
1e5b4b40cad485e4515002254f804bb53b902b1a — ocsmit 7 months ago 8e35cc7
tidying + adding in some extra variables for debugging for now
1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

M src/sampler1.c
M src/sampler1.c => src/sampler1.c +11 -15
@@ 327,6 327,9 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
      } // END metropolis hastings for parameter vector

      // NOTE: When storing parameters, here is where to do it
      // printf("%lu %lu ", iter, year);
      // for (size_t i = 0; i < N_PARAMETER; ++i) printf("%f ", gsl_matrix_get(theta_hat, year, i));
      // printf("\n");

    }   // END year loop

@@ 350,7 353,8 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

      // calculate column mean for parameter p
      for (size_t year = 0; year < TS_Data->n_years; ++year) {
        column_sum += gsl_matrix_get(theta_hat, year, p);
        double th_p = gsl_matrix_get(theta_hat, year, p);
        column_sum += th_p;
      column_mean = column_sum / TS_Data->n_years;

@@ 374,20 378,20 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    // THETA STDDEV ***********************************************************
    // Update the vector storing global stddev for each parameter
    // 1. Calculate SSE
    //  sse_theta_sd <- colSums(Rfast::eachrow(theta_hat, theta_mn, "-")^2)
    // 2. Draw new stddev from gamma dist
    // theta_sd <- 1 / sqrt(rgamma(npar, nyear / 2 + a, sse_theta_sd / 2 + b))
    // message(theta_sd)

    for (size_t p = 0; p < N_PARAMETER; ++p) {
      // 1. SSE for parameter p
      double xi = 0, xj = 0, stddev_sse = 0;
      double sse_i = 0;
      double sse_2 = 0;
      for (size_t year = 0; year < TS_Data->n_years; ++year) {
        xi = gsl_matrix_get(theta_hat, year, p);
        xj = gsl_vector_get(theta_mean_view, p); // move this out (future)
        double sse_i = xi - xj;
        stddev_sse += sse_i * sse_i;
        sse_i = xi - xj;
        sse_2 = gsl_pow_2(sse_i);

        stddev_sse += sse_2;

      // 2. Draw new stddev from gamma dist

@@ 408,14 412,6 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

    // GLOBAL STDDEV **********************************************************
    // update overall standard dev (noise)
    // this line just splits the theta_hat matrix into parameter vectors
    //    t1 <- lapply(seq_len(nyear), function(i) theta_hat[i, ])
    // this line computes the VI updates
    //    t2 <- unlist(mapply(f, t, t1), F, F)
    // this line computes the total SSE
    //    sse_sig <- sum((y_long - t2)^2)
    //    sigma <- 1 / sqrt(rgamma(1, (tobs) / 2 + a, sse_sig / 2 + b))
    double sse_sim = 0;
    for (size_t year = 0; year < TS_Data->n_years; ++year) {
      // 1. Calculate VI SSE for each year and add to SSE