
afc149054591984cf0baf06d9f014aa98dcbbca5 — Hugo Machet 2 years ago ca6ee54
doc: Improve man page format
1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

M doc/rivercarro.1
M doc/rivercarro.1 => doc/rivercarro.1 +25 -49
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
.TH RIVERCARRO 1 2022-04-23 git.sr.ht/~novakane/rivercarro
.TH RIVERCARRO 1 2022-04-23 sr.ht/~novakane/rivercarro
.B rivercarro

@@ 43,11 43,11 @@ In addition to
\- Monocle layout, views will takes all the usable area on the screen.
\- Gaps instead of padding around views or layout area.
\- Modify gaps size at runtime.
\- Smart gaps, if there is only one view, gaps will be disable.
\- Limit the width of the usable area of the screen.
\(bu Monocle layout, views will takes all the usable area on the screen.
\(bu Gaps instead of padding around views or layout area.
\(bu Modify gaps size at runtime.
\(bu Smart gaps, if there is only one view, gaps will be disable.
\(bu Limit the width of the usable area of the screen.

@@ 63,55 63,37 @@ Disable smart gaps.
.BI \-inner-gaps\  pixels
Set the initial gaps around views in pixels.
Default: 6
\(bu Default: 6
.BI \-outer\-gaps\  pixels
Set the initial gaps around the edge of the layout area in pixels.
Default: 6
\(bu Default: 6
.BI \-main\-location\  top|bottom|left|right|monocle
Set the initial location of the main area in the layout.
Default: left
\(bu Default: left
.BI \-main\-count\  count
Set the initial number of views in the main area of the layout.
Default: 1
\(bu Default: 1
.BI \-main\-ratio\  ratio
Set the initial ratio of the main area to total layout area. The
.I ratio
must be between 0.1 and 0.9, inclusive.
Default: 0.6
\(bu Default: 0.6
.BI \-width\-ratio\  ratio
Set the initial ratio of the width of the usable area of the screen. The
.I ratio
must be between 0.1 and 1.0, inclusive.
Default: 1.0
\(bu Default: 1.0
These commands may be sent to rivercarro at

@@ 127,11 109,8 @@ is prefixed by a +/- sign,
is added/subtracted from the current value. If there is no sign, inner-gaps
is set to
.IR pixels .
Default: 6
\(bu Default: 6
.BI outer\-gaps\  pixels
Set the gaps around the edge of the layout area in pixels. If

@@ 141,11 120,8 @@ is prefixed by a +/- sign,
is added/subtracted from the current value. If there is no sign, outer-gaps
is set to
.IR pixels .
Default: 6
\(bu Default: 6
.BI gaps\  pixels
Set the both inner and outer gaps in pixels. If

@@ 176,7 152,7 @@ is prefixed by a +/- sign,
is added/subtracted from the current ratio. If there is no sign, the main
ratio is set to
.IR value .
Note that the ratio will always be clamped to the range 0.1 to 0.9.
.BI width\-ratio\  value

@@ 188,14 164,14 @@ is
added/subtracted from the current ratio. If there is no sign, the width
ratio is set to
.IR value .
Note that the ratio will always be clamped to the range 0.1 to 1.0.
.B rivercarro
wwith outer gaps of 4 pixels and the top main location:
with outer gaps of 4 pixels and the top main location:
.RS 4
rivercarro \-outer\-gaps 4 \-main\-location top