build: Bump version to 0.5.0
build: Update to zig 0.13
build: Bump to version 0.5.0-dev
build: Bump version to 0.4.0
Add -width-ratio-centered flag
Make the usable width centered when using `-width-ratio`
build: Add -Dpie build option
doc: Update man page and README
Add new per-tag flag to the man page
Update some outdated info in README
Implement per-tag
It is sometimes useful to remember the configuration for every tag,
instead of having a single configuration for all tags. Add a command
line option to pick per-tags, Then keep the available configurations in
a HashMap and pick the right one for user_command and layout.
ci: Use wlroots 0.17.2 for river
Implement main-location-cycle
It is useful to cycle between layout with a single command, without
caring what is the current layout. The command accepts a list of
Locations divided by comma (','). If the current location is not in the
list, the first one is chosen. Otherwise the next in the list (wrapping
around) is taken.
build: Fix errors and update to wlroots 0.17.1
deps: Update to latest zig-wayland
deps: Update url
zig-wayland moved to codeberg
Fix incorrect main width without smart gaps