
Handle empty title
Read h1 as title if <title> is not found
Add rustfmt to CI


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


This is a tool that serves markdown as html.

builds.sr.ht status

./mdblog --data [data-folder] --port [1234]
  • It serves files in the data folder.
  • When extension is omitted in the URL, it finds the blog post file in the following order
    • .md, .markdown, .mdown, .html, .htm
  • If the url corresponds to a markdown file, it's rendered as html.
    • .md, .markdown, .mdown
  • If the url corresponds to a folder
    • It finds a file with the name index, fallback to blog post extensions.
    • Otherwise an index of blog posts of all recursive folders is generated.
  • There's a default style.css, can be overridden by putting a file at [data-folder]/style.css.
  • Support syntax highlight by Syntect
  • Nothing is cached.


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