
views: Add interaction indicators

Any reposts, likes, and follows the user performs are now denoted by
encapsulating the count of each statistic with brackets.
readme: Init
views: Add user following

No indicators added yet to check whether you've already followed a
person or not. Triggered by clicking on the followers/following stats.
views: Add profile view

Additionally splits off post components into its own template. Doesn't
include follow interactions.
post: Implement posting

Attachments are unsupported, and, similarly to replies, no safeguards
are put in place (yet).
session: Cleaner body deserializing

Uses KnownRecords for fetching a post's body, and replaces hash symbols
with the "sharp" (♯) symbol, in order to prevent accidentally generating
headers whenever a post includes a hashtag.
session: Implement replies

It is only implemented as an interaction to other posts, not as a thread
viewer. Lacks some safeguards in terms of post length, which should be
added later on.
main: Add logging

As with most projects using Tokio, it's powered by the Tracing crate.
Will log state init and port binding, but not much else.
feed: Style homepage

A lot of the buttons are just placeholders for now, but at least having
them looks cool I guess lol
feed: Implement quote view
feed: Add post context

Adds metadata about a post. For instance, whether the post was reposted,
or is a reply to another post.
session: Toggle interactions

Likes and reposts can now be removed using the same interaction
interface. Also removes the recursive Arc<Mutex<_>>, as it's only
required for the sessions store, not the entire state.
feed: Like and repost

Also refactors session management. Note that likes and reposts cannot be
toggled, only issued once.
build: Add manifest
feed: Add post metadata

Commit also includes the placeholder for what will be the interaction
UI, essentially being a Gemini single-character input.
benitoite: Initial commit

Can only be considered a simple timeline viewer for Gemini at the
moment. Still needs a lot of clean up, but it connects at least!
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