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Showing different ways of obtaining a JDBC connection.
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There are different ways to obtain a connection to a database in a Java application. We will show some of them below, starting from the most low-level one, up to the most commonly used one.

In this demo application, we obtain a connection to a MariaDB database. We use the mariadb-java-client dependency, which contains the MariaDB JDBC driver.

#Java Service Provider Interface

Simply put, the Java SPI is a JDK API for discovering and loading implementations of a given interface. The interface is the service and the implementation is the service provider.

In our case, the service is the java.sql.Driver interface and the provider is the org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver class (which implements the Driver interface).

In order for a provider to be discovered, its JAR file must include a file named META-INF/services/<fully-qualified-interface-name> which contains the fully qualified classname of the provider class. For example, in the mariadb-java-client.jar we can find the file META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver which contains org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver.

We use the the ServiceLoader class to find and instantiate the MariaDB driver. Once we have the driver instance, we can obtain a java.sql.Connection object which allows us to communicate with the underlying database.

ServiceLoader<Driver> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(java.sql.Driver.class);
serviceLoader.iterator().forEachRemaining(driver -> {

    String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost/mydb";
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty("user", "admin");
    properties.setProperty("password", "admin1234");
    Connection connection = driver.connect(jdbcUrl, properties);
    // query db, e.g. connection.prepareStatement(…)

#Before SPI

The Java SPI was introduced in Java SE 6 and, since JDBC 4.0, the java.sql.DriverManager uses it to find and load available drivers (see below). Before that, the drivers had to be loaded manually as follows:

// load the driver class, which will call the driver's static initializer

// obtain a driver instance either with Class.forName(…).newInstance()
// or by using the DriverManager class (see below)

The driver's static initializer registers the driver with the DriverManager, as explained in the JDBC specification:

JDBC drivers must implement the Driver interface, and the implementation must contain a static initializer that will be called when the driver is loaded. This initializer registers a new instance of itself with the DriverManager.



As explained above, the DriverManager uses SPI to discover and load drivers available on the classpath. We can query the DriverManager for registered drivers using the getDrivers() method, or directly call its getConnection() method.

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, properties);
// query db, e.g. connection.prepareStatement(…)

The getConnection() method will loop through the registered drivers and return a connection from the first one which accepts the provided JDBC URL.



As mentioned in the Javadoc for the DriverManager class, “the use of a DataSource object is the preferred means of connecting to a data source”. There are, of course, multiple ways to obtain a DataSource object.

#Driver DataSource

If the driver provides a DataSource implementation, it could be used directly:

MariaDbDataSource dataSource = new MariaDbDataSource(JDBC_URL);

Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
// query db, e.g. connection.prepareStatement(…)

However, in a real-world app, using a connection pool is preferred for performance reasons. Obtaining a database connection is an expensive operation.

#JDBC Connection Pool

There are multiple JDBC connection pools out there, one of them is the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool (dependency tomcat-jdbc). It can be used in the following way:

PoolConfiguration poolConfig = new PoolProperties();
// much more pool configuration properties available

DataSource = new org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource(poolConfig);

Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool can be used in a standalone application, it does not require the Tomcat web server.

#Java Naming and Directory Interface

In a real-world application, if the application runs inside an application server (e.g. Tomcat), the DataSource is defined in the server configuration and is exposed in a JNDI context. This allows the application to retrieve the DataSource using the JNDI resource name:

// either "manually"
DataSource jndiDataSource = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/my-datasource");

// or using the Jakarta EE @Resource annotation
@Resource(lookup = "java:comp/env/jdbc/my-datasource")
private DataSource jndiDataSource;

If JPA is also used in the application (e.g. with Spring and/or Hibernate), the DataSource instance will be given to an EntityManagerFactory (JPA) or SessionFactory (Hibernate). In this case, the connection is obtained behind the scene, when it is needed.


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