
8bec71fe86c788e49a27c1e26919143cc0b3d183 — Milan Glacier 7 months ago 0378ba5 local-env-var
feat(langs): add options to modify python virtual envs locally.
2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

M lisp/autoloads/my-langs-autoloads.el
M lisp/autoloads/my-loaddefs.el
M lisp/autoloads/my-langs-autoloads.el => lisp/autoloads/my-langs-autoloads.el +33 -9
@@ 79,15 79,27 @@ language of the code block)"
    "The path to the current conda environment.")

(defun my~conda-activate (&optional path)
    "Activate a conda environment."
(defun my~conda-activate (&optional path local-p)
    "Activate a conda environment.  If called with
\\[universal-argument], only modify the corresponding environmental
variables in local buffer."
    (interactive (list nil current-prefix-arg))

    (if (executable-find "conda")
            (let ((conda-info (json-parse-string (shell-command-to-string "conda info --json")
                                                 :object-type 'plist
                                                 :array-type 'list)))

                (if local-p
                            (make-local-variable 'my$conda-current-env)
                            (set (make-local-variable 'process-environment)
                                 (seq-copy process-environment)))
                        (kill-local-variable 'my$conda-current-env)
                        (kill-local-variable 'process-environment)))

                ;; read the conda environment path
                (setq path (or path (completing-read "conda env:" (plist-get conda-info :envs)))
                      ;; if path is empty, which means we want to use the base environment

@@ 136,15 148,26 @@ language of the code block)"
    "The path to the current python venv environment.")

(defun my~python-venv-activate (&optional path)
    "This command activates a python virtual environment."
    (interactive "Dselect a python venv: ")
(defun my~python-venv-activate (&optional path local-p)
    "This command activates a python virtual environment.  If called
with \\[universal-argument], only modify the corresponding
environmental variables in local buffer."
    (interactive "Dselect a python venv: \nP")


    ;; if the path contains trailing "bin" or "bin/", remove it
    (let (pyvenv-current-env)

        (if local-p
                    (make-local-variable 'my$python-venv-current-env)
                    (set (make-local-variable 'process-environment)
                         (seq-copy process-environment)))
                (kill-local-variable 'my$python-venv-current-env)
                (kill-local-variable 'process-environment)))

        (setq path (expand-file-name path)
              path (replace-regexp-in-string "/bin/?$" "" path)
              ;; if the path contains trailing "/", remove it

@@ 179,7 202,7 @@ language of the code block)"

(defun my~poetry-venv-activate (&optional path)
(defun my~poetry-venv-activate (&optional path local-p)
    "This command activates a poetry virtual environment."
    (interactive (list

@@ 188,8 211,9 @@ language of the code block)"
                           (seq-filter (lambda (x) (not (equal x "")))
                                       (process-lines "poetry" "env" "list" "--full-path"))
                       (error (error "current project is not a poetry project or poetry is not installed!")))
                   nil t)))
    (my~python-venv-activate (replace-regexp-in-string " (Activated)$" "" path)))
                   nil t)
    (my~python-venv-activate (replace-regexp-in-string " (Activated)$" "" path) local-p))

(defun my~poetry-venv-deactivate ()

M lisp/autoloads/my-loaddefs.el => lisp/autoloads/my-loaddefs.el +9 -5
@@ 278,21 278,25 @@ Run the REPL depending on the context (i.e. the language of the
code block)" t)
 (autoload #'my/markdown-send-region "my-langs-autoloads" nil t)
(autoload 'my~conda-activate "my-langs-autoloads" "\
Activate a conda environment.
Activate a conda environment.  If called with
\\[universal-argument], only modify the corresponding environmental
variables in local buffer.

(fn &optional PATH)" t)
(fn &optional PATH LOCAL-P)" t)
(autoload 'my~conda-deactivate "my-langs-autoloads" "\
Deactivate all the conda environments, including the base environment." t)
(autoload 'my~python-venv-activate "my-langs-autoloads" "\
This command activates a python virtual environment.
This command activates a python virtual environment.  If called
with \\[universal-argument], only modify the corresponding
environmental variables in local buffer.

(fn &optional PATH)" t)
(fn &optional PATH LOCAL-P)" t)
(autoload 'my~python-venv-deactivate "my-langs-autoloads" "\
This command deactivates the current python virtual environment." t)
(autoload 'my~poetry-venv-activate "my-langs-autoloads" "\
This command activates a poetry virtual environment.

(fn &optional PATH)" t)
(fn &optional PATH LOCAL-P)" t)
(autoload 'my~poetry-venv-deactivate "my-langs-autoloads" "\
This command deactivates the current poetry virtual environment." t)
 (autoload #'yapf-format-buffer "my-langs-autoloads" nil t)