(STRUCTTYPE*, usize i);
+// static bool NAME##_makeroom(STRUCTTYPE*, usize count);
+ static_assert(sizeof(STRUCTTYPE) >= sizeof(array_t), ""); \
+ static_assert(offsetof(STRUCTTYPE, p) == offsetof(array_t, p), ""); \
+ static_assert(offsetof(STRUCTTYPE, count) == offsetof(array_t, count), ""); \
+ static_assert(offsetof(STRUCTTYPE, capacity) == offsetof(array_t, capacity), \
+ ""); \
+ inline static void NAME##_init(STRUCTTYPE *a) { array_init((array_t *)a); } \
+ inline static void NAME##_free(STRUCTTYPE *a) { \
+ reallocate(a->p, sizeof(ELEMT) * a->capacity, 0); \
+ NAME##_init(a); \
+ } \
+ inline static bool NAME##_write(STRUCTTYPE *a, const ELEMT src) { \
+ return array_write((array_t *)a, (ELEMT[]){src}, sizeof(ELEMT), 1); \
+ }; \
+ inline static ELEMT NAME##_at(STRUCTTYPE *a, usize i) { return a->p[i]; }
A => includes/array.o +0 -0
A => includes/common.h +31 -0
@@ 1,31 @@
+#ifndef CLOX_COMMON_H_
+#define CLOX_COMMON_H_
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef unsigned long usize;
+typedef signed long isize;
+#define plog(format, ...) ({ \
+ fprintf(stderr, "\033[1;34m[plog]\033[0m " format " \033[2m(%s %d)\033[0m\n", \
+ ##__VA_ARGS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
+ fflush(stderr); \
+#define perrlog(format, ...) (({ \
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: " format " (%s:%d)\n", \
+ ##__VA_ARGS__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ fflush(stderr); \
+#endif // CLOX_COMMON_H_
A => src/day-01/; +52 -0
@@ 1,52 @@
+#include "../../includes/array.h"
+#include "../../includes/common.h"
+#include <string.h>
+ * The first and last number form the calibration value, e.g.
+ *
+ * 1abc2 => 12
+ * pqr3stu8vwx => 38
+ * a1b2c3d4e5f => 15
+ * treb7uchet => 77 (note that there is only 1 number)
+ * + => 142
+ *
+ * find the sum of all calibration values
+ *
+ * Strategy:
+ * 1. Read each line into memory
+ * 2. Iterate between beginning of line and end of line, incrementing and
+ * decrementing respectively
+ * 3. Stop each branch when it finds its first value, keep searching otherwise
+ * 4. Concat the two values togther and add to a global sum
+ */
+#define BUFFER_LEN 255
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ unsigned int sum = 0, code_1 = 0, code_2 = 0;
+ size_t line_size;
+ char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+ FILE *fp;
+ const char example_data_fp[] = "ex_data.txt";
+ fp = fopen(example_data_fp, "r");
+ if (fp == NULL) {
+ perrlog("File not found");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ plog("File found");
+ while (fgets(buffer, BUFFER_LEN, fp)) {
+ plog("%s", buffer);
+ line_size = strlen(buffer) - 1;
+ plog("%c", buffer[line_size+1]);
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ return 0;
A => src/day-01/Makefile +49 -0
@@ 1,49 @@
+CC = gcc
+CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O0 -std=c11 -Wextra -Wwrite-strings \
+-Wno-parentheses -Wpedantic -Warray-bounds -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wnewline-eof
+# Test for leaks with llvm
+# Apple clang does not support sanitize
+ifeq ($(CHECKLEAK),1)
+ CC=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang
+ CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak
+SOURCES=$(wildcard ../../includes/*.c ./*.c)
+OBJECTS=$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(SOURCES)) # list *.c -> *.o
+TARGET = day01
+all: $(TARGET)
+# The first target defined in the makefile is the one
+# used when make is invoked with no argument. Given the definitions
+# above, this Makefile file will build the one named TARGET and
+# assume that it depends on all the named OBJECTS files.
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
+# # Phony means not a "real" target, it doesn't build anything
+# # The phony target "clean" is used to remove all compiled object files.
+# test: clean $(TARGET)
+# @echo
+# @echo ------------------ TEST ------------------
+# @./day01
+.PHONY: clean
+# clean
+ rm -rf build $(OBJECTS) $(TESTS)
+ rm -f tests/tests.log
+ find . -name "*.gc*" -exec rm {} \;
+ rm -rf `find . -name "*.dSYM" -print` # Remove XCode junk
+ @echo Files with pontentially dangerous functions.
+ @egrep '[^_.>a-zA-Z0-9] (str(n?cpy|n?cat|xfrm|n?dup|str|pbrk|tok|_)\
+ |stpn?cpy|a?sn?printf|byte_)' $(SOURCES) || true
A => src/day-01/day-01.c +82 -0
@@ 1,82 @@
+#include "../../includes/common.h"
+ * The first and last number form the calibration value, e.g.
+ *
+ * 1abc2 => 12
+ * pqr3stu8vwx => 38
+ * a1b2c3d4e5f => 15
+ * treb7uchet => 77 (note that there is only 1 number)
+ * + => 142
+ *
+ * find the sum of all calibration values
+ *
+ * Strategy:
+ * 1. Read each line into memory
+ * 2. Iterate between beginning of line and end of line, incrementing and
+ * decrementing respectively
+ * 3. Stop each branch when it finds its first value, keep searching otherwise
+ * 4. Concat the two values togther and add to a global sum
+ */
+#define BUFFER_LEN 255
+const char example_data_fp[] = "ex_data.txt";
+int check_int(char c) {
+ // plog("%c", c);
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ return c - '0';
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ unsigned long int sum = 0;
+ unsigned int code_1 = 0, code_2 = 0, idx_1 = 0, idx_2 = 0;
+ int line_size, tmp;
+ char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+ FILE *fp;
+ if (argc >= 2) {
+ fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
+ } else {
+ fp = fopen(example_data_fp, "r");
+ }
+ if (fp == NULL) {
+ perrlog("File not found");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while (fgets(buffer, BUFFER_LEN, fp)) {
+ line_size = strlen(buffer) - 1;
+ code_1 = 0;
+ code_2 = 0;
+ idx_1 = 0;
+ idx_2 = line_size -1;
+ while (idx_1 <= line_size || idx_2 >= 0) {
+ tmp = check_int(buffer[idx_1++]);
+ if (code_1 == 0)
+ code_1 = tmp;
+ tmp = check_int(buffer[idx_2--]);
+ if (code_2 == 0)
+ code_2 = tmp;
+ line_size = line_size - 2;
+ if (code_1 != 0 && code_2 != 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ sum += code_1 * 10 + code_2;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ plog("answer => %lu", sum);
+ return 0;
A => src/day-01/day01 +0 -0
A => src/day-01/ex_data.txt +4 -0
@@ 1,4 @@
A => src/day-01/input_01.txt +1000 -0
@@ 1,1000 @@