
KVM Manager
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Add examples to README
Split defaults.conf and user.conf; update README


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kvmgr is a humble shell script for quickly deploying Ubuntu VMs to a local KVM system.


The script is meant to be simple to use. The only strictly required parameter is the hostname for the new VM.

./kvmgr.sh --name my-cool-virtual-machine


To specify the VM configuration the other command line parameters can be used:

Flag Keyword Default Value
-c --cpus 1
-m --mem 512
-d --disk 8G
-i --net default (libvirt NAT)
-o --os focal
-n --name


  1. Create a lightweight virtual machine using the latest LTS version:

     kvmgr.sh --cpus 1 --mem 512 --disk 5G --os focal --name lightvm
  2. Create a more powerful virtual machine using an earlier LTS distro:

     kvmgr.sh --cpus 4 --mem 8192 --disk 60G --os bionic --name appserver1
  3. Create a VM with the same options, but using the shorthand flags:

     kvmgr.sh -c 4 -m 8192 -d 60G -o bionic -n appserver2

#Config Files


All of the default values can be tweaked by editing the defaults.conf file to set custom defaults.


To configure the user authentication, create a user.conf file in the same directory. This file specifies three main parameters.

  • AUTH_PASSWD - The password for the default ubuntu@host user, meant for console login.
  • AUTH_USERNAME - A user that will be created in the VM, meant for remote login with SSH.
  • AUTH_PUBKEY - The SSH public key that will be added to the VM user.

An example of the user.conf file:

AUTH_PUBKEY="ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nxxxxxx"
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