M .build.yml => .build.yml +6 -6
@@ 27,22 27,22 @@ sources:
- install_deps: |
cd wayland
- git checkout 1.21.0
+ git checkout 1.22.0
meson setup build -Ddocumentation=false -Dtests=false --prefix /usr
sudo ninja -C build install
cd ..
cd wlroots
- git checkout 0.16.1
+ git checkout 0.16.2
meson setup build --auto-features=enabled -Drenderers=gles2 -Dexamples=false \
-Dwerror=false -Db_ndebug=false -Dxwayland=disabled --prefix /usr
sudo ninja -C build/ install
cd ..
- wget https://ziglang.org/download/0.10.0/zig-linux-x86_64-0.10.0.tar.xz
- tar -xvf zig-linux-x86_64-0.10.0.tar.xz 1>/dev/null
- sudo mv zig-linux-x86_64-0.10.0/zig /usr/bin/
- sudo mv zig-linux-x86_64-0.10.0/lib /usr/lib/zig
+ wget https://ziglang.org/download/0.11.0/zig-linux-x86_64-0.10.0.tar.xz
+ tar -xvf zig-linux-x86_64-0.11.0.tar.xz 1>/dev/null
+ sudo mv zig-linux-x86_64-0.11.0/zig /usr/bin/
+ sudo mv zig-linux-x86_64-0.11.0/lib /usr/lib/zig
cd river
sudo zig build --prefix /usr
M README.md => README.md +2 -2
@@ 16,7 16,7 @@ a look at some others great community contributions like [stacktile] or [kile].
## Building
-Same requirements as **[river]**, use [zig] 0.10, if **[river]** and
+Same requirements as **[river]**, use [zig] 0.11, if **[river]** and
_rivertile_ works on your machine you shouldn't have any problems.
Init submodules:
@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ Init submodules:
Build, `e.g.`
- zig build --prefix ~/.local
+ zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe --prefix ~/.local
## Usage
M build.zig => build.zig +22 -29
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@ const assert = std.debug.assert;
const fs = std.fs;
const mem = std.mem;
-const ScanProtocolsStep = @import("deps/zig-wayland/build.zig").ScanProtocolsStep;
+const Scanner = @import("deps/zig-wayland/build.zig").Scanner;
/// While a rivercarro release is in development, this string should contain
/// the version in development with the "-dev" suffix. When a release is
@@ 16,19 16,19 @@ const version = "0.3.0-dev";
pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
- const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
+ const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const full_version = blk: {
if (mem.endsWith(u8, version, "-dev")) {
var ret: u8 = undefined;
const git_describe_long = b.execAllowFail(
- &[_][]const u8{ "git", "-C", b.build_root, "describe", "--long" },
+ &[_][]const u8{ "git", "-C", b.build_root.path orelse ".", "describe", "--long" },
) catch break :blk version;
- var it = mem.split(u8, mem.trim(u8, git_describe_long, &std.ascii.spaces), "-");
+ var it = mem.split(u8, mem.trim(u8, git_describe_long, &std.ascii.whitespace), "-");
_ = it.next().?; // previous tag
const commit_count = it.next().?;
const commit_hash = it.next().?;
@@ 45,42 45,35 @@ pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void {
- const scanner = ScanProtocolsStep.create(b);
- scanner.addProtocolPath("protocol/river-layout-v3.xml");
+ const scanner = Scanner.create(b, .{});
- const exe = b.addExecutable("rivercarro", "src/main.zig");
- exe.setTarget(target);
- exe.setBuildMode(mode);
+ const wayland = b.createModule(.{ .source_file = scanner.result });
+ const flags = b.createModule(.{ .source_file = .{ .path = "common/flags.zig" } });
- const options = b.addOptions();
- options.addOption([]const u8, "version", full_version);
- exe.addOptions("build_options", options);
- exe.step.dependOn(&scanner.step);
- exe.addPackagePath("flags", "common/flags.zig");
+ scanner.addCustomProtocol("protocol/river-layout-v3.xml");
scanner.generate("wl_output", 4);
scanner.generate("river_layout_manager_v3", 2);
- exe.addPackage(.{
- .name = "wayland",
- .source = .{ .generated = &scanner.result },
+ const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
+ .name = "rivercarro",
+ .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
+ .target = target,
+ .optimize = optimize,
+ exe.addModule("wayland", wayland);
+ exe.addModule("flags", flags);
+ const options = b.addOptions();
+ options.addOption([]const u8, "version", full_version);
+ exe.addOptions("build_options", options);
- exe.install();
+ b.installArtifact(exe);
b.installFile("doc/rivercarro.1", "share/man/man1/rivercarro.1");
- const run_cmd = exe.run();
- run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep());
- if (b.args) |args| {
- run_cmd.addArgs(args);
- }
- const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
- run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step);
M common/flags.zig => common/flags.zig +13 -4
@@ 41,14 41,14 @@ pub fn parser(comptime Arg: type, comptime flags: []const Flag) type {
const field: std.builtin.Type.StructField = switch (flag.kind) {
.boolean => .{
.name = flag.name,
- .field_type = bool,
+ .type = bool,
.default_value = &false,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(bool),
.arg => .{
.name = flag.name,
- .field_type = ?[:0]const u8,
+ .type = ?[:0]const u8,
.default_value = &@as(?[:0]const u8, null),
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(?[:0]const u8),
@@ 70,8 70,13 @@ pub fn parser(comptime Arg: type, comptime flags: []const Flag) type {
var i: usize = 0;
outer: while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) {
+ const arg = switch (Arg) {
+ [*:0]const u8 => mem.sliceTo(args[i], 0),
+ [:0]const u8 => args[i],
+ else => unreachable,
+ };
inline for (flags) |flag| {
- if (mem.eql(u8, "-" ++ flag.name, mem.span(args[i]))) {
+ if (mem.eql(u8, "-" ++ flag.name, arg)) {
switch (flag.kind) {
.boolean => @field(result_flags, flag.name) = true,
.arg => {
@@ 81,7 86,11 @@ pub fn parser(comptime Arg: type, comptime flags: []const Flag) type {
"' requires an argument but none was provided!", .{});
return error.MissingFlagArgument;
- @field(result_flags, flag.name) = mem.span(args[i]);
+ @field(result_flags, flag.name) = switch (Arg) {
+ [*:0]const u8 => mem.sliceTo(args[i], 0),
+ [:0]const u8 => args[i],
+ else => unreachable,
+ };
continue :outer;
M deps/zig-wayland => deps/zig-wayland +1 -1
@@ 1,1 1,1 @@
-Subproject commit 71d21959b4671a848f1d198f6bb919f54d541f41
+Subproject commit b9c6fcb8cab3a85c5583ef371055cb589b1e7b18
M src/main.zig => src/main.zig +29 -32
@@ 62,7 62,7 @@ const usage =
const Command = enum {
- @"gaps",
+ gaps,
@@ 138,12 138,12 @@ const Output = struct {
switch (raw_arg[0]) {
- '+' => output.cfg.inner_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg),
+ '+' => output.cfg.inner_gaps +|= @intCast(arg),
'-' => {
const res = output.cfg.inner_gaps +| arg;
- if (res >= 0) output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, res);
+ if (res >= 0) output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(res);
- else => output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, arg),
+ else => output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(arg),
.@"outer-gaps" => {
@@ 152,33 152,33 @@ const Output = struct {
switch (raw_arg[0]) {
- '+' => output.cfg.outer_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg),
+ '+' => output.cfg.outer_gaps +|= @intCast(arg),
'-' => {
const res = output.cfg.outer_gaps +| arg;
- if (res >= 0) output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, res);
+ if (res >= 0) output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(res);
- else => output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, arg),
+ else => output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(arg),
- .@"gaps" => {
+ .gaps => {
const arg = fmt.parseInt(i32, raw_arg, 10) catch |err| {
log.err("failed to parse argument: {}", .{err});
switch (raw_arg[0]) {
'+' => {
- output.cfg.inner_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg);
- output.cfg.outer_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg);
+ output.cfg.inner_gaps +|= @intCast(arg);
+ output.cfg.outer_gaps +|= @intCast(arg);
'-' => {
const o = output.cfg.outer_gaps +| arg;
const i = output.cfg.inner_gaps +| arg;
- if (i >= 0) output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, i);
- if (o >= 0) output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, o);
+ if (i >= 0) output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(i);
+ if (o >= 0) output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(o);
else => {
- output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, arg);
- output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, arg);
+ output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(arg);
+ output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(arg);
@@ 194,13 194,13 @@ const Output = struct {
switch (raw_arg[0]) {
- '+' => output.cfg.main_count +|= @intCast(u31, arg),
+ '+' => output.cfg.main_count +|= @intCast(arg),
'-' => {
const res = output.cfg.main_count +| arg;
- if (res >= 1) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(u31, res);
+ if (res >= 1) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(res);
else => {
- if (arg >= 1) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(u31, arg);
+ if (arg >= 1) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(arg);
@@ 235,13 235,10 @@ const Output = struct {
.layout_demand => |ev| {
assert(ev.view_count > 0);
- const main_count = math.min(output.cfg.main_count, @truncate(u31, ev.view_count));
- const sec_count = @truncate(u31, ev.view_count) -| main_count;
+ const main_count = @min(output.cfg.main_count, @as(u31, @truncate(ev.view_count)));
+ const sec_count = @as(u31, @truncate(ev.view_count)) -| main_count;
- const only_one_view = blk: {
- if (ev.view_count == 1 or output.cfg.main_location == .monocle) break :blk true;
- break :blk false;
- };
+ const only_one_view = ev.view_count == 1 or output.cfg.main_location == .monocle;
// Don't add gaps if there is only one view.
if (only_one_view and cfg.smart_gaps) {
@@ 253,17 250,17 @@ const Output = struct {
const usable_w = switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
- .left, .right, .monocle => @floatToInt(
+ .left, .right, .monocle => @as(
- @intToFloat(f64, ev.usable_width) * output.cfg.width_ratio,
+ @intFromFloat(@as(f64, @floatFromInt(ev.usable_width)) * output.cfg.width_ratio),
) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
- .top, .bottom => @truncate(u31, ev.usable_height) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
+ .top, .bottom => @as(u31, @truncate(ev.usable_height)) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
const usable_h = switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
- .left, .right, .monocle => @truncate(u31, ev.usable_height) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
- .top, .bottom => @floatToInt(
+ .left, .right, .monocle => @as(u31, @truncate(ev.usable_height)) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
+ .top, .bottom => @as(
- @intToFloat(f64, ev.usable_width) * output.cfg.width_ratio,
+ @intFromFloat(@as(f64, @floatFromInt(ev.usable_width)) * output.cfg.width_ratio),
) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
@@ 285,7 282,7 @@ const Output = struct {
sec_h = usable_h;
} else {
if (sec_count > 0) {
- main_w = @floatToInt(u31, output.cfg.main_ratio * @intToFloat(f64, usable_w));
+ main_w = @as(u31, @intFromFloat(output.cfg.main_ratio * @as(f64, @floatFromInt(usable_w))));
main_h = usable_h / main_count;
main_h_rem = usable_h % main_count;
@@ 486,9 483,9 @@ fn registry_listener(registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.Event, context:
fn registry_event(context: *Context, registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.Event) !void {
switch (event) {
.global => |ev| {
- if (std.cstr.cmp(ev.interface, river.LayoutManagerV3.getInterface().name) == 0) {
+ if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, river.LayoutManagerV3.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
context.layout_manager = try registry.bind(ev.name, river.LayoutManagerV3, 2);
- } else if (std.cstr.cmp(ev.interface, wl.Output.getInterface().name) == 0) {
+ } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, wl.Output.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
const wl_output = try registry.bind(ev.name, wl.Output, 4);
errdefer wl_output.release();