Support Julia 1.x
Explicitly supporting Stable and LTS is not a tangible strategy as it
requires a new package release at the point of every Julia release to
not leave adopters of a new Julia release “hanging”.
Remove test target `--check-bounds`, is implicit
Consistent quoting in Makefile
Turned `usage` into `import` where applicable
Disabled code inlining for coverage target
Moved to repository sourcehut
Better name for LTS CI test
Supported version bumped to latest Julia release
Latest conversions pulled from LaTeX 2e
Latest conversions pulled from LaTeX 2e
v1.1.0 release
Just bumping the version and tagging.
Unpin Coverage.jl version on CI
Bonus, comment on why `submit_local` with default verbose is bad.
Latest conversions pulled from LaTeX 2e
Writing clarity in generated file header