
70ec5b358a5343d0d0375914ad4d6664a136b504 — Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya 2 years ago 669a0f0
Fix incorrect comment which still referred to an old hash size
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M isabella/src/index/position.rs
M isabella/src/index/position.rs => isabella/src/index/position.rs +3 -2
@@ 9,9 9,10 @@ use crate::game::StartingPosition;

const AVG_MOVES_PER_GAME: usize = 20;

/// We use a 128-bit Zobrist hash for collision resistance. A 64-bit hash should
/// We use a 64-bit Zobrist hash for collision resistance. A 64-bit hash should
/// suffice in most situations (up to 4B positions before a collision is
/// expected) but erring on the side of caution and loading lots of data.
/// expected), but we can increase to 128-bit if we need to for larger
/// datasets.
pub type BoardHash = u64;

/// PositionIndex is a UniqueFixedIndex which contains Zobrist hashes of