M src/tls-contexts.adb => src/tls-contexts.adb +2 -0
@@ 309,6 309,8 @@ package body TLS.Contexts is
procedure Close (Ctx : in out Context) is
+ Bs.tls_reset(Ctx.Context.Context);
+ Ctx.Context.Configured := False;
end Close;
M src/tls-contexts.ads => src/tls-contexts.ads +5 -3
@@ 140,12 140,14 @@ package TLS.Contexts is
with Pre => Ctx.Is_Connected;
-- Close an open TLS connection, or have no effect if there is no active
- -- connection. If a connection was estabilished using an existing socket
- -- then the socket itself will NOT be closed.
+ -- connection. The Context will be suitable for reconfiguration and then
+ -- reconnection. If a connection was estabilished using an existing socket
+ -- then the socket itself will NOT be closed. Due to libtls' internals,
+ -- the configuration of the context will be reset.
-- Note that even if the peer has closed their end of the connection, you
-- MUST close your end as well.
procedure Close (Ctx : in out Context)
- with Post => not Ctx.Is_Connected;
+ with Post => Ctx.Is_Initialized and then (not Ctx.Is_Configued and not Ctx.Is_Connected);
-- Return a record containing information about the current TLS connection.
function Get_Connection_Info (Ctx : Context) return Connection_Info