@@ 1,14 1,49 @@
+## nytpu's notes
+1. Install sunxi-tools, uboot-tools, and android-tools (for fastboot)
+2. `FEL='sudo sunxi-fel' FASTBOOT='sudo fastboot' SNIB=false ./chip-update-firmware.sh -p`
+ to flash a PocketCHIP image.
+A table of flags that can be provided:
+== Help ==
+ -s -- Server [Debian + Headless]
+ -g -- GUI [Debian + XFCE]
+ -p -- PocketCHIP [CHIP on the go!]
+ -b -- Buildroot [Tiny, but powerful]
+ -f -- Force clean [re-download if applicable]
+ -n -- No limit [enable greater power draw]
+ -r -- Reset [reset device after flash]
+ -B -- Branch [eg. -B testing]
+ -N -- Build# [eg. -N 150]
+ -F -- Format [eg. -F Toshiba_4G_MLC]
+ -L -- Local [eg. -L ../img/buildroot/]
+Note that when updating this script to work with new versions of fastboot, I
+removed the `-i` flag that specified a specific device to target. Shouldn't be
+an issue unless you have your Android phone in fastboot mode plugged in at the
+same time as your CHIP, but be warned I guess.
# CHIP-tools
A collection of scripts for working with CHIP
## Requirements
-1) **sunxi-tools** from your package manager or from the [Sunxi repository](https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools.git)
-2) **uboot-tools** from your package manager
-2) **mtd-utils-mlc** from our repository (https://github.com/nextthingco/chip-mtd-utils) [for creating images]
+1. **sunxi-tools** from your package manager or from the [Sunxi repository](https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools.git)
+2. **uboot-tools** from your package manager
+2. **mtd-utils-mlc** from our repository (https://github.com/nextthingco/chip-mtd-utils) [for creating images]
## Included Tools
### chip-update-firmware
This tool is used to download and flash the latest firmware release for CHIP. The tool also now only supports fastboot flashing.
### chip-create-nand-images
This tool is used to generate local firmware images for CHIP and CHIP Pro.