
3dbdc321166c9f437c5264c9183c7ff08694c505 — Hugo Machet 1 year, 9 months ago 826b694
Fix gaps below the lowest secondary views

While adding views, at some point a bigger gap would be noticable
below the lowest of the secondary views. Which would grow bigger with
each new view.
That should not be the case anymore.

Also a lot of cleanup, that led to this fixed
1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

M src/main.zig
M src/main.zig => src/main.zig +58 -83
@@ 18,6 18,7 @@
const build_options = @import("build_options");

const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const io = std.io;
const mem = std.mem;

@@ 139,7 140,7 @@ const Output = struct {
                        switch (raw_arg[0]) {
                            '+' => output.cfg.inner_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg),
                            '-' => {
                                const res = @as(i33, output.cfg.inner_gaps) + arg;
                                const res = output.cfg.inner_gaps +| arg;
                                if (res >= 0) output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, res);
                            else => output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, arg),

@@ 153,7 154,7 @@ const Output = struct {
                        switch (raw_arg[0]) {
                            '+' => output.cfg.outer_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg),
                            '-' => {
                                const res = @as(i33, output.cfg.outer_gaps) + arg;
                                const res = output.cfg.outer_gaps +| arg;
                                if (res >= 0) output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, res);
                            else => output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, arg),

@@ 170,8 171,8 @@ const Output = struct {
                                output.cfg.outer_gaps +|= @intCast(u31, arg);
                            '-' => {
                                const o = @as(i33, output.cfg.outer_gaps) + arg;
                                const i = @as(i33, output.cfg.inner_gaps) + arg;
                                const o = output.cfg.outer_gaps +| arg;
                                const i = output.cfg.inner_gaps +| arg;
                                if (i >= 0) output.cfg.inner_gaps = @intCast(u31, i);
                                if (o >= 0) output.cfg.outer_gaps = @intCast(u31, o);

@@ 195,10 196,12 @@ const Output = struct {
                        switch (raw_arg[0]) {
                            '+' => output.cfg.main_count +|= @intCast(u31, arg),
                            '-' => {
                                const res = @as(i33, output.cfg.main_count) + arg;
                                if (res >= 0) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(u31, res);
                                const res = output.cfg.main_count +| arg;
                                if (res >= 1) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(u31, res);
                            else => {
                                if (arg >= 1) output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(u31, arg);
                            else => output.cfg.main_count = @intCast(u31, arg),
                    .@"main-ratio" => {

@@ 230,13 233,10 @@ const Output = struct {
            .user_command_tags => {},

            .layout_demand => |ev| {
                const main_count: u31 = math.clamp(output.cfg.main_count, 1, @truncate(u31, ev.view_count));
                const sec_count: u31 = blk: {
                    if (ev.view_count > main_count) {
                        break :blk @truncate(u31, ev.view_count) - main_count;
                    break :blk 0;
                assert(ev.view_count > 0);

                const main_count = math.min(output.cfg.main_count, @truncate(u31, ev.view_count));
                const sec_count = @truncate(u31, ev.view_count) -| main_count;

                const only_one_view = blk: {
                    if (ev.view_count == 1 or output.cfg.main_location == .monocle) break :blk true;

@@ 252,14 252,14 @@ const Output = struct {
                    cfg.inner_gaps = output.cfg.inner_gaps;

                const usable_w: u31 = switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
                const usable_w = switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
                    .left, .right, .monocle => @floatToInt(
                        @intToFloat(f64, ev.usable_width) * output.cfg.width_ratio,
                    ) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
                    .top, .bottom => @truncate(u31, ev.usable_height) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
                const usable_h: u31 = switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
                const usable_h = switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
                    .left, .right, .monocle => @truncate(u31, ev.usable_height) -| (2 *| cfg.outer_gaps),
                    .top, .bottom => @floatToInt(

@@ 277,34 277,26 @@ const Output = struct {
                var sec_h: u31 = undefined;
                var sec_h_rem: u31 = undefined;

                switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
                    .monocle => {
                        main_w = usable_w;
                        main_h = usable_h;
                if (output.cfg.main_location == .monocle) {
                    main_w = usable_w;
                    main_h = usable_h;

                        sec_w = usable_w;
                        sec_h = usable_h;
                    else => {
                        if (main_count > 0 and sec_count > 0) {
                            main_w = @floatToInt(u31, output.cfg.main_ratio * @intToFloat(f64, usable_w));
                            main_h = usable_h / main_count;
                            main_h_rem = usable_h % main_count;

                            sec_w = usable_w - main_w;
                            sec_h = usable_h / sec_count;
                            sec_h_rem = usable_h % sec_count;
                        } else if (main_count > 0) {
                            main_w = usable_w;
                            main_h = usable_h / main_count;
                            main_h_rem = usable_h % main_count;
                        } else if (sec_w > 0) {
                            main_w = 0;
                            sec_w = usable_w;
                            sec_h = usable_h / sec_count;
                            sec_h_rem = usable_h % sec_count;
                    sec_w = usable_w;
                    sec_h = usable_h;
                } else {
                    if (sec_count > 0) {
                        main_w = @floatToInt(u31, output.cfg.main_ratio * @intToFloat(f64, usable_w));
                        main_h = usable_h / main_count;
                        main_h_rem = usable_h % main_count;

                        sec_w = usable_w - main_w;
                        sec_h = usable_h / sec_count;
                        sec_h_rem = usable_h % sec_count;
                    } else {
                        main_w = usable_w;
                        main_h = usable_h / main_count;
                        main_h_rem = usable_h % main_count;

                var i: u31 = 0;

@@ 314,34 306,26 @@ const Output = struct {
                    var width: u31 = undefined;
                    var height: u31 = undefined;

                    switch (output.cfg.main_location) {
                        .monocle => {
                    if (output.cfg.main_location == .monocle) {
                        x = 0;
                        y = 0;
                        width = main_w;
                        height = main_h;
                    } else {
                        if (i < main_count) {
                            x = 0;
                            y = 0;
                            width = main_w;
                            height = main_h;
                        else => {
                            if (i < main_count) {
                                x = 0;
                                y = (i * main_h) +
                                    if (i > 0) cfg.inner_gaps else 0 +
                                    if (i > 0) main_h_rem else 0;
                                width = main_w - cfg.inner_gaps / 2;
                                height = main_h -
                                    if (i > 0) cfg.inner_gaps else 0 +
                                    if (i == 0) main_h_rem else 0;
                            } else {
                                x = (main_w - cfg.inner_gaps / 2) + cfg.inner_gaps;
                                y = ((i - main_count) * sec_h) +
                                    if (i > main_count) cfg.inner_gaps else 0 +
                                    if (i > main_count) sec_h_rem else 0;
                                width = sec_w - cfg.inner_gaps / 2;
                                height = sec_h -
                                    if (i > main_count) cfg.inner_gaps else 0 +
                                    if (i == main_count) sec_h_rem else 0;
                            y = (i * main_h) + if (i > 0) cfg.inner_gaps + main_h_rem else 0;
                            width = main_w - cfg.inner_gaps / 2;
                            height = (main_h + if (i == 0) main_h_rem else 0) -
                                if (i > 0) cfg.inner_gaps else 0;
                        } else {
                            x = (main_w - cfg.inner_gaps / 2) + cfg.inner_gaps;
                            y = (i - main_count) * sec_h +
                                if (i > main_count) cfg.inner_gaps + sec_h_rem else 0;
                            width = sec_w - cfg.inner_gaps / 2;
                            height = (sec_h + if (i == main_count) sec_h_rem else 0) -
                                if (i > main_count) cfg.inner_gaps else 0;

                    switch (output.cfg.main_location) {

@@ 466,11 450,8 @@ pub fn main() !void {
    registry.setListener(*Context, registry_listener, &ctx);

    const errno = display.roundtrip();
    switch (errno) {
        .SUCCESS => {},
        else => {
            fatal("initial roundtrip failed: E{s}", .{@tagName(errno)});
    if (errno != .SUCCESS) {
        fatal("initial roundtrip failed: E{s}", .{@tagName(errno)});

    if (ctx.layout_manager == null) {

@@ 486,11 467,8 @@ pub fn main() !void {

    while (true) {
        const dispatch_errno = display.dispatch();
        switch (dispatch_errno) {
            .SUCCESS => {},
            else => {
                fatal("failed to dispatch wayland events, E:{s}", .{@tagName(dispatch_errno)});
        if (dispatch_errno != .SUCCESS) {
            fatal("failed to dispatch wayland events, E:{s}", .{@tagName(dispatch_errno)});

@@ 524,7 502,6 @@ fn registry_event(context: *Context, registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.

                if (ctx.initialized) try node.data.get_layout();


@@ 534,9 511,7 @@ fn registry_event(context: *Context, registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.
                if (node.data.name == ev.name) {

