user: Make config pure
programs: add flatpak and senpai
system: various updates
helix: Relative line number
also updates flake and removes devenv cuz it's broken
input: Fix playback buttons
flake: bump inputs
also add bottles back cuz i gotta hop on tsui no sora remake
flake: change zen browser flake
the main one got updated, and has audio working :^)
otonashi: too many updates
chunky commit. changes font for departure mono, changes cursor to posy's
cursor mono black, integrates sops-nix into the mix, and includes zen
browser for testing.
input: set default layout to us
programs: switch to nb
i like the workflow better in a nutshell :3
helix: tpnote integration
this took a lot of time to get working. it works by adding a new minor
mode on helix mapped to the + sign. afterwards two actions pop up: one
creates a symlink, the other boots up tpnote. also use chromium for
tpnote previews.
khal: set date formats
also limit calendar range to the next 7 days.
zsh: set default command for khal
it'll display the calendar if no arguments are provided
tpnote: add initial config
to fit with the helix workflow
helix: add markdown lsps
i might use this for note taking in uni, but i should probably try and
get a way to preview this while writing...