add link to original
don't change hostname
fix .pocket-home permissions
Forked from AllGray's PocketDesk
Looking for PocketDESKlite? Look here: PocketDESKlite
What is PocketDESK?.
PocketDESK is a way to run the normal Desktop GUI on your PocketCHIP without any hassle.
Does the keyboard work? Yes sir
Does the touchscreen work? Yes sir
Can i run this next to the normal PocketHome? YES SIR
The install is super simple.
Just run
sudo apt update && sudo apt install git
git clone git://
sudo ./PocketDesk/
That is it. Do a reboot and you are good to go.
The point of PocketDESK is that you can switch between the normal Desktop GUI and PocketHome
To do this simply log out of whatever you booted into
PocketHome: (See.. I put a button there for you'all)
In the login manager you click and choose the desired GUI version:
If you run into any problems, feel free ask.
Thank you to @Demonswaltz for testing
Thank you to @marshmallow for giving me pointers on PocketHome and creating a better PocketHome
And Thanks to the Slack Communiy <- Signup link.