@@ 25,6 25,50 @@ On Arch Linux you need to be in `uucp` group:
## Run Python code
+### [mpremote](https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/reference/mpremote.html)
+Install `mpremote` module.
+Access REPL on the device:
+ mpremote
+ mpremote a0
+ mpremote connect /dev/ttyACM0 repl
+Run a command on the device:
+ mpremote eval 1+1
+ mpremote exec "print(1+1)"
+Run a script on the device:
+ mpremote run app.py
+Run a filesystem operation on the device:
+ # ls, cat, touch, cp, rm, mkdir, rmdir
+ mpremote cp main.py :
+ mpremote ls
+Show memory usage:
+ mpremote df
+ mpremote exec "import micropython; micropython.mem_info()"
+Mount the local directory on the device:
+ mpremote mount .
+ mpremote umount
+Reset the device:
+ mpremote soft-reset
+ mpremote reset
+Install packages from [micropython-lib](https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib):
+ mpremote mip install onewire ds18x20
### [pyboard.py](https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/reference/pyboard.py.html)
Download [pyboard.py](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/tools/pyboard.py) and install `pyserial` module.